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Goddess of Life, mercy and growth and God of Death, judgment, and mourning - two sides of the same coin joined in loving partnership. Malira and Path represent the beginning and ends of experience for mortals on the Prime Material Plane. While most favour Malira for her boundless compassion and gentleness for all souls that wander the earth, none dare question the judgments set forth by her other half.

In the beginning, when the Prime Creator drew from themself and created all of the Prime Aspects of Alinaria, there was a need for those who would tend to the little ones that would exist. And so, Malira and Path were created, and were given invaluable roles in governing the lives and deaths of mortals. Though other gods in the pantheon subvert death and give life, neither would be possible without these two.

Before what was known as "The Reckoning", a time of great conflict after the fell god Katash betrayed the Prime Pantheon in jealousy and anger, all of the Prime Pantheon was given a chance to populate the earth with creations of their own. Each of these creatures would live lives filled with unique experiences, however brief that time may be, and would be gathered by the gods upon death to cheer the next generation. Though the power of each of the gods were great, none could properly give life to their creation without the aid of Malira, who generously gave breath to their creations. Even certain majestic creations like the dragons asked for aid in creating bearers of their image, and she happily obliged.

Alas, it was not meant to last, as the Reckoning brought many lives to abrupt ends. Malira wept for those who were tragically cut short. However rushed in their delivery, Path treasured every life sent to him, and even provided refuge for some mortals that fled from the warring powers in the Reckoning within the Shadowfell. These mortals would be the ancestors of those who would come to be known as "Komirach" or "Seekers" - natives of the Shadowfell who persist in the twilight between life and death.

Malira is one of the most popular deities in all of Alinaria. None deny her importance in so many vital aspects of civilized life - from childbirth to agriculture to animal husbandry. Malirians often celebrate enjoying every moment of life as it comes and respecting all forms of life around one's self, taking lives for one's sustenance with great reverence and solemnity.

While Path is not the most well-liked deity, no-one can deny the devotion of his followers. Those who commit themselves to the way of Path, or "Pathfinders", are often in charge of funerary rites and dealing with the dead. However, as time has gone on, Path's worship has also been associated with law and the administration of justice. Death is meant to be accepted, but it need not be something to be feared. Despite his fearsome presence, he often observes the world through the eyes of a white bat or a white rabbit.

The concept of undeath and the perversion of life has always bothered the two for as long as profane magic has been practiced. Though there have been exceptions that have been negotiated with other members of the Prime Pantheon, the general conception sees undeath as theft from Path and an unwelcome visit to Malira. Each of her creations are gifts to her husband, and he treasures every single one.



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