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Chapter Three: No Need For An Ending

Ayeka heaved herself through the door, a feat that she found incredible. Ayeka, as wide as she was, should not have fit through the broom closet door, yet she did.

“Washu’s doing no doubt. WASHU! Where are you!”

Washu lowered down from above in a hover chair.

“Well, well,” Washu smirked, “How can I help you?”

Ayeka was gobsmacked by Washu’s form. The mad scientist had to be as big as either Ayeka and Ryoko. Great big rolls of fat hung off her middle while her boobs sat perfectly on top of it.

Ayeka then groan, her legs couldn’t hold all of her bulk up anymore and she fell back on her terribly fat ass which shook the pocket dimension Washu’s lab sat in. Washu watched Ayeka pant and pant like a dog on a hot day, gasping for air.

“What’s the matter Princess? Is 600 too difficult for you? Ryoko seems to handle it just fine.”

“Thanks to you!” Ayeka spat out, “What you did to Ryoko was unfair, I want everything she has!” Ayeka then groaned as she let out a loud fart from her broad buttocks.

“Hmmm, you know, you’re right!” Washu nodded, her stack of chins wobbling as she did so. She activated her holo-keyboard and went to work, various holographic screens popping up around her.

“Now let’s see, first of all we gotta increase your fat cell production, that’s why you’re even doing this!”

Ayeka felt her body expanding and changing, her kimono getting tighter and tighter until seams ripped and the robe just plain fell off her in tatters leaving the princess a naked hill of fat that was only swelling larger. Ayeka could feel her big broad ass spreading out and she farted again and again! Ayeka could feel gas being produced inside her that kept needing to come out.

Her stomach flowed forward like the waves of an ocean, an ocean of flab had long since forced her to spread her legs while she sat. Her arms became huge sacks of lard and her hand looked like an inflated glove. Her face grew even more piggish looking with her jowls growing rounder and droopier and a pyramid of chins was starting to form under her swelling face.

All in all Ayeka was a complete ball of fat.

“Alright we got the fat and the gas, now the sweating.” Washu said, typing away.

Ayeka suddenly felt dreadfully hot, her body temperature had increased thanks to her blubber. Ayeka moaned, trying to raise a single bloated arm to get the sweat out of her eyes. All the sweat was running down her rolls and a small puddle was forming under the massive Ayeka.

Washu smirked in satisfaction “There that should be it. Although you can’t move anymore you can always use this!” Washu tossed her the same teleportation wristband that she had given Ryoko.

Ayeka put it on and said with a deeper voice “This is perfect, Tenchi will want me for sure.”


“Whoo hoo hoo!”

Ryoko cheered as she floated above the city, her body was so sweaty that it fell down like foul rain drops. Ryoko was like a flying pig, a soaring cow, the sheer mass of her was a spectacle, especially considering she was nude. She had long ago ruined her outfit. Ruined by stains, sweat, far too many wet farts, and generally coming apart at the seams by Ryoko’s blubbery fat. Her stomach and rolls dangling and clapped together as she flew, enjoying the freeing air crossing over her blubber, her tits pointing straight down.

Ryoko had completely lost all shame and would often take dumps in the air, letting her logs fall down and hit any random stranger who happened to be unlucky, as if she were some giant bird.

Her dine and dash gluttony had caused outrage in the city as she gorged and glutted, growing fat as a tick.

“Oooh a bakery!” Ryoko licked her lips and flew down, phasing through the door. The staff and customer all screamed at the massive blob that was now going through the inventory. Ryoko was picking up whole wedding cakes and thrusting them into her mouth, just chewing and swallowing as much as she could as cake icing and crumbs fell on her already filthy body that was covered in stains and rubbish that stuck to her slimy sweaty body.

Ryoko let out a wet fart that splattered on the walls and let out a carnal moan. “This is the best. I should have let myself go a long time ago. Nothing but pure pleasure.”

Just then the door was kicked open by Kiyone, holing up a blaster.

“Ryoko, you have gone too far this time. Because of this…this…” Kiyone struggled to even form words at the depths of depravity Ryoko had sunk to.

“Thats right i-ommph~!”

Kiyone turned around and saw her partner was stuck in the door frame.

“Oh my God Mihoshi! NOT NOW!”

Ryoko laughed which sent her now Jabba the Hutt sized body wobbling from her toes to her stack of chins.

“Ha ha ha. It looks like you two have your own problems. Good luck getting officer donuts out of that door. Bye!”

Ryoko waved at them with her wristbanded arm and teleported away.

“Damn it Mihoshi!”

“I’m soorrry Kiyone I didn’t mean to!” Tears ran down big eyes as the stuck blonde wailed “Can I at least have some pastries?”

Disgusted Kiyone threw a box of donuts at Mihoshi “Have at them, you pig!”

Mihoshi sniffed her nose and started in on them, worsening her problem.


Sasami took deep breaths as she waddled along with Tenchi.

“It’s such a beautiful day Tenchi” Sasami took a seat on a tree stump, her ass taking up the majority of the space. Sasami was morbidly obese, now the same size as Ayeka when she got stuck in the bathroom. Her enlarged robe was filled by her plush body and her face looked even cuter with a double chin. Sasami was petting Ryo-Ohki with her bloated fingers. Sasami was wider than she was tall, which only made her cuter at her height.

“It’s great to have you around to talk to, Sasami,” Tenchi smiled as he bent over to pick up carrots in the garden.

Sasami suddenly farted and blushed, “Excuse me Tenchi.”

Tenchi laughed, “It’s okay Sasami. Your sister and Ryoko do it all the time.”

Sasami continued to blush, she wasn’t nearly as shameless as Ryoko was and her sister could be.

Just then Washu teleported to the garden, “Ah nice to have some fresh air.”

Tenchi looked at Washu, astonished at her elephantine body.

“Washu you’ve been in your lab for months, is all this because of you?”

“You betcha! I just showed them your preference in girls and off to the races they went!”

“You did WHAT?” Tenchi exclaimed in shock while Sasami just giggled innocently and let out a loud fart.

“Yeah, I took your search history and applied it to a VR simulation. They were really grossed out at first, Tenchi.”

Tenchi lowered his head, only able to look at his shoes.


Just then Ayeka teleported to the garden, Tenchi was taken back by the now whalish Ayeka.

“A-Ayeka! I-i”

Ayeka blushed and farted while nodding in approval “This is what I want too Tenchi. If this is truly what you like.”

Right as she said that Ryoko teleported in, but landed in the mud.

“AUgh! I’m too drained to levitate out of here! Oh! Hey Tenchi!”

In the middle of the mud Ryoko pressed her naked tits together “See what you like Tenchi? I’m the biggest grossest thing you’ve ever seen right?” Ryoko farted and few logs dropped into the mud.

Tenchi made a grossed out face at Ryoko’s display, “Ryoko, I-” but Ryoko interrupted him “I’ll never go back Tenchi, I love it like this. I want to be a fat pig forever.”

“I can help with that!” Washu’s holo-keyboard appeared and she played on it.

Suddenly Ryoko’s long cowlike ears started to become floppy. Her skin changed to a pale pinkish tone. Her nose changed shape, more round and sticking out. Ryoko piled on even more weight to her obscenely obese body, causing her to lean forward and onto her belly which started to raise her up, her thick bloated legs were no longer able to touch the ground, only laying in the air and kicking wildly at her pleasurable transformation. Her hands and feet started to merge together forming pig hooves. And with a tremendously wet fart like a hippo a tail grew out of the top of Ryoko’s butt crack, turning and twisting until there was nothing more to Ryoko than a pig.

There was nothing more to change.

“Whatcha think, *snort* Tenchi?” Ryoko let another couple of wet farts explode out of her into the mud she was in. “Am I sexy or what? Wanna fuck?”

Tenchi looked at Ryoko firmly and said, “No way.”

“*Snrrrk* What?!”

“Ryoko, my interests are really bizarre I admit it, but I draw the line at this. Ryoko, you’re just an animal like this, and I don’t want to sleep with actual literal pigs.”

Ryoko was shocked as Tenchi turned his back and flopped down on Ayeka’s stinky unwashed belly, causing Ayeka to fart. He turned his head to Washu.

“Thanks Washu,” Tenchi said and Washu threw a thumbs up “Anytime Tenchi!”

Ayeka rubbed Tenchis hair and said “Lets go someplace else.”

Ayeka and Tenchi vanished and Ryoko begged Washu “Washu, change me back please! I can’t be an actual pig for Tenchi!”

Washu giggled, “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. Don’t worry once your strength comes back you’ll be able to levitate yourself outta there. Catch you later!”

Washu teleported away and Ryoko looked over at Sasami and oinked in desperation.

“Sorry Ryoko, it looks you’re gonna be a pig in the mud a while longer, I have to make dinner!”

Sasami grunted off the log and slowly waddled back to the house, leaving Ryoko wallowing in the mud.

Inside Washu’s lab Ayeka sucked on a feeding machine while Tenchi laid on her, using her like a bed. Ayeka closed her eyes in proud victory and sucked away, growing fatter and fatter.

Later that night when the sun started to set Ryoko was still stuck in the mud, her enormous pig tailed ass blasting wet farts. Her dine and dash crime spree had filled her with so much food and now she was producing so much waste.

“Feed me! Feed me! Oink oink oink!” Ryoko cried out

“Just be patient!” Sasani called out, carrying Ryoko’s meal. She saw the pile of shit that had slowly built up behind her and patted Ryoko’s hammy ass.

“At least we’ll have plenty of fertilizer for the carrot field. Now open wide!”

Ryoko opened up and Sasami began to feed her.
The End


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