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"Kaching!" "She had it coming!" "Mom is not amused!" There are so many possible titles for this piece, but it is probably one of the most amusing piece I've had done on any of my Picarto streams. 

It is a patron reward for Caerdwyn who decided to sacrifice his $50.00 patreon tier reward for September to make this piece a reality. He perceived that there was a pented demand for this image. Well now it is reality, and Petina will have trouble sitting for awhile. 




Wow! Ok. I will admit that this was something Petina needed. BUT knowing her she might actually LIKE it. ;)


I can just hear that sweet motherly voice of Celestia now. "Are you going to do it again?" Althought I can't imagine she is going to hard on her, but I bet for the next week or two Petina will be seen carrying around a soft pillow... And Cadfael would be laughing...


I wonder what infamous act she did to deserve this? And I can just hear the sweet, stern, motherly voice scolding her as she gets spanked. On the plus side, at least 'mother' hasn't got the hair brush!


Poor Petina.......she needs a hug after that.

Dorian Inman

Caerdwyn, thank you. Thank you very, very much. Whatever you did, Petina, it must have been really bad to get a bare bottom spanking. I have two suggestions; don’t do it again(unless it was your plan all along to get spanked. I wouldn’t do it again too soon, Tia might catch on.) and get comfy laying on your belly for a few. I imagine that is gonna sting for awhile.


That depends on how Celestia does it. And knowing how much live experience Celestia has (and maybe with some tips from Luna), you can assume she can find a way to make Petina /not/ like it!


The thing about Petina is that she's not good at respecting others' boundaries or wishes. I rather suspect Celestia disapproves of that. And since, as DWK has observed, Celestia is a sort of "mom" to Equestria, a "mom" solution is called for. For the good of Equestria, of course.


Lot of fun watching this get drawn. And for another potential title.. "Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!" :P