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And finally it´s done, I will start uploading, take longer than I planned and  now just need to work on the cover to release it ;)

the comic is 22 pages long (plus cover) and will be avalieable for all patreons with lifetime donations over 10 USD, I expect to be sending full thing at hi rez during the month ;)

Beside that checking to set up a way to put it on sale for those who just want the comic but that may take a little bit longer

Hope you enjoy it I will be uploadign the first few pages in the following days




Apologies for basically the necro post question here. But seeing as it seems your storefront is down to do direct purchases. Is this comic still viable to be bought or received through either your patreon or somewhere else? Thank you


nothing wrong with making a question, sorry I did not see it earlier well the plan is to start reworking and relaunch the page in the near future to make it available again trough a storefront using gum road instead of the system I was using, it will probably no be before january sadly if you want it right away we can do it trough private message and a mail, sorry for the inconvenience


Muchas Felicidades Nigth ^^ Estoy muy contento por ti, al fin pudiste terminarlo. Espero que este cómic que llevó tanto trabajo te rinda frutos :3


about time lol


Where can we get it?


yea I know... no excuses, I have to say learned a lot about how I have to schedule things ... ^^;


ojala, la verdad por lo menos aprendi mis limites


after I do the cover I will compile it and sahre it trough patreon. as for seeling, I m exploring a couple ideas.


"Damn May and her damn booty."


Does that mean $10 or more in total donations or donate $10 a month?


total donations, so if your a 1 USD patreon but have been following your pledge for 10+ months you will get it ^^

Chibi Biscuit

Yay, I'll be looking forward to it!


Oh sweet! ^^


May??? oh you will have to see the next page for her :3