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God of the Moon, dreams, serenity and travelers, Shinsun is the one to watch over the world of the night. As much of the Feywild thrives upon the stuff of life and dreams, he and Malira are often regarded as having domain over the Feywild and its courts as well. As the creator of moon elves, Shinsun is often regarded as the source of the elves' ethereal beauty, often presenting in different forms depending on the phases of the moon. With the creation of moon elves, Shinsun is also partially responsible for the existence of drow.

When the world was still young and Katash was still on the Prime Material Plane sewing seeds of discord among the various mortal races, the "Children of Shinsun" or the "Shin'sari" strove to follow the quiet ushering of their god and remain apart from the conflict. These were the days and nights in which many a moon elf would meditate into the dream-like states commonly known as "trances", seeking revelations through any dreams Shinsun might deliver. The god was known to bestow great wisdom to those who were willing to listen, and many were eager to hear the gospel.

However, there was also potential for corruption in the world of dreams, as Katash found his way into the minds of those who were too eager for action without enough time for contemplation. He whispered secrets under the guise of Shinsun, promising power and enlightenment to those who would invite "spirits of wisdom" into their hearts and minds. 

These elves became known as the "Soht'Kata" or "Eclipsed of Katash", conducting dark rituals involving the sacrifice of themselves and their kin. While there were those who became aware of this departure from Shinsun and quickly repented, there were those who remained, blinded by a lust for power. A grieving Shinsun wept over his fallen children and turned away from the Soht'Kata, sending those who would continue to grieve him beneath the earth where they would never see the light of the moon again.

Coming into the present, many of the elves in their homeland of Sari'sama still worship the god of the moon, encouraging peaceful lives in quiet contemplation, only moving to act when considerable thought has been given to the consequences. It is said that those who wake from dreams with sand in their eyes or white paint on their eyelids have been visited by Shinsun and given wisdom to remember.

Following this saying, many Shinsunians paint themselves with designs recalling the phases of the moon and the act of closing one's eyes to remain open to possible guidance. While there are those who wonder what Shinsun's followers actually do with their lives, none can argue the deep wisdom and welcoming nature that these gentle souls possess.



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