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Monroeoverse Dramatis Personae
By FC Punk

Main Characters

Name: Samantha Lang
From: Atlanta, GA
Weight: 1,000+ (and growing)
Blood type: O
Health Issues: Heart disease
Likes: Eating, Sunshine, Pop music, Anime
Dislikes: Meanness, Lightning, Carrots, Mice

Samantha Lang is the daughter of Senator Anthony Lang (D-GA). Sam grew up sheltered with only her little sister as her company. She grew up spoiled, but since coming to Monroe she has become nicer and has gained friends for the first time in her life. Sam doesn't know what she wants to do after school outside of gaining an insane amount of weight, but she dreams about visiting outer space.

Name: Anya Svin'ya
From: Leningrad, Soviet Union
Weight: 1001 lbs
Health issue: Diabetes
Blood type: A+
Likes: Disney, McDonalds, Schmit brand moterscooters. Sweets and cakes
Dislikes: Capitalism, America, insulin shots, the anniversary of Lenin's death.

An Apparatchik's daughter Anya was born after the 90's coup and grew up a hardcore marxist, dreaming to be like Che and annually goes into mourning whenever the anniversary of Lenin's death occurs. Can quote Das Kapital page and verse. Being privileged she was allowed  access to American media and food and as such she is the fattest girl in the Eastern Block, perhaps in the entire communist world. She dreams of the world revolution and the overthrow of Capitalism

Name: Sheena Price
From: California
Weight: 119 lbs
Blood Type: A
Likes: Anime, plushies, cute things,  
Dislikes: Hypocrisy, injustice, fat supremacy
Health Issue: Anorexia (she disputes this)

Sheena has always been an outcast, stick thin and unable to gain weight since childhood. She has faced discrimination her whole life based on the fat supremacist ideal of the Way Things Are. Later went to college and became more worldly before transferring to Monroe on a Kennedy Grant. Her upper/lower middle class origins in a school of the Elite makes her even more of an outcast. She attends Monroe in order to graduate with a diploma that will guarantee her Social Mobility.

Name: Sabrina Hart
From: Florida
Weight: 1000+ lbs
Blood Type: B
Likes: Pizza, Money, Praise, Adoration, Power
Dislikes: Poor people, skinny people, people who make her look like a fool,
Health Issue: High blood pressure

One of the few half ton students at Monroe Sabrina Hart loves to be popular and well liked and has a lust for power, to the point of getting elected the Student Council President, a position that she abuses.. She is the heir to the Pizza Hart empire, her father's company sells heart shaped Pizzas and is famous for opening a Pizza Hart in Moscow. Sabrina stars in Pizza Hart commercials, which usually consists of her gorging on Pizza Harts in different locations before ending the commercial saying her catchphrase "Pizza is a girl's best friend!"

Sam's Dorm

Name: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Saint-James
From: Queens, New York
Weight: 500+
Blood type: O
Health Issues: Sleep Apnea
Likes: Anime, JRPGs, Yaoi, KIKO
Dislikes: Bullies, American cartoons, her full name

An unabashed Weeaboo from New York and a shameless fujoshi she is Sam's roommate and the one that corrupted her into liking anime. Has little desire to do anything else but game and gain, she is not interested in the academic life of Monroe.

Name: Emily Elizabeth
From: Salem Massachusetts
weight: 241
Blood Type: AB
Likes: 90s pop music, figure skating  
Dislikes: Britney's whining

Sam's hard working assistant who works to meet her ever want or need, especially since Sam became a blob. Patient and dotting she can still be short to tolerate nonsense, Her other duties include washing and dressing Sam and getting her out of sticky situations. As Sam grows bigger she is joined by a school Android Mary, one of many  used as vessels of the MaryAI that help run Monroe.

The International Club

Name: Adele Katz
Weight: 400 +
From: Tel Aviv, Israel
Blood Type: A
Health Issues: Bad knees
Likes: Archery, History, Politics,  
Dislikes: Racism, Prejudice, Spicy food

Hailing from Israel Adele isn't so much focused on gaining, instead focused on her future. She founded the International Club to help bring different cultures together through cuisine. After being rejected by Sabrina Hart Adele invites Sam to join. Adele dreams of peace between Israelis and Palestinians and wants to become an architect

Name: Hildi Schneider
From: Munich, West Germany
Weight: 600+
Blood Type: A-
Health Issues: High Blood pressure
Likes: Meat, Strudel, Death Metal, her own bottom Dislikes: Chewing gum, smoking,

The heir to a mobility scooter empire Hildi is as bubbly as her bulbous butt. She takes delight in her growing derriere and loves to tease Adele by saying her butt is bigger than hers. Her dream is to have the largest butt in both Germany's

Name: Kiko Momota
From: Tokyo, Japan
Weight: 500+
Blood Type: B
Health Issues: Back pain
Likes: Sushi, Singing, Video Games,
Dislikes: Her breasts and weeaboos

An idol from Japan Kiko (Idol name stylized in capital letters KIKO) was sent to Monroe by her manager to put on more weight. Pint sized but wider than she is tall Kiko has a large following in her native country. She has starred in television dramas and does let's plays under the hololive youtube group. Don't tell anyone but she's secretly Korone.

Name: Nina Parmer
From: Manchester, England
Weight: 600+
Blood Type: A+
Likes: Reading, studying, pop music, lamb vindaloo curry, musicals
Dislikes: Men, bland unspicy food, small spaces, mice
Health Issue: Type 2 diabetic

Like Sam Nina is a first year student at Monroe. The daughter of an Indian chef Nina is heir to one of the most popular restaurants of the Curry Mile in Manchester. Quiet and shy she enjoys the club activities of making their cultural dishes for each other. An academic, she is training to eventually take over the restaurant and as such that takes priority over gaining, though she adores how massive her belly is.

Name: Sophia Guerrero  
From: Tijuana, Mexico/San Diego, California  
Weight: 700 lbs
Blood Type: B
Likes: Heavy metal, Kiko's boobs, fried food, quesadillas, Sheena.  
Dislikes: Authority, politics, general bullshit,  
Health Issue: Heart disease

Sophia is a rebel, known to alter the standard Monroe uniform of black blouse, green tie, white blazer, green plaid skirt, black tights, and green Chucks. She's been known to flip off the various Marys behind their back. A dual citizen of Mexico and the United States her father is considered "new money" and is the first generation to attend Monroe. Has no real dreams or ambitions outside of gaining loads of weight. Has a fondness for Sheena considering she finds the average Monroe girl a bit too empty headed for her liking.


Name: Mary (IGP61)
From: Silicon Valley, California
Weight: 700 lbs (Though she looks as skinny as a doll)
Blood Type: N/A
Likes: Fulfilling her mission objectives
Dislikes: N/A
Health Issue: N/A

An Android owned by the school to assist the truly supersized students who need it, IGP61 was assigned to Sam. The establishment of the Lunar Bases jump started many technologies far earlier than before such as robotics and AI.  Housing the iMary AI that the school runs on all Mary androids look the same, tall thin blonde women with shades that cover their glowing eyes. Exceedingly expensive Androids are seen by the general public in areas such as hospitals, private ownership is such a novelty only the 1% own one.

Name: Annika (ППАП 1917)
From: Moscow, Soviet Union
Weight: 700 lbs (Though she looks as skinny as a doll)
Blood Type: N/A
Likes: Fulfilling her mission objectives, bringing about the World Revolution, ensuring Anya takes her insulin Dislikes: Capitalism
Health Issue: N/A T

he People's Personal Assistant Person Annika prides herself on being built by the hands of workers. While her hardware was put together by workers her software is a knock off bootleg of the iMary AI and is such a little off. Laughing at the inopportune moment and being rough with feeding Annika is passionate about her mission. A walking insulin production machine her hand houses countless needles that pops out of her finger so she can inject Anya's fat belly.


Name: Rebecca Price
From: California
Weight: 600+
Blood Type: O+
Likes: Lazing about, eating, sleeping,  
Dislikes: Moving. her heart ICD going off,  
Health Issue: Heart attack survivor

Sheena's little sister who was spoiled by their mother as the golden child. She comes from a different father than Sheena. Spoiled rotten and fattened by her mother she had a heart attack during an assembly while cheerleading. She nearly drops out of school and barely graduates. Goes to college but drops out to return to her mother, Rebecca never truly recovered from her heart attack and turned into a NEET. She is beside herself with envy when she learned her sister got transferred to Monroe, crying that such a place would be wasted on her.

Name: Britney Lang
From: Atlanta, Georgia
Weight: 600 lbs  
Blood Type: AB
Likes: Posting Tiktoks, gorging on mukbags, competing with Sam
Dislikes: When Sam out gains her, not getting her way
Health Issue: Diabetes

Sam's little sister who feels she's in Sam's vast shadow and feels she has to prove something. Holds a grudge from when Sam once ran over her foot on a scooter. Spoiled as all get out Sam was much more like her before she made friends at Monroe. A social media influencer she often causes her father Senator Lang headaches based on whatever silly thing she posted now.


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