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This year has been a really crazy one for me.

I graduated with my Bachelor's in Fine Arts with Honours, I got a new job, took care of my mom after an injury (which she is now thankfully recovering from), became part of a tabletop streaming community at The Homebrood.

It's been a lot! And I'm very thankful for everyone's continued support this year, with all the ups and downs for a lot of folks.

Going into the new year, I have a few goals I'm aiming towards while I juggle my day job and art here:

- Finish the draft of my novel
- Create narrative artwork for my stories
- Work in larger projects and expand my portfolio

Most importantly, I aim to have a healthy work-life balance and stay close with the people I care about in order to have better conditions for my art, which'll mean better stuff for all of you!

Thank you all so much for being with me this far and I wish you all the best in 2023 and hope to continue making art for you!




Great job on the stuff you acomplished this year! And good luck on all the goals for the next year!