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Gallus laid on his bed and glared up at the nothingness of his dorm room ceiling.  The room was quiet except for a steady series of chugging and thumping  sounds that seeped through the door and in to his room. Their origin was  the washing machine down the hall that served his and the other dorm  rooms in the immediate vicinity.

    He'd  know that he was going to regret for putting off doing the laundry until  the last moment, but he had. Upon returning from aerial relay practice  this morning he'd discovered that had no other clean clothes to wear to  afternoon class. Well except for the the last pair of clean briefs which  he was currently had on.

At least they'll be done before lecture at 2pm. He thought.

    Further mental pondering was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on his door.

    "Door is unlocked." He said.

    The door flew open and Yona came storming in with her typical yak enthusiasm.

    "Hi Gallus! Yona wanted to return the book she'd borrowed from y.........."

     The yak's monologue and further forward movement abruptly came to a  halt. For several seconds she just stared at him, and for his part the  blue griffin returned it. As the silence started drag out and become  awkward he broke it.

    "Just put it over  there on my desk please." Gallus pointed at the small writing desk on  the opposite side of the small room.

    The yak turned and slowly walked over and deposited the borrowed book. She then turned around and looked at him again.

    "Gallus. Yona is wondering why you're only wearing your...."

     "I was an idiot and put off doing laundry. Their all in the wash  right now." He looked down at the briefs. "Well except for these."

     The yak slowly nodded her head causing the looped braids in her hair  to sway. "Um, okay. Yona will be leaving now. See you in lecture  Gallus."

    "Okay." said the griffin in sleepy voice as he stretched his wings. "See you later in class."

     With an odd look on her face the yak slowly walked out and closed the  door behind her. For his part Gallus resumed his staring at the  ceiling. After a few seconds he spoke out to the room.

    "Yaks, are really weird sometimes."

    The next in my anthropomorphic School of Friendship with Benefits. 

      This was done partially as a study to get better at male anatomy and  lighting since I had very little reference or lighting examples to work  from in this case.




Oh my. Another handsome male. And in just his underwear. He looks so serious, too, although with beaks it can be difficult to tell. What's also now difficult is, well... stallion or gryphon?... It seems greedy to want both :D


Yona is puzzled. In Yakistan boys wear no underwear.....neither do girls. Maybe Yona should show him.😁

Cult of Dust

I'd certainly love to walk in to such a lovely view. Hopefully many times...


ooohmy! Quite the poser, he is! Nice male anatomy too, I should be taking notes if I can pull my eyes away for a few seconds...


Petina described his abs as being like an English Muffin. "All full of yummy nooks and crannies."


Ms. de Ponie is being naughty, as usual. LOL


But is it appropriate to describe a Griffin as "Beefcake"????