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Applejack is no dream manipulation savant like her little sister Applebloom, but she's learning a thing or two in my Equestria dreamscape.

The earth pony opened her dream eye and found herself in a version of her real world bedroom. The mare rolled out of bed and looked around with a smile on her face. She had no past memory of being able to lucid dream this consistently in her sleep. Maybe it was a result of her interactions King Trafalgar Maximilian Augustus Leopold the III? Perhaps Applebloom's tips and advice had helped? Was this a side effect Princess Luna's talent rubbing off on the farm pony? Either way the mare was enjoying this new found talent

The mare trotted over to her bedroom window on the second floor and pushed the curtain aside. Laid out before her was the barnyard and beyond that the rows of apple trees that made up the bulk of Sweet Apple Acres. She pushed the sash window up and leaned out. It was an early summer day and the air was filled with the sound of chickens clucking down in their run and the sweet smell of apple blossoms. The yellow-orange whinnied happily and then trotted off downstairs to inspect the rest of the farm house.


A little while later, and the house inspection behind her, Applejack returned to her bedroom and came to a stop in front of her full length mirror. Now for the experiment she was eager to try tonight. She closed her eyes and imagined her mouse form. She'd only been a mouse twice, but one of those times she'd spent at least a couple of hours staring at herself in a mirror while loading garments into her dream diamond. Link So she had a really good idea what she looked like in that form.

It took several minutes but eventually she was able to change her form! Once again she was a mouse....and now everything in her room now towered over her.

"Ah nuts!" muttered the mouse. "It shur would be nice if have everything more less the same size no matter what I was! I reckon I should be able ta do if I....

What followed was what seemed like for AJ to be several hours of her trying to manipulate size of not only dream version of the farmhouse/barn of Sweet Apple Acres, but also the surrounding landscape. Finally she had a dream variant of her waking world that was more or less conveniently sized for her to get around in it whether she was a mouse or a pony. Now next on the to do list

Through all of this AJ had been wearing the same crimson red bikini she'd been wearing when last had lunch with the king, but as she turned and looked over the shoulder at herself in the mirror there was something that bugged. She had some nicely shaped haunches, at least to her eyes, but they looked really plain without those 3 beautiful red apples that she usually had. Something had to be done about that!

Once again Applejack closed her eyes and visualized in her mind the image of the cutie mark that adorn her backside since she'd been a filly. Then imagined those marks on currently blank backside. A few seconds later she felt tingling in the right spot, and upon opening her eyes she was rewarded with the sight of them right where they should be.

"That's better!" She said while looking in the mirror and giving her butt a little wiggle. "Now let's see if I can nail one more thing tanight!"

AJ picked up her purse and retrieved her dream diamond from it. The almond size gem glowed softly in the palm of her hand. Closing her hand on the gem she stared in the mirror and imagined the denim shorts outfit that she'd acquired recently. After a minute or more the mirror flashed and she could see herself in the outfit.

"Now let's see we can mix things up a bit." She muttered. Still staring intently into the mirror she imagined the white tied shirt, tan Stetson-style hat, calf high boots, but instead with the red bikini bottom instead of the denim shorts.

After several minutes AJ feared she'd be unable to make the alteration. Then just as she was about to abandon the whole thing the mirror flashed and when she could see her reflection again it was how she'd imagined. Her grin grew bigger. "And now let's try this getup on!"

Almost immediately Applejack was enveloped in golden light. When it subsided she was now wearing the same outfit. She clapped her hands and giggled as she twirled around and looked down at the outfit. Finally she back at herself in the mirror. Placing her right hand on a hip she grinned at the mirror.

"Ya know I might be gitting the hang of this stuff. Hope Trafalgar likes this here look!"

To be continued.




Oh my goodness, she’s so adora-sexy. ❀️


I'm hearing Nancy Sinatra in my head..."These boots are made for walking. And walking's what they'll do..."