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After a wonderful dinner at Verdant Fields we had gone out and enjoyed the nights festivities before retiring in my Equestria dreamscape.

The next morning the mares were up bright and early, they wanted to go into town and do some shopping while we were in Canterlot. It had been posted all over town and in the papers that most shops would be closing early today, and tonight was the Royal Banquet so we would need to start getting prepared for it in the early afternoon.

Heading out into the streets of the city we partook of breakfast at corner café. After fortifying ourselves with coffee and blackberry pastries we began our shopping expedition.

Surprisingly Petina was not interested in shopping for clothes, jewelry or other luxury goods today, instead the white unicorn mare made a beeline for the establishment of Canter and Mane Purveyors of Commercial and Office Machinery. Petina was looking to improve the speed of her writing and she’d recently seen articles about the latest in office technology, the typewriter. For the next hour or so she poked and examined several of the models in the showroom and grilled the shop owners about their reliability, cost, training and maintenance. When we left the shop Petina was the proud owner of a new typewriter. It would arrive from Fillydelphia in about two weeks and as part of the expense, which was substantial, Petina would receive several typing lessons and hoof on instructions concerning the care and upkeep of the intricate device. Also delivery and set up in our cottage was included in the price.

With that task accomplished the rest of the morning was spent wandering the streets of Canterlot taking in the sights and sounds of the day. Along the Grand Boulevard city workers had been over the last few days erecting grandstands for the parade, now they were beginning to close off streets in preparation for tomorrows parade. Homes and businesses along the parade route were positively encrusted in ribbons, banners and flags. Over Central Park where the parade would end one could catch glimpses of the Wonderbolts rehearsing tomorrow’s performance.

While many shops were closing at noon today the eateries were not. In fact Service to the Crown Day was one of their most profitable times of the year. At small café near the hotel we were able to get a table outdoors after waiting about forty minutes. The establishment was called The Hearty Hearth and it was a modest café with about twenty tables in all. The café’s usually customers were the ponies who worked in the numerous government offices in the immediate area, the Décor was modest but very clean and well maintained.

Since we knew we’d probably be eating a substantial meal that evening we decided to partake of a fairly light lunch. Our meal consisted broiled asparagus spears that had been briefly marinated in olive oil and a dash of lemon juice; the spears were then sprinkled with sea salt, fresh cracked black pepper and a hard Parmesan-like cheese. Then they were broiled to perfection. Accompanying it was a polenta flavored with cream, fresh herbs and minced sun-dried tomatoes. More of the grated cheese was sprinkled on the polenta.

For beverages we had sparkling mineral water from a source just outside of Canterlot. Cinnamon wafers and tea spiced with orange peel and clove completed our meal, then it was back to hotel to get ready for the evening.

The rest of the afternoon we spent bathing, grooming and fussing over garments. We had arranged with the hotel front desk to have a carriage pick us up 5:30pm and take us to the palace. From our experience last year attending Octavia’s performance we had learned that three ponies wearing fancy dress did not fit well in a Hansom Cab. Besides arriving at palace in a cab seemed unbefitting for such an important evening. Therefore we rented the services of the hotel landau to take us to and from the palace.

At the appointed time we went down to hotel lobby to catch our ride. Waiting for us outside was gleaming black landau with red lacquer trim and matching red crushed velvet interior. Pulling the carriage were two young, very large, very handsome all white unicorn stallions. The stallions’ harnesses and bridles were also black and red with multiple gold bells attached to them. Their coats immaculately groomed and their manes and tails were impeccably combed. Even their long flowing fetlocks were pristine.

It was a very pleasant evening so the landau’s tops were down, and if they hadn’t been Petina would’ve insisted on them being made so. We soon learned that the stallions were twin brothers Snowline and Winter Gift. For rest of the trip Petina sat up front and chatted with them.

The Grand Boulevard was still open in a few areas for traffic. The great thoroughfare was bustling with traffic leading up to the Royal Palace. Gleaming carriages filled of ponies slowly made their way toward the palace. As we neared the palace traffic slowed to a crawl as the Royal Guard was checking for invitations before admitting carriages on to Royal Palace grounds. Finally we were allowed entrance to the palace.

This was the second time we had been invited to a formal function at the palace. After disembarking from our carriage we confirmed our pick up time with Snowline and Winter Gift and then got in the line for admission to the palace. A platoon of seniors from Celestia’s Academy for Gifted Unicorns was assisting with verifying invitations. Invitations were checked and then stamped. Eventually we able to present our invites and were admit to the banquet.

Now I have been in the palace on several occasions but I had never attended such a formal event here. Not even the Garden recital matched the sheer wonder of this evening. The sounds of ponies chatting and laughing, mingled with the sweet sound of chamber music and hundreds of hoofs strolling and dancing across gleaming marble and tiled floor. The scent of perfume, fine food and thousands of burning beeswax candles wafted through the palace. Since we were VIPs a palace page directed us to get in line so our arrival could be properly announced and so we could greet the princesses.

Slowly the line advanced toward the main ballroom entrance. When a pony of importance reached the front of the line they presented their stamped invitation. Then one of the palace unicorn heralds would announce the arrival of the pony or the party of ponies. From there one could go and meet the Royal Sisters. In clear, wondrously magical voices of the heralds carried clearly over the sounds in the ballroom, and yet they did not have to yell to be heard.

Finally it was our turn. The pale green unicorn took or invites scanned them for a moment then turned and announced.

“Now arriving, Sky Brush of Ponyville, Petina DePony of Ponyville and Carousel of Ponyville!”

At this point a pegasi member of Royal Guard in gleaming gold plate and scale armor trotted up to us. He bowed and then addressed us.

“Good evening, if you would please accompany me you may greet the Royal Sisters tonight.”

Following our guide we were led toward a raised dais where the Royal Sisters were standing.

To be continued.




In that second pic the mare in front seems to be enjoying the view of the two stallions! One of them seems to notice that he's got her attention!


I wonder if the announcement of "Ponyville" has lost its impact since Twilight moved there (and the Mane Six became a thing).


Oh if Petina could've she would've brought Snow Line Winter Gift home with us!


No it still causes rumblings amongst some of the Canterlot elite which will come to the surface in couple postings.