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Maud Pie's slipped beneath the water with the slightest of splashes. Her momentum slowed quickly but she still reached the bottom at the 10ft end of the pool. Slowly she rotated and placed her hooves on the pool floor. Gently she pushed off and floated back to the surface.

      Continuing my series of drawings inspired by moments in my Anthro MLP dreamscape. In that setting Maud Pie is not just geologist but she's also enjoys 20m high board diving as a hobby. Link, Link




20 METERS??? THAT'S WHAT, +/- 67 FEET???? THAT'S Roughly 10 Times as Celly [anthro] is tall. The Olympic high platform is 10 meters, IIRC. Where did Ms. Pie learn to high dive, Acapulco ?? Just what would the pony pun name for Acapulco be, anyway??? 'Axe


Excellent anatomy and physics in this one.