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Thank you all for the support trough the months, thanks to it I been able to save enough for a new pc, I bought the parts and put it toghether myself, I was so nerveus not to mess up or break anithing, this and setting eveirthing up did eat a good chunk of time.

I hope this will allow me to stream more freely, as well as to stream some gaming too.
I also hope it helps for some heavy 3D modelign work I may need to tackle once in a while :3

Again, thank you, is thanks to you I been able to save for this



Name Named

Neat! Glad it’s working out for you


man, I forget how nice it looks before the dust settles in XD


did you remember the Thermal Paste?


Realistically it's been over a year since starting the goal for the PC, right? Besides that, I'm very happy for you that you finally got to make it. It's a great feeling to make your own computer exactly the way you want it to be.


yea been saving for a while, I also hold back because of how expensive GPU where due to mining