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This month I was thinking of doing something a bit different for the redraw, instead of picking 4 old drawings of mine to redraw, I would be picking 4 drawings of another artist, in this case Rexcrash / domo-sensei (you can find his work here: https://rexcrash.tumblr.com/, and his older stuff here:  https://www.deviantart.com/domo-sensei )

And then redo the pool winner in my style, and he would be doing something similar with one of my old drawings.

But before taking that decision would like to ask you, if you are ok with doing that this month, or should I just do it as usual.

please let me know :D

Thanks for your time


Name Named

Interesting, I would be down for something a little different for sure.


as long as the original artist agrees with it...


yep we talked about it already, but will do only if my patreons approve of it.


I say go for it ^^


Let's see you take on new stuff.


I did use to like domo before he started making every character chibified and stmupy in size from the looks of it in the link you provided it seems he is back doing his style I loved him for so go for it i say


I get it, he has been moving more to a cartoony style, as always some may like it other will prefer the old stuff, thats totally normal. But I would be doing the redraw of a old piece in my style regardless :3


Depending on who the artist is later on, this could get interesting. I haven't heard of Domo before now, but I did follow the links and found a few pieces that would be interesting to see as redraws by you. I can't say I'd want this to replace redraws of your own art, but maybe every now and then this might be a good idea.


Yes that's the idea, this would be more like a special event, is not somehting I plan to repeat in the near future, and next month would be back to doing redraws of my own art.


Something with Wendy Corduroy :D and Dipper possibly