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    Candlelight danced off the royal guard’s gleaming gold plate armor as he led to us the Royal Sisters in my Equestria dreamscape. We came to a halt at base of white marble dais and waited silently as the Celestia and Luna finished greeting the party in front us.

    Over the past month Petina, Carousel, and myself had pored over etiquette books in the hope that we could avoid accidentally putting our hoofs in our mouths this evening. While it true we’d attended several formal events since our arrival in Equestria, but the Royal Banquet was the biggest state function we’d gone to.

    As party in front of us departed we stepped forward. According to the protocol all three of us were considered one household/entity. With Petina on my right and Carousel on my left we stopped about four strides from the base of the dais then in unison we dropped to our right front leg and formally bowed for two seconds, one second for each of the Royal Sisters. Then in unison we rose, since I was the most elder of the house I stepped forward the prescribed half stride, looked the sisters in the eye and addressed the Princesses in the most formal voice I could muster.

     “Greetings Celestia, Princess of the Sun, Co-ruler of Equestria, Greetings Luna, Princess of Moon, Co-ruler of Equestria, I Sky Brush of Ponyville am honored to have been summoned to such prestigious event! As a loyal subject my household is most grateful for the chance to be part of this historic event. Please allow me the honor of introducing the other members of my household.”

    At this point Petina step forward half a stride. “This Petina DePony of Ponyville.” I said without take my eyes from Princesses. Carousel then stepped forward. “This is Carousel of Ponyville.” Then Petina spoke.

    “Greetings Celestia, Princess of the Sun, Co-ruler of Equestria, Greetings Luna, Princess of the Moon, Co-ruler of Equestria, as a loyal subject I am honored to be in your presence tonight. Thank you for summoning me here tonight.”

   Carousel then repeated the same dialogue as protocol required. Through all of this the Royal Sisters had remained silently, their expressions neutral. Slowly they nodded their heads unison and then Celestia spoke.

   “Greetings Sky Brush of Ponyville, greetings Petina DePony of Ponyville, greetings Carousel of Ponyville, Luna and I are most happy to see you here this most wonderful of evenings! Thank you for answering our summons!”

   At this point etiquette of had been satisfied and one could speak more informal, I felt my wings relax a bit and I smiled at the sisters.

   “So. How did we do? I hope our household did not just trample on a thousand years of Equestrian customs?” Celestia and Luna giggled softly.

   “Fear not Sky Brush.” Said the Princess of the Sun. “You and your household will not be going to the moon for any infractions!” Luna eyes were full of mirth.

  “You’ve all passed your ordeal in fine fashion!” Said the Princess of the Moon. “Now worry not about such matters and enjoy this evening!”

    With those hurdles behind us I had a better chance to examine the Two Sisters ensembles for the evening.

    For this evening the Royal Sisters were in full formal attire. It is a pity that Rarity had already arrived for I would’ve loved to have seen her reaction the first time she’d laid eyes on their wardrobe.

    Celestia gown was of a shimmering pearl-white satin that subtly changed color when moved; soft shades of pink, violet, gold and green danced across the fabric’s surface. The gown draped off her body like long shimmering cirrus clouds.

   For this evening she had dispensed her usual pectoral and ceremonial war shoes, around her neck was an exquisite strand of iridescent white opal and gold beads with a gold pendant cast in the form of her cutie mark. Long opera-like gloves of shimmering fabric covered front legs.

   Also missing from this evening was her traditional tiara, in its place a gold masterpiece of wire and carving that looked like a crown of golden leave and blossoms.

   Luna’s gown was made of a shimmering blue-black silk that sparkled like stars reflected on a slow flowing stream. The Princess of the night had also dispensed with her traditional war shoes and instead wore leggings of shimmering black silk that were chased with silver thread to appear like vines climbing up her front legs. A strand of jet, silver and lapis lazuli beads adorn the Luna’s neck, and instead of her black tiara she had single silver-white night lily in her mane.

   Standing a couple strides behind the Royal Sisters on the dais were their mares-in-waiting. Much to my surprise Applejack and Applebloom were standing at the front of group. Remembering that it was inappropriate to speak directly to the mares-in-waiting without permission I spoke to Luna first.

   “Your Highness, are my eyes deceiving me or have you and your sister employed a couple of my neighbors to assist you this fine evening?”

   Luna nodded her head. “Observant you are Sky Brush. Yes it tis true that for this event we petitioned the Element of Honesty and her little sister and asked them if they would accept the honor of being part of our entourage for this wondrous evening. It fills are hearts with much joy that they agreed to help us!”

   Celestia smiled and then spoke “Also it allows us to make certain that they are able to enjoy this evening free of intrusive questions from members of the press and gossip merchants that attend such events. Our presence grants them amnesty from such distracting influences. For everything they’ve done for Equestria, Luna and I will not tolerate such distractions tonight!”

   Applejack was standing several strides behind Celestia and was talking quietly with another mare-in-waiting. She seemed a bit nervous but apparently she had not forgotten the lessons she’d learn when she lived in Manehattan. She smiled and curtseyed to me.

   “Good evening Sky Brush, I hope you and your household are enjoying yourself this fine evening?” It was fascinating, and a bit odd, to hear AJ’s speaking like a Manehattan socialite.

   Applebloom had an older unicorn mare standing beside her. The old mare had the air of a seasoned veteran who had trained and guided many a mare-in-waiting over the years. The young filly had a rather dumbfounded look on her face as she attempted to understand everything that was going on around her. The old mare whispered something in the filly’s ear and she suddenly realized she should say something. Quickly she did a curtsey and spoke.

   “Um, Good evening Sky Brush. You and Petina and Carousel, um look great tonight! I hope ya’ll have a great time tonight at the party!”

   The old mare wince was almost imperceptible when Applebloom made her reply. However the little filly’s heart was in the right place she just needed some more instruction and polish, lots of polish.

   With more ponies behind us Celestia politely moved things along.

   “My dear little ponies. If we have the chance we’ll chat with you later, however we must fulfill our duties as host and greet more guests. Please go and enjoy the evening. Refresh yourselves until dinner is called and once again thank you coming tonight.”

   That was our cue to move on. Once again Petina, Carousel and I bowed in unison and then turned and left.

To be continued.




Reception lines - so much formal, so little honesty. I'm sure both attending Princesses smiled (or at least grinned) when Apple Bloom spoke. The assisting mare was probably thinking, "They always do that." And wonders of wonders, Petina didn't go off-script! Before or after the formal parts!


Petina knows when it is in her best interest to tow the line and behave. There's always time for off-script stuff later!


Such as "Unicorn!" (And I have a T-shirt that reads, "I believe in horses that can stab people.")