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Short for "Gregory Irving Grant", Gig is a "pan"-tastic gent from the land down under!

In the setting he's from, Australia became the host to many sorts of genetic experiments - one of those experiments being the engineering of real-life dragons. The public were able to adapt thanks to enhanced security measures, and even certain dragon ranches opened up the sport of "dragon wrestling"! Gig is known to frequent the ring as well as catch some waves at the beach on occasion, and after a special event in his world, had traces of dragon DNA infused into his body causing a genetic mutation.

Despite his initially odd appearance, Gig is a gentle giant with a knack for cheering up those in his vicinity with his encouraging words and fantastic hugs. Underneath his laid-back demeanor, however, is a tendency towards perfectionism which prevents him from continuing in subjects he struggles with - preferring to focus on what he's good at.

Don't be fooled by his size: Gig is quite nimble on the battlefield, generating electricity in his body and stimulating his muscles to spring all around at lightning speeds! Additionally, he can discharge this electricity and manipulate it with his electrokinetic abilities, leading to high-voltage attacks. If he ever has difficulty, he can also trigger a reptilian transformation that gives him enhanced strength, speed and electrical production for a short time before becoming physically exhausted.



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