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Mamoru stirred in his sleep, something was drawing him to wake. He looked to his right and found the source of the disruption of his dreams. He turned his head to the right to find the gaping mouth of Usagi that was bellowing out snores as if she were a hibernating bear.

He checked the clock and saw it was seven in the morning. They came back home at three, it had only been four hours. Four hours ago Mamoru took off his tuxedo jacket, rolled up his white sleeves and helped his poor Usako clean herself after her embarrassing incident in the battle with Vesper. She had been so tremendously embarrassed that she cried all the way home and whimpered while Mamoru had cleaned her up.

But Mamoru did not complain or admonish her. He soothed her and changed her into a fresh pair of white panties and slid her pink muumuu over her vast body. Wiping her tears, comforting her, he told her that he wasn’t embarrassed and nothing could change his love for her. After feeding her an entire pint of cookies and cream ice cream they went to bed.

Now four hours later Usagi was booming with loud snores. Her incredible weight gain of nearly two hundred pounds of pure blubbery fat was the reason for such noise. Mamoru had largely gotten used to it, but as she got fatter her snoring would get even louder and Mamoru would have to adjust all over again. Mamoru closed his eyes, four hours was entirely too little sleep. He would have to go to school and then work soon. They were fighting a nocturnal enemy, how were they going to manage this?

Mamoru leaned over to kiss her head and could smell her sweaty hair, undone her blonde hair was all over the place. The kiss made Usagi snort like a pig and slowly stir awake.

“Good morning Usako.”

She yawned and pouted, “I feel so sore.” She reached up and touched her bandaged shoulder, wincing. “I don’t want to go to school today.”

“Then stay home. I’m going to make breakfast.”
“Mmmm, breakfast in bed sounds nice. I feel so sore and exhausted from last night.”
“I know you are.”

Mamoru hugged Usagi under the covers, his eyes closed in comfort at his strong hard body pressing into Usagi’s weak soft body. At 6 '3 Mamoru was a giant compared to Usagi’s painfully short 4' 11, but Usagi was double the size of her boyfriend in sheer mass, the butterball was wider than she was tall.

While they cuddled Usagi moaned again, “I feel fat this morning.”

With his face buried into the back of her sweaty blonde hair Mamoru said, “You are fat Usagi.”

Usagi giggled, “I know, but I feel fatter. With the way I gorge I sometimes get growth spurts.”

Usagi pulled the covers down and lifted her cotton pink floral muumuu over her belly and smiled wide, “I did grow! Look at my stretch marks!”

Freshly made red stretch marks coated her belly and joined the old ones that had faded or were in the process of fading. The new stripes were bright red and ran up her doughy sides. Usagi touched her belly and her side rolls and jiggled herself “I feel thicker.”

Mamoru smiled, squeezing her and hugging her like a fat pillow, “it means you have a lot of new fat.”

“Fresh lard!” Usagi cheered and grinned, “I want a BIG breakfast!”

“A big breakfast? What do you have in mind?”

Usagi’s round face grew a happy expression just thinking about her prospective feast. “Mmm I don’t care as long as it’s rich, yummy, and,” she paused to lick her lips, “Fattening.”

Mamoru kissed the back of Usagi’s head and got up, leaving the bedroom. Usagi sighed and leaned her face on Mamoru’s pillow, smelling his scent.

“I live with Mamoru Chiba,” She said to herself, “My beloved Mamo.” She scrunched her face and let out a big morning fart that puttered from her butt loudly. Her gas stunk vaguely of her fast food gluttony from the previous night. The smell wafted into her nose and her belly rumbled in response, making her giggle.

“Hehehe, I can’t wait to eat soon,” Usagi gushed, grasping big handfuls of her fat. She squeezed and jiggled herself, finding immense enjoyment in her own obesity. “I’m growing fatter and fatter by the day and Mamo loves it.”

She grasped the sides of her belly and gently shook it under her covers, shutting her eyes close and moaning at the sensation of her body shaking and rolling and various rolls clapping.


At a donut shop Haruka and Michiru were having coffee and donuts.

Michiru gently pushed another glazed donut onto her lover, “One more won’t hurt.”

Haruka adjusted in her booth, her portly belly pressed into the table and her green tie laid draped across it.

“Of course not. That’s why we’re here.”

Haruka Tenoh, the short haired blonde, had been the first guardian to reach 300 pounds. Being the tallest guardian at 5’11 she wore it well, it was evenly distributed around her body, but she had a definite portly belly.

“We will need the energy to combat our enemy.” Michiru sipped her own coffee which had plenty of cream and sugar. Haruka out weighed Michiru by a good hundred pounds, the proper and glamorous sea green haired Michiru Kaioh was the only guardian still in the 200 pound range, retaining a sort of plumpness that had been left behind by the Inner Guardians all waddling into the 300s. All of Michiru’s focus was on Harukas gaining.

Haruka looked out the window, “We’re not far from Mamoru’s place. I heard Bun Head moved in with him.”

“Did she now?” Michiru smiled, taking another sip, “Perhaps we should pay them a visit?”

Haruka couldn’t help but smile, “I’ll be sure to bring a dozen.”


Mamoru had finished blending Usagi’s chocolate weight gain shake and the waffles were just about ready. The five strips of bacon were sizzling in a pan and Mamoru was melting two sticks of butter in a measuring cup in the microwave. In another pan were fluffy creamy scrambled eggs, about six eggs in all that were soon to be slathered in ketchup.

When the eggs were ready he put them on one plate, along with the bacon. On another plate he assembled a stack of four freshly made waffles hot off the iron. He took the measuring cup full of melted butter and poured a bit of it over the waffles and then coated them in syrup before finishing with spraying a topping of whipped cream from a can. He poured the thick weight gain shake into a glass and then also covered it with a generous helping of whip cream.

Pop! The toast popped up and Mamoru went to put a second batch in. Just then the door knocked. With his cooking apron still on Mamoru went to answer the door to find Haruka and Michiru.

“Haruka? Michiru?” Mamoru said and invited them in.

“We were out and about this morning and thought we would pay you two a visit,” Michiru greeted him, with Haruka asking, “Where’s Usagi?”

Going to the kitchen he prepared the tray full of Usagi’s breakfast and said, “She had a really tough battle last night and she wants to relax. I’m preparing breakfast in bed.”

“Oh how wonderful,” Michiru smiled as she and Haruka followed Mamoru to the bedroom.

“Haruka! Michiru!” Usagi’s bubbly voice lit up in excitement at seeing her friends come to visit her and even more at the food that was brought to her. Haruka and Michiru both smelled Usagi’s fart that was still hanging in the air, but didn’t acknowledge it with Michiru in particular having a stronger poker face than Haruka who had previously been with Usagi in the same bathroom. The smell in the room reminded her of that night when Usagi had clogged the university’s toilet and she had helped wipe her to make sure nothing got on her beautiful pink gown that she ruined anyways when her own thick fat rolls burst out the sides.

It was the first time Haruka had seen Usagi since that night and seeing her growth Haruka said, “You’ve put on more weight Bunhead.”

Usagi’s bloated fat face grinned widely, “I know! I think I might be over 330 now!”

“330? That's an awful lot of fat girl,” Michiru giggled as she watched Usagi chow down. Usagi was alternating between bites of waffles and bites of eggs and she talked with her mouth full. With her mouth wide open and full of mushed up food Usagi declared, proudly, “I’ve been eating like a pig.”

Michiru observed what Usagi was wearing and said, “What an adorably cute gown you have Usagi.” Usagi smiled brightly at the genuine compliment, “Thank you Michiru! It’s called a muumuu and it's what really fat people in America wear. Rei imported it from there and gave it to me when I moved in with Mamoru. It’s made out of cotton and it’s really super comfy to wear, it doesn’t bite my waist so I can eat and eat and EAT without being pinched.”

Usagi dipped her bacon in the melted butter and ate strip after strip, with Haruka asking Mamoru, “How much butter is in that cup?”

“Two sticks,” Mamoru answered matter-of-factly, with Usagi adding “I love butter.”

Michiru giggled, “I can tell.” Haruka brought over the donut box, “We brought some donuts for you.”

“Awww thank you!”

While Usagi gorged Michiru began to talk, “Ami filled us in on the battle from earlier this morning. Mamoru, Usagi, we have a very important question to ask you: Since moving in together have you two consummated your relationship yet?”

“Is this a relevant question?” Mamoru asked. Usagi looked up at him and innocently asked, “What does consummate mean?”

Mamoru leaned over and cupped a hand to Usahi’s ear, whispering into it. Upon listening Usagi’s big expressive blue eyes grew even bigger and she went into a giggling fit. “Heeehahah! Nope!” Mamoru added, “We’re waiting until marriage.” Usagi nodded, saying “I’m a big fat virgin!”

Haruka chuckled, “How chaste and pure,” with Michiru adding “For your sake it’ll be important for you to keep your purity.”

“My purity?”

Michiru explained, “If a Vampire bites someone impure that person will turn into a ghoul.” A horrified expression crossed Usagi’s jowly face “But I don’t want to be a ghoul!” Haruka chuckled, “Then it’s important that you keep your virginity.”

“I will! I swear!” Usagi promised while dunking her toast in the measuring cup of butter, eating all four slices one after the other with ease. “Just thinking about turning into a ghoul is making me so anxious and when I’m anxious I eat.”

Michiru smiled, “I don’t think you need much incentive to eat Usagi, you’re getting so fat that it's very much apparent.”

Usagi smiled, “I'm so happy it’s so noticeable.” She lifted her muumuu over her belly, flashing them her stretch marked fat.

Haruka’s eyes went wide at Usagi's expanse, “Bunhead, you’re…huge.”

Usagi giggled. “Hehehe, I know! Look at all my stretch marks, all my fat is new and so soft! You can touch my fat if you want to!”

Haruka and Michiru both reached and rubbed Usagi’s bloated belly, their fingers tracing the stretch marks and pressing into her soft blubber. “It’s so soft,” Michiru said while Usagi ate donuts.

“I’m so proud of my blubber,” Usagi said while sloppily eating donuts, “I made it all by myself, bite after yummy yummy bite. I finally found something I’m good at: Making fat!”

Haruka grinned, “You’re good at making fat?”

“Mmmhm!” Usagi explained, “I’m not good at cooking or cleaning or math or running or studying or pretty much anything! But the one thing I’m good at is making fat.”

Michiru grasped a thick handful of Usagi’s belly lard and slowly wobbled it, saying, “It’s certainly impressive how much you’ve grown. You’re positively bulging all over.”

“I’m cream filled, just like a donut,” Usagi bit into a donut and moaned when cream spurted into her mouth, as if to prove her point. Swallowing, she started to dunk her donuts into the butter, to Haruka’s surprise, “You’re dunking your donuts in butter?”

Usagi nodded vigorously, “Butter makes everything so much tastier!” When she started eating the butter soaked rings her already happy face grew even happier, if such a thing was even possible.

Even Michiru’s prim and proper poker face showed signs of cracking as Usagi’s sticky, greasy fingers kept dunking the donuts in the butter. Usagi finished her eggs and grasped the can of whip cream to spray more on her waffles, cooing “You can never have enough whipped cream.” She mixed the added cream to the syrupy waffles and even squirted a bit of whip cream in her mouth. A few more bites and the waffles were gone and soon after the eggs were as well.

“Oh that's so good.” Usagi breathed, feeling bloated now. Just then her face scrunched and she let out a loud stinky fart. After the fart escaped she loudly whined “Mamo I have to poop!”

Michiru laughed gently at Usagi’s shamelessness, “Why thank you for telling us Usagi.”

“Ooooh, pff” Usagi puffed for air as she scooted herself upright, causing her belly butter to shift about and push out her muumuu. The very activity left her winded as she got her legs off to the side of the bed.

“Usagi? Are you getting out of breath just from getting out of bed?” Haruka stared at how Usagi’s bloated cheeks were starting to turn colors.

“Oooh, it’s always so hard to,” she huffed and puffed and even let out another loud stinky fart from all her effort. She looked up at Mamoru, exhausted tears starting to form in her big blues, and extended her arms up. “Mamo I need help,” she said with a pout.

“Yes, do help your poor Usagi,” Michiru gently giggled at the scene before her as Mamoru grasped her swollen wrists and pulled her up, grunting out, “It’s just easier this way, when she has to go.”

Once on her own two feet Usagi moaned at the feeling of her jutting belly reacting to Gravity’s unloving tug. She arched her back, pushing her stomach out even further. Now out of bed with her pink muumuu fully on display Usagi looked like a pig on it’s hind legs. She grasped the plate that held the rest of the bacon sizes, which made Haruka incredulously ask “You’re going to take that with you?”

Usagi nodded which scrunched her massive double chin up, saying, “I picked it up from Rei, she likes to feed me on the toilet so I’m always eating.” One more fart sputtered from her rear and she hurried as fast as she could to the toilet, yelling out “I’ll be right back!”

Back in the bedroom Mamoru stacked dirty plates, the stench of Usagi’s gas was thick in the air.

“Is she going to be okay?” Haruka asked with genuine concern. Mamoru looked back at the bathroom door, “She can get up just fine, it’s a little hard, but she just prefers I do it because she’s lazy.”

“She was terribly out of breath just now,” Michiru noted, with Mamoru agreeing with what she was saying, “I booked her a check up. Can’t be too safe. Besides that I’m also going through medical school as you know, so when I graduate I’ll become Usagi’s doctor.”

Michiru nodded, “You are a good feeder Mamoru.”

Mamoru rubbed his eyes, still a little tired, “I don’t know how we’re going to keep this up. Our enemy are nocternal, we aren’t. We need to sleep, we have lives during the day.”

Haruka nodded, her arms crossed in thought, “We we’re actually going to purpose something.”

“What?” Asked Mamoru.

“We’d like to tackle the weeknights. You and the inners could do the weekends,” Michiru offered.

“You would do that? Why?”

Haruka explained, “As Outer Guardians we’re more powerful, plus with our car we can go further. Plus the night life suits us. What do you say?”

Mamoru smiled, “I think the girls will like that. I like that. It’s very generous.”

Just then Usagi called out from the bathroom “Mamo! I need help!”

“Excuse me,” Mamoru said and left. Michiru saw the look on Haruka’s face and knew instantly she was thinking back to the ball. She gave a knowing giggle which caused Haruka to scoff, “Knock it off.”

Finally Usagi came waddling back, her big belly entering the room first. When she got to bed she scooted back under the covers and sighed, a bit out of breath, “I feel so much better now that I let it all out.”

“Haruka and Michiru offered to take the weekdays patrolling the night while the rest of us can patrol over the weekends.”

Usagi’s red cheeks smiled wide, “Oh that's wonderful! That means I can be lazy all week!”

Michiru chuckled, “But if we find anything we will have to call the rest of you in.”

Usagi pouted a very disappointed, “oh,” before she finished her big weight gain shake.

“Is that a milkshake?” Haruka asked which Usagi grinned widely. “It’s a weight gain shake! Ami made it and it’s been working wonders on all of us! They’re really think and heavy. This one is a chocolate lovers, its my favorite. It’s two sticks of butter, one cup of chocolate ice cream, a half a cup of chocolate pudding mix, two cups of heavy whipping cream, and four table spoons of nutella all blended together. It’s 5000 calories per serving and it’s yummy yummy yummy!” Mamoru chuckled, brushing a strand of Usagi’s hair from her face, “I add whip cream on top for garnish.”

Michiru listened intently to the decadent fattening treat, saying with an impressed tone, “Is that right? Why ontop of what you just ate I would guess you just consumed 13,000 calories. I’m a feeder myself, so this would be very useful for Haruka.”

Haruka chuckled, “Oh? I haven’t been getting bigger fast enough?”

Michiru chuckled “Perhaps.”

Usagi giggled at them, “Just be careful, it’s really yummy but it’s really addictive and not only that it gives me really bad gas!” Usagi then saw the donut box, there was still a few donuts of the dozen left.

“Ooooh, I’m addicted to food” Usagi coos, dunking the donuts into the butter and eating, dunking and eating until there was nothing left. After that she took the measuring cup of butter with the sugary donut glaze and flakey crumbs floating around and started to drink it.

Haruka’s mouth clenched and she couldn’t help but cringe as she watched the butter slowly go down Usagi’s throat. Finally Usagi finished it and started to wipe the insides of it clean with her swollen fat fingers, scooping every last drop of oily butter into her mouth while making wet slobbery sounds as she sucked her greasy fingers clean.

“BURAPP!” Usagi belched and moaned, letting a big yawn out. “All that eating makes me sleepy,” Usagi burped again, butter had dribbled down her enormous second chin and greased up the neck of her muumuu. A stuffed greasy pig Usagi had eaten the entirety of Mamoru’s big breakfast. The weight of her full gut rested on her intestines and forced a fart out of her. “I feel so bloated.”

Mamoru leaned forward and kissed her head, her hair was still undone and hadn’t been put into her buns yet. “You did good work Usako, I’m proud of you. Take a nap and then you can order something when you wake up. I’ll be back later tonight.”

Michiru nodded, “We’ll be going now. You did very well Usagi, you’re a right fat pig of a girl.” Haruka grinned, “Take a nap and turn all this food into fat.”

Usagi yawned again, saying “I will, I…thank you everyone…” before falling into a stupor, snoring loudly.

Usagi slept like this for the next few hours, her mouth hanging wide open as she snored and snored, sounding like a bear with sleep apnea.

Later that night at the university Mamoru studied at there was a clock tower, a clock tower with an infestation. At the bottom, in the bowels of the gears turning about there were the moaning and stumbling of Ghouls, staying where their masters ordered them. All victims, all impure, they had become undead slaves to the Vesper Clan. Above them sat a giant gear turning in a circle where a bar was in the center, occupied by the fellows Vesper, his merry brood of Vampires identified by the color of their glasses. Red glasses, Schnider,  Le Sand yellow glasses, Schmidt in green, and Sega in blue.

Wearing their white lab coats they were seated next to each other looking at notes and X-Rays and cases, they were doctors after all. They just liked to eat people and earn more ghouls.

“Any interesting cases?” Heinrich asked, lifting a severed arm he squeezed blood into a martini glass like juice from an orange. “Japan has so few obesity numbers I don’t know why I even bother, what use is a bariatric surgeon,” Schneider scoffed, stirring a finger in his own bloody martini glass.

“Cheer up Gregory, at least your not in my situation. The birth rate is so low in this country I might as well be out of a job. Where are all the big preggo mamas when I need them? Their blood is always so delicious when their at their fullest, like ripened fruit,” Heidi lamented.

Heinrich shrugged. “Everyone needs some-WILL YOU GHOULS BE QUIET!” he bellowed in a rage down below them, causing the moaning to quiet down. “I’m trying to eat here.”

Le Sand looked up at the bells above them.

“He’s been awfully quiet.”

Up above sitting on the large golden bell Vesper brooded in thought. He constantly petted his dreadfully handsome face, where the blood had been.

“Sailor Moon…” He muttered to himself. It had tasted so good, so delightful. Flavorful, virginal, sweet, but not over powering. It was divine blood, the kind of blood only a noble heart could pump.

“I will have her blood….”


Artemis was curled up on Minakos bed. He sighed, a cat’s life was a tiresome one, especially when your owner was Minako. She never aired out her room and the stench was hitting a new low now that Minako had officially grown too fat for her own shower. She had been forced to shower at school now, the locker rooms were big enough for her to wash all of her stinking blubber.

Not that Minako did that. It would have distracted her from her gaming mission of beating the Sailor V game that for some reason had their Vampire enemies as enemies in the game. The game it turned out had been based on their myth. She would play and play and play until her bloated fingers got blisters, but it was the same each time, King Vesper was a boss above all bosses. She would sit her queen sized ass on her queen sized bed and stuff herself with junk food while farting all day long attempting to beat the game.

Artemis thought things couldn’t get any lower, but somehow they always did. Minako finally found a feeder, he had reached out and she was on a date. He shuddered, this was the last thing she needed. He hoped the fact she couldn’t even bathe properly anymore would make him reject her, for her own good.

The door opened and Minako came stumbling in, announcing with a big grin, “I’m baaaack!”

Oh no. She looked stuffed. Minako was similar to Usagi in she had a blob like body, just fat all over with little shape to show for it. She as wearing a t-shirt that had ridden up over her belly and an ugly pair of black sweatpants that belonged to an obese woman from America. She had food smeared on her mouth and she stunk to high heaven.

She wheezed over to her bed and collapsed on it, cracking the frame of the bed. Upon impact she let out a wet fart and moaned, “I’m soooo stuffed! Ichiro treated me like a queen!” Artemis buried his face in his pillows as Minako went on, “He said he liked me so much he was going to recommend me to all his feeder friends too!”

“UGGH!” Artemis yelled into his pillow as Minako cheered “I’m a big fat slut!


Haruka and Michiru’s car sped down the road, the night air bowing past them with the top down. Haruka pressed the gas pedal and the engined roared. The busy night life of Tokyo passed by them in a blur of flashing lights.

“The night life truly suits us,” Michiru said while brushing her hand through her green hair

Haruka grinned and pressed on the pedal harder.

“Don’t you just love the throb of the engine?”

Michiru tilted her head back and moaned as the car sped through the night

To Be Continued…


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