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Another disastrous test since his conversation with the galwaxian only the day before and Ben couldn’t help but feel it weighing on him as he mentally went over each one, hoping that his memories would reveal to him something that he hadn’t seen before, only to continue coming up blank. There was nothing, no sign he missed or hint waiting for him to be found, all there was was more testing.

“But who cares, here we are at test number two thousand, at least it’s going to be a big one. Got a hell of an idea, right here and waiting to go so this is it!”

He materialized as he spoke, pretending it wasn’t a pep talk to help with how constantly wrong all of his other attempts had gone as he put far more faith in his next idea, not just making any old thing but something far more unique, a substance he was willing to bet that not even the demon god had come across before, no matter how powerful he was and how many worlds he’d helped conquer. Spending his mana, Ben created a thin knife of faithstone.

A substance that ripped faith from the gods themselves through the people they had a connection to, he had high hopes for what it would do against a barrier containing divinity and stabbed into it the second he could, wanting it to cut or tear but instead feeling the blade itself break, leaving him to fall to his knees.

That had been his best shot yet but he’d still failed to get anything. It wasn’t like there weren’t ways he could try to improve from there, at least half of the other enchantments he’d tested could be applied again on the knife after he repaired it to see if they’d show any effect when joined with the faithstone, but from all he’d done he was growing more and more certain it wouldn’t be enough. He may not have known for sure how many gods the demons had but stretched across untold thousands of worlds, the one he’d already seen was more powerful than anything he could imagine. How was Ben supposed to put his own minor strength up against it in comparison and come out on top?

The thought left him to sigh as he let himself fall back, staring up at the ceiling above him and looking at the nearly comatose prisoner the upper cell contained, in that state after being held for an unimaginable length of time. A fate Ben would share eventually if he didn’t come up with something.

I need more power so what do I do from here? He sighed, feeling the few options skate across his head, with the main one that held any chance being completely impractical. I could slowly materialize as much rainbow mana crystal as possible, creating bags to hold it all and applying spatial enchantments on each one so they could each hold even more and try and direct the enchantments I’d place on the crystal itself to release as much power all into one point to break through, but how long would that take?

He materialized a piece as he thought of it, using nearly his whole mana pool to create what was at best a small bead of the stuff. Better than he had been when he’d first started materializing, creating less than a grain at the time, but it was still far from a generous amount.

It used nearly his entire mana pool to get even that much and took roughly thirteen minutes to regenerate it all to do again. Even considering the mana regeneration potions he still had in his ring or the food he had from the divine chef, if he did nothing but materialize and let his pool regenerate for a week he wouldn’t even have a handful.

No, it wouldn’t work. Or maybe it would, but it would take too long. He had enough potions to last him a month to help speed things up but after that, his progress would slow to a crawl and even if he didn’t slow down after losing his regen buffs, what he was looking at was going to be a matter of years to get to the point where he might have access to enough raw mana to do anything with it. By then his world would have already been long conquered.

It will be conquered whether I’m there or not. His pessimism whispered in his ear. Why not give up already when it’s not going to work? Stay here, trapped but alive. Maybe if I’m really lucky then in another hundred years I’ll be able to escape or maybe the demons will encounter a threat they can’t beat and I’ll be freed. My mind hasn’t driven me insane yet, I’m sure I can put up with the tedium of being here for a while.

It was a thought that left Ben hitting himself again. Maybe he didn’t believe in the world’s odds of overcoming that threat. Every piece of news and information he heard about it only ever made their chances seem worse, but so what? He would struggle, he would live, and if things had to come to it, he would die among the people he loved, not off on some alien world where everyone around was either insane or inclined to see him as a snack.

So then what was the answer, what could he do?

I need more mana, plain and simple.

It still came down to that in the end but there were only two ways to solve that problem. Either he could go with his first thought, use what he had to materialize as much rainbow mana crystal and moribusial as he could to make a tool powerful enough to escape, or he could put in the work to grow his pool as much as possible, spending who could guess how many years to grow it to the volume he’d need.

It left him wishing that he could pull mana into himself from materials the same way he could people, but those were the only realistic options. What should have been his only options, and yet, from the depths of his subconscious where his deeper mind had been turning over the problem ever since he’d first been trapped, another path emerged. A mad, impossible chance that seemed sure to fail but picked at him like a siren’s song as he first questioned if he was even going to bother wasting his time on such a ridiculous attempt, but then, what did he have to lose?

It was only going to take his mana and a bit of prep, none of which would be hard as he grabbed what had previously been a job crystal from around his neck and placed an enchantment on it, holding it tight in preparation for his act of materialization.

Grabbing hold of the power within him and using his material manipulation to see if there was even a hint that such a delusional idea could work while his minds flashed across all the various examples he’d seen of such things in the past, Ben spent his mana, and failed.

But that’s just one failure and I have nothing but time. Try again.

And again he failed as he tried to bring into being the simplest example he’d seen of his goal, needing to wait for his mana pool to fill up again each time before he tried once more amongst the screams of his fellow prisoners around him, only stopping to re-examine what he was attempting after an hour of work.

He was already one of the closest things to an expert on the topic the world had anyway, he just needed to apply that knowledge. Instead of trying to perfectly recreate examples he’d seen in the past, it made more sense to take pieces of everything, finding the least complex part of each structure across a thousand different cases and fit them all together into something new, the model sitting in his mind as he tried again, with one more failed attempt to his name.

Failed, but closer.

It had felt as though his mana had wanted to come together in its grand act of materialization, only falling through thanks to some lack of knowledge on his part.

But that shouldn’t stop me. Mages across this whole bloody universe have managed great feats of materialization to make regular elements without anywhere near the same knowledge I usually have to put towards the same things, the fact that I know a little less than I’d expect to right now shouldn’t hinder me, so how do I get around it? More importantly, how do they get around it? Let’s say I knew nothing about iron, how would I possibly bring it into being?

As it stood, his method involved using everything he understood about it at once, looking at its physical and chemical properties along with his basic sensory inputs to force its existence upon the world, a regular mage just had less. They could understand it through their senses and a few of the physical properties, maybe if they really looked into it they could understand one or two of the ways a given substance would react with other things, but they could succeed while knowing less overall.

So when I look at it that way, a problem becomes apparent. I don’t think what I’m trying to make even has physical properties and there’s absolutely no chemical ones. Hell, I haven't even technically experienced it with my own senses, only seeing it at all by looking through the eyes of three others. So where does that leave me? How do I make up for that?

While he lacked those core properties, he did have other ways to make up for it. He was aware of at least some of the purposes behind its structure and he knew it was a shifting, growing thing. He knew that they functioned as records, sources of growth and power and more, and he knew that they were one of the few, if not the only, constants across the multiverse and even the space between. He felt he knew so much about them compared to anyone else, but he didn’t even know what they were made of.

“But if it doesn’t have a name then I’ll just give it one,” He muttered to himself as he tried another attempt, feeling all of the mana within him move. “From now on, the thing I’m trying to make is essence, and a proper arrangement of essence is…”

The simplest form of the ever-changing thing he could imagine, one that any creature with the misfortune to be born with in such a state would curse compared to all others. One that would be even worse than his own, and in a unnatural act of materialization the likes of which the universe had never seen before, Ben used his powers and created a soul.









Thanks for the chapter! And another awakened skill, nice


I may have a slight addiction to this book

Miguel Wolmers

Is he about to make souls for each of his kinds


Now you're thinking with heresy!

Miguel Wolmers

Is he about to make souls for each of his minds


Well I didn’t expect that

Alex Bartine

Wow I'm so proud of him! Finally leveling up inspiration. 😂😂😂😂 Anyone think it's possible for him to eventually replace his soul with one like the Gods, does he still have one of the gods souls that he killed? Could he use theirs to strengthen his and gain access to more attributes and whatever else that soul has? Will he become a soul devourer? Create them with mana to fuel his soul with more?

Tomáš Blábol

I definitely didn't expect this.


Oh no. Oh nonononono. I always have reservations on the idea of creating life, but reaaalllly feel like Ben's not the best person to be given the ability to create souls. Still, it'll be interesting to see where he goes from here.

Some guy

Holy shit he did the most sacrilegious thing imaginable


No idea why he's making souls. Any ideas?

Luboš Hemala

Oh wow, didn't see that one coming.


Lesser inspiration had been waiting for this moment. Ben just made a mana idle game, who needs to wait to regenerate when you can create beings that also generate mana for you! The reunion with Thera will be a true shocker, not only is Ben not dead but he will come with multiple children now. These artificial souls will end up being proto-spirits of some sort I hope, maybe universal spirits or unaffinited spirits.


Mana is just the beginning, if he's making bits of soul to attach to himself, it's all about affinities. Also skills are attached to souls...


That.... That can't be ethical Edit: also how did that not get him to god of sacrilege? Edit 2: is anyone else worried that the system had a ready-made title for this event? Nobody knows he did it yet except the system


One step closer to become god vanquisher


Literally, I started reading this last week and finished everything on royal road as of Wednesday, Thursday I discovered the patreon and caught myself up. I lost sleep reading this and it was worth it


Does this mean he is technically a Soul Mage? Who was even there to give him that title XD Also, people make life and new souls all the time, so what if he found a new way to do it, does that make all innovators transgressors? Ben is a Dad now?!?! So many thoughts. Thanks for the chapter!


Well, is he a god yet? Cause this seems like a god.


Oh... maybe not that but what stops him from making another myriad?


So he *can* make faithstone! I hope he'll try to send a message back home using it :)


I don't think the word insane is enough to describe him anymore. Also he can literally do anything a god can do at this point.


Just confused it didn't give him a knowledge level


Other gods create new species from nothing so creating a soul being ethical is debatable.


Wow I’m not sure what Ben is gonna do with the power to make souls but it certainly won’t be rational. What if he could use the souls to get access to different affinities. He’d need to learn how to tweak em but it can work


Connect is actually Ben manipulating his soul like a limb, right? The obvious next step is using his connect to manipulate these souls as crafting material. Maybe stitch them onto himself or something. Nothing can go wrong.


He'll be able to do enchanting and other magic with his spare bodies!

Luboš Hemala

Soo... enchanting on souls next? Or will he build his own "blessing" or skill?

Arson Void

The thought I had is about the ritual the stupid dude used to absorb the souls from the infinite hells. There is a good chance that Ben could figure out a way to do that ritual by himself to absorb these souls to make himself stronger.


First wave Ben's subconscious got the stage. But now they left him both consciousness, subconscious and mana to play with. Really what else did they expect?

Arson Void

He most likely has access to that ritual that the stupid dude used to absorb souls from the infinite hells, and that might be Ben’s plan.


Ben should really keep that faithstone on him. I suspect that it gains strength based on absorbed divine power, and there is plenty to go around in his cage. It would be quite funny if he forgot about it for a few days and it turns out more powerful than any other material he's yet worked with.


Ohhhh right and he has a way to break out of the infinite hells too. So he just needs to open a portal there




So... Technically Ben and Thera can now repopulate a planet with any beings they desire. Thera makes the bodies, Ben gives them souls.


I think Myriad was right when he suspected that Ben is trying to find a alternative path to godhood.

Darius Sanguna

Pretty sure actual soul production is beyond most gods, from my understanding when they create a species they reform already existing species which come with souls.

Luboš Hemala

He doesn't need to, he may just use the soul bits to enchance his soul... eventually. Quite risky probably.

Luboš Hemala

Though if he manages to replicate Myriads blessing somehow, slap it on the created soul and then drain it... Ben is madman enough to try something to be sure XD

Darius Sanguna

He should now also be able to use Destruction on souls. Yeah pretty sure he's a soul mage now, he is only using Material Manipulation instead of the Soul Magic Skill. Also he will prolly be able to up his affinities given that he can literally rearrange his Soul with MM instead of just boosting it like with soul magic.


I just realized something. If the souls he creates have an affinity then he will become an archmage very soon.


Imagine Ben explaining to Myriad and the other gods that the way he escaped the demons was by tunneling into the infinite hells because it’s easier to escape from there.


enchanting on souls is basically creating a skill or blessing. So far only tier 3 soul mages can even attempt it and only one succeeded at making a a skill.


Omg. I feel like Turnip has put something in my brain. The need for the next chapter is way to great.


I was thinking he would use his mind to pilot mindless soul puppets with various affinities.


Wow. I didn't see that coming. I wonder will Ben get the minor soul magic like the demons when he uses the essence or the soul he created. Also out of everything he could have made something that isn't a material wasn't what I was expecting. I wonder what's brewing in that brain of his

Emily Gurnavage

If Ben starts using literal *souls*, even blank-slate ones with no concept of existence or feelings and such - pretty sure the whole world would go against him including Myriad. Hell, including Thera probably. Souls arent static in this writing, unlike it many others. Souls grow, change shape and color, get broken and repaired, and so on. The initial state of your soul is not the way itll be when you die. So even the soul being so small and basic and "broken" compared to others - it still *should* have the capacity for eventual growth. Obviously do what you gotta and use what you gotta to both escape and potentially help countless trillions of lives with the information he brings back - but AFTER hes escaped? Using those doesn't seem too far from snatching souls from unborn children still developing. They are basically the same thing minus a physical body in the equation. So totes an evil route, no matter the use. Just that at this moment its a lesser of two evils, but still an evil. Even the new skills and titles are in line with this not being a "good" thing to have done.


A world filled with Ben and Thera Golems... horrifying


Nothing Sacrilegious in giving birth to life, his use of it??? well, that is another thing.


would it not be a MOM as he brought it into existence?

David Burchfield

Interesting, can't help but wonder if this arc is leading ben toward becoming a demon god rather than escaping.

Emily Gurnavage

Decent point. Creating a soul is pretty sacrilegious. Maybe its considered less so since even Gods dont usually create souls? Its unnatural, but its not exactly the domain of Gods in this story. Gods who are expert on Souls and/or Gods of souls / Gods of Death, maybe. But not the territory of most Gods. Hes gone beyond them, with this.


Now I am not sure if this is what Turnip is planning, but I think Ben just invented cultivation. I assume he will use this soul essence to enhance himself in some way and this will probably will be his road to divinity, so he is using mana to generate higher tier resource and uses it to change his soul.

Emily Gurnavage

The Gods dont give out titles, the System does. And the System is on all Demon worlds after the first wave. But if enough Gods agree on a title, not on paper but actually agree, then it happens. But not because they wanted to give a title - even happens when they dont want to. Just the fact that a number of Gods think the same is enough for the System to step in.

Random Guy

Pretty sure the titel is an umbrella for certain activities and creating a soul just falls under that.

Emily Gurnavage

Might not have been a ready made title. Arent a few of Bens more recent ones confirmed to be unique to him? Although I guess unique in holding it doesnt mean it wasnt already designed and waiting I guess.

Andrew Nichols

A soul.....a fucking...soul....yeah if he doesn't make teir 3 of something with THAT incorporated, then Falk needs to step his game up for the next soul inspired rank for him to ascend. Miss that yeti.


I hope he avoids absorbing the souls he will create in the future, you never know what negative effects he might create ( although the situation cannot get worse). Instead, I would like Ben to try to create familiars, creatures that are connected with him and grow with time and become strong, so he receives their help with their possible donation of mana and helping hands.

Carl Mason

If he creates a blank soul -no body, no life, no personality- and uses that for something, then the evilness of it is based primarily on the outcome, what it is used for. If he does something evil with this empty soul, then it is evil; if he does something good or neutral, then that. The evil in using souls for magic or crafting is the farming of free-range, organic souls. You have to kill someone to get the souls, murder is evil, thus soul use in magic or crafting is evil. With "artificial" souls...


Hooooolyyyyy shiiiiit!!! TFC


Could he stick a soul on each of his minds? the souls may be weak when he creates them but if he pushes each of his minds like he's pushed himself so far that will change pretty quickly


I feel more like it's non-affinitied soul magic. Since normal soul magic is life and/or death affinitied


I'm sorry WHAT!? Ben just created life, and it leaves some serious questions to be answered.


TBONEMAN Sure nobody under tier 3 has done it yet, but how many people do you think CRAFTED a soul?


And that isnt enough for tier 3 material manipulation?


Oh hell yeah! Like elementals in the more proper wizarding/DND format rather than like actual people who happen to be elementala. Would be pretty sweet


I can just imagine Ben showing up at the next godsmoot: "hey guys I took care of the demons, they're all my people now now worries" --- sinister grin ---- "now about that 'saving the world's bounty..."


Yeah feels more like using algae as a 'live sacrifice' for a ritual. Like what's to get upset about I guess? But I could be convinced it's horrific if they instantly form sentience or something


This new title is concerning, much more than the previous ones. Before it denotes the reaction of the gods/revelant entities to his actions. This times it’s the system reaction only…


It's a miracle he's not already insane. Pretty much the only thing keeping him on this side of the line is the fact that no matter how many minds he has, they are all still him. If each has its own soul, they are NOT him, and they would likely diverge. I can't see any way that wouldn't lead to total insanity.


Curse your cliffhangers!!!

Atila M

Jake already creat soulless life but he push it further far further


Maybe if he’d been at level 9? But he was only at level 6. Awakened skills are much harder to level and even harder to awaken again.


Awww yeah. It’s gonna take a while before Ben can do any decent soul crafting, I expect, but this is the perfect way to start generating all the mana Ben needs. How delightfully convenient that he has a skill for extracting mana from souls!


Why absorb the ghosts of hell for power, when you can create your own souls for power!


Also, it’s very interesting to me that Ben completed his job. I wonder if he’ll take the risk of making another job crystal under these circumstances? No one’s around, so maybe he could get away with making one as long as he destroyed it immediately. But if it was noticed… that would be just about the worst thing that could happen.

Ken Horne

That's what I expect. Basically, m he needs a dimensional bag that hold mana, and it has to be attached to his soul. Souls are the only thing that attach to souls. So I think he's trying to make raw soul matter, not a soul. Like, what a soul would from from. Hopefully, if this is a real soul, he'll stick it in a little golem body so it can be his buddy. Then go back to creating a lifeless soul.

Luboš Hemala

Cool idea, though he just might create "soul orb" like with the captured spirits.

Ken Horne

Ever get the feeling turnip was tired of "faithstone faithstone faithstone" and just went FINE! THERE, ARE YOU HAPPY, IT DIDN'T WORK!


You're lucky. I caught up to releases when he just got out of the dead god's trail. All that waiting for chapters....

Luboš Hemala

How's he going to switch jobs I wonder...


Oh god. Now that I'm here, I really wish I'd gone another year without discovering this book


As long as Ben is a mortal, a god's soul should still overwhelm his. Not that this has been tested yet, but you can't really come back from your soul being ruined


Soon time to awaken mental symbiosis to soul symbiosis, or something of the sorts


He might be able to cast a job changing spell We established that you can enchant a skill or spell why not cast an enchantment the only thing truly stopping you is the complexity


Hey in case you didn't know, there is a fan-Discord for this story. https://discord.gg/uVJ8ETG6 Come and have a look.


Yeah, I can accept that into my worldview

Atila M

He gonna create a rainbow crystal and enchant it and destroy after use

Atila M

He maybe can enchant an hiding container and boosting it with sacrilege like he already propose when gods spy on him without consent

Pride mystic artificer

not just that but imagine him setting up a ritual that summons a soul useing mana, then forces him to reabsorb it growing his power then immediatly uses the absorbed power to summon another one ad infinitum

Pride mystic artificer

Also, when one soul absorbs another it grows in power, and if it has skills (which is a thing of the soul) the person absorbing it gets both the skill and the knowledge of how to use the skill


This. If soul magic is tier 3, non-affinitied soul magic should also be tier 3 or at least near enough to it


He doesn't need to create a new rainbow crystal. He already has the previous one. He only needs to re-enchant it.


I wonder how visible his tier ups are now, and who saw.

Atila M

I don't think so because we already know that a tier 3 absorb souls of defeated beast. It was the one that the girlfriend of Sachel told about. He is from a race that the gods modified in merging an animal soul and it was why did all his test with the demon souls

Luboš Hemala

Maybe he still needs to actually manipulate souls, not just materialize them.


You know, Soul Production does NOT seem like a skill that should be tier 1. I know there is no precedence for it, but I would love it if Soul Production is actually already tier 2.


I think that crystal is currently containing the essence/soul he just made since he has no idea how to contain a soul anywhere other than in a living being or in a soul crystal.


Or at least should have got him to level 9 in Knowledge. I mean, come on! I wouldn't have been surprised if that would have awakened Knowledge to tier 3 if he already had it at level 9. But nothing?


Ha! I first joined patreon right when the Dead God's trial started! Oh, that was painful to have to wait for each new chapter.


Yes and no. I 100% believe Ben is going to do all kinds of unethical things to his conjured souls, if only to escape (and probably just to experiment even after he escapes). On the other hand, Ben is extremely rigidly moral, it's just that his morals aren't what most people would call normal; if/when Ben discovers he has made sentient life, I doubt he would harm it and would likely do his best to help it thrive.


Imagine having to explain the birds and the bees to THESE kids. "Mommy, where do babies come from?" "Well, sweetie, when a daddy is trapped in an immortal prison, or has a momentary lapse in sanity, or has a bet with a god, or is just bored...you know what, why don't you go ask your father about this!"

Carl Mason

Because the ghosts have affinities and skills that actually improve your power. Maybe a raw soul would improve his... potential?

Carl Mason

What skill would naturally feed into it on awakening? I haven't thought very far yet, but I can't think of any. You do have a point, though, it feels a little much for tier 1.

William Clark

I bet the amount of faith stone he can make is too small, thus it crumbles to dust

William Clark

I mean, I think he made the single celled organism equivalent of a soul, and it has no history(blank/clean). It's probably way safer to absorb than all those souls from the infinite hells were, because they were more complex and have wills of their own

William Clark

Oh shit... I get what you're saying. He's now able to understand soul as material, thus manipulation and destruction might be possible for him now... Damn

William Clark

I think of it as him making something like an amoeba 🦠 soul, if it's awakened it might be able to make a dog 🐶 soul and T3 would be an intelligent being level soul. Might be wrong though

William Clark

Everyone else is on the battlefield leveling, Ben is in prison cultivating LoL

Carl Mason

That still doesn't answer the question of why he is manufacturing souls. Not a lot of opportunity to level or acquire skills in prison without a body. If he were summoning souls from the hells, I would lean that way, but he doesn't even know how to absorb souls anyway.

Atila M

Apparently there is 2 option : first you don t need any method to absorb and resist the intrusive soul ; second you need some kind of ritual

Júlio Soares

God i need the next chappie


counterpoint, breeding also isn't a skill (I assume), but people still do that and make new souls organically. on the other hand, spirits naturally manipulate mana, but still get their spiritual [element] magic skills

Carl Mason

I don't think he is actively looking for a different path, but he certainly is walking one.

Luboš Hemala

I just remembered, when Myriad blessed the water for Ben to sprinkle on his jacket/church, didn't he call it essense?