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I'm in the process of making a small content collection of sorts to serve as a campaign setting in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. One of the monsters that exists in this plane of existence known as Cyberspace is the Data Drainer!

 A thirst for knowledge is taken to its literal extremes in the presence of this entity. Formed out of the corruption of data collectives, it seeks to concentrate the information of its surroundings into one location - its own collection.

Sentient beings that venture alone will not hear it silently float through the air as it descends upon its victims, using its stinger-like tentacles to drain creatures of all of their thoughts, memories and knowledge. Once it has left the victim a mere husk of its former self, it discards them and continues to search - for its thirst for knowledge can never be quenched.

Here is a link to the statblock if you wish to see more/use it for yourself:

I hope to continue to make more for this campaign setting as time goes on and I wrap up my first campaign, as well as bring other pieces of art to you soon!



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