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After her encounter with Scootaloo in the morning Rainbow Dash considered going looking for a drink Link but elsewhere in my Equestria dreamscape other ponies are wondering why you'd want one.

     If you were to ask Stone Mane after he returned Baltimare what he thought of his summer trip to Sweet Apple Acres. He would've told you it was the best summer he'd ever spent. However at this moment him and Applebloom were stuck doing some very hot, dusty and dirty work.

     Although summer had just started the Apple family was making preparations for the late summer heat and even the approaching fall and winter months. This meant checking the shelves in the root cellar had no mold on them and no water was seeping in through the stone walls of the cellar. Rotating the stores that were still in it and disposing of vegetables that were showing signs of spoiling.

     After that the foals were assigned with sweeping out additional wood sheds where the family would store the many, many extra cords of firewood they would need for the colder months of the year. This entailed evicting many, many spiders and their webs from the shed.

     Then it was up to the attic to retrieve cots for the summer months when the worst of the summer heat hit Ponyville and the Apple family would sleep out on the farmers porch. Applejack had already strung up the mosquito netting on the porch so that ponies could sleep free from the onslaught of tiny pesky nighttime intruders.

     Once several other routine chores had been completed the foals headed out to the CMC treehouse to do some clean up there. Apparently next week was the inaugural CMC clubhouse summer sleepover and Applebloom wanted everything just right. Especially since girls were planning to initiate Stone Mane into the order. Although the colt was unsure what exactly that would involve.

     It was around 3 in the afternoon when colts found themselves with some free time before the afternoon chores needed to begin. This resulted in the Applebloom showing Stone Mane some of the more obscure and hidden off spots around Sweet Apple Acres. The colt had been there for almost 2 weeks but he was still amazed at the myriad of buildings, barns, sheds, cellars both new and abandoned that littered the farm.

     It was in one of these small outbuildings that the 2 foals came across a strange collections of tubes and pipes all attached to some kind of sealed kettle. Normally the building was locked up so Applebloom wasn't exactly sure what it was all for.

     "It's Granny's special place according ta sis." The filly said. "Usually after the harvest is in, but befer it gits really frosty Granny will be out here cooking sumthin up. Not sure what but sis and big brother say its where Granny makes her favorite stuff? Normally the door is locked. Apparently Granny fergot ta do that the last time she was out here."

     "Why doesn't she do the cooking in the kitchen?" Stone Mane asked as he looked around the shed. "And what does she cook here?"

     "Not sure." The filly said shrugging her shoulders. "All I know is that after we're dun makin cider Granny rolls out 3 or 4 barrels of it out here and does sumthin with it. Becuz a week or so later she comes back carrying these here jugs of sumthin." The filly pointed at some corked stoneware jugs sitting on a shelf. "Apparently ponies r' really fond of it cuz Granny makes whole heap of bits selling it ta them. Except fer the few jugs she keeps fer herself."

     "What's it made of ?" Stone Mane picked up one of the jugs.

     "Well from apples, cider, and other stuff I guess?" Said the filly. "I mean she rolls dem barrels of cider inta the shed, so must be doin sumthin with them?"

     Stone Mane lifted a jug off the shelf pulled the cork from the jug and gave it sniff and then made a face. "Whoa! What the hay?" He sniffed it again. "Well it sort of, maybe smells like apples, but are you sure doesn't use it for cleaning stuff?"

     Applebloom wandered over and gave the jug a sniff and grimaced. "By Luna's full moon! That's sumthin! I've seen Granny drink it all the time. She told me once it was the secret ta long and happy life. And she's ancient!"

     The colt sniffed the jug again and winced. "You drink this?"

     "Yep!" Said the filly. "Here give it ta me." The colt got quizzical look but passed the jug over. Applebloom held the jug and then took a sip, and then promptly started coughing.

     "Wow! I reckon that's....that's. I don't what that is? Granny did say it was an acquired taste."

     Stone took the jug and took a swig and then made face. "Why would you want to acquire a taste for that?!"

     AB smirked at the colt. "What's the matter Stone? Too strong fer ya?" To emphasis her point she took another swig. Then the filly tried really, really hard not to cough again. And failed.

     The colt frowned. "No. I just don't think it tastes good."

     "Really?" The filly took a smaller swig but still coughed.

     Stone Mane made a grumpy face. "Fine. Pass it over!"

     AB smiled and passed the jug.

To be continued.




Something tells me this will end with the foals getting two kinds of punishments, one direct and one roundabout,


The younger generation doesn't appreciate the fine old flavors! And I bet they dislike the awesomeness that was Maxwell House with the burned Robusta beans with a hint of Lucky Strikes unfiltered.


Yes. I have often wondered when I am looking at recipes in older cookbooks. I'll be reading the list of ingredients and thinking. "Huh?" How much of that is just the result of different expectations of how food should taste, and how much is that people's sense of taste and smell had been altered by smoking and being around smokers.