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It was mild summer morning. Celestia's great orb was slowly ascending in the  east. The golden rays of her sun bathed the land in it's warm light.  Some of this light found its way through the bedroom window room at Fluttershy's cottage   and filled the room with its soft light and illuminate the two figures lying in bed.

     Fluttershy's mind slowly registered the sounds that the menagerie of  animals that resided at her place greeted the new day. Some seemed to rejoice at the sight of the new day. Others just wanted their breakfast.  

    However this morning the Chiffon Yellow mare wasn't  interested in rising away. Instead she snuggled deeper into the fur that  covered Discord's chest. This movement was acknowledged by a short  grunt from the draconeques. The mare slowly opened her eyes and stared  at his sleeping face. With a happy, sleepy smile on her face she reached  with her right hand, and gentled started batting at his beard. Like a  cat would play with a feather.

    After a few seconds of this  the Master of Chaos opened a eye and looked at the mare. "Good morning  Fluttershy." He said with a sleepy voice.

    "Good morning Discord." Said the mare with a bubbly voice. "Did you sleep well?"

    "Once we got to sleep. Yes. Although it took awhile didn't it?"

     The mare giggled and once again snuggled into his chest. Outside  number voices singing, squawking, braying, barking, clucking rose. They  ignored voices for a few minutes until Discord finally spoke up.

    "Let me guess. You're going to want to get up to feed your ani..."

    The pegasus gently rested her right hand on top of his muzzle to silence him. She stared at him for a moment, then spoke.

    "We don't have to get up. They can wait a bit longer. 



Dorian Inman

I really like how you kept the size difference between them. Many artists put him closer to her size when portraying Fluttershy as an anthro. Also, Angel in the BG, absolutely perfect!

Dorian Inman

Hmmm, just noticed his claws... Could that perchance be the reason Miss Shy is reluctant to get up? Much too enjoyable a position, me thinks.


I mean, I guess Celestia never specified exactly HOW Fluttershy was supposed to keep Discord in line, so...they both seem to be enjoying the 'reformation' process, at least. Angel, on the other hand...


I just noticed the bunny on the right side. He is not happy!


This is beautiful, tender and sweet. You make it so clear how deep their feelings for each other go. I'm also glad to find there's at least one dracoforme who isn't a bad guy in this world. :-)


Discord is complicated character. He's not evil. He's not even immoral. He's amoral and initially lacks empathy for other individuals. However through the series Fluttershy is teaching him the importance of being aware of others feelings and fates.


Celestia gives the Mane Six a fair amount of leeway to handle things as they see fit.


Unhappy Angel Bunny means things are right in the universe.


That is what makes him so cool. He's not 1 dimensional.