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David Goes To Hell
By FC Punk

“Where am I?”

The last place David remembered being was his hospital bed at Doctor Death’s clinic waddled alone by himself in a void of nothingness. His deformed blubbery soul matched the body he had left on earth. Unbound by such things like gravity he could move himself far easier, his belly dragged on the floor as he moved.

Floor, ground, it made no difference when there was nothing to be seen.

“I’m so hungry…”

Suddenly before he knew what hit him a voice that sounded like the feeling of youth of innocence and the feelings of utter bliss and joy and happiness washed over him.

“I do not know this wicked blob. Depart from me.”

The weight of David’s body pulled him down through the void as he fell down through time and space and the cosmic heavens falling down into a valley of fire and thorn bushes blooming black roses.

David’s fat soul landed in the bushes but strangely did not yell out in pain as black thorns cut into his pasty body. He could see the lake of fire beyond the thorns. Suddenly the thorns parted and David came unloose, landing on his soft ass that sent him jiggling all over, a few specks of yellow fat being flung out of his cuts.

The prickly bushes revealed a beautiful woman in a form fitting red dress. She had ample curves, a sizable buttocks and an impressive cleavage. Her long hair hid half of her face as she approached you.

“Welcome to Hell. David. Ordinarily you would be rotting in that lake of fire, but you lived such a life that your soul has become the single embodiment of a single sin. You are the sin of gluttony. I am the sin of Pride.”

She smirked before extending a single hand.

“But you can call me Lucifer. And you are David, Demon of Gluttony.”

“I’m a...I’m a demon?”

The beautiful woman named Lucifer brushed David’s hair, “You poor thing, you’ve never used your spiritual eyes. It’s a lot like being born. Look at yourself again.”

David closed his eyes tightly and then opened them.

Where before he could only see the body he died with now he could see far more clearly. His flesh spanned acres of land, brushing against the thorny patches of Hell. With newfound strength David stood up and his flesh moved with him like he was carrying nothing at all. Horns grew above his head that curled like a ram’s head. He also had a long tail like a dragon that was just as thick as the rest of him. His skin had turned from piggishly pale to a demonic red.

With his new eyes he could see Lucifer much more closely and her tanned skin. A beautiful woman, mysterious, with an air of danger to her. The kind of woman that would tempt you to do anything.

“Yes David, you are a demon. Certain mortals commit so many particular sins that they've souls fall from heaven. But rather than going in there” Lucifer pointed at the lake of fire on the other side of the thorn bushes where the yells and cries of the damned echoed to the point of becoming mere white noise to David’s new demonic hearing.

“In your case you become a demon like myself and come here to my garden of sinful delights. It’s very rare for that to happen. This hell will become your heaven, you big fat devil.”

Lucifer crawled up David’s hil of rolls and folds and brought a cheeseburger to his lips. “You,” Lucifer dry humped David’s flab that sent his body into a wobbling fit
are the Demon of Gluttony.”

David took massive bites, finishing the cheeseburger in two large bites.

Tiny shortstack demonic girls with huge breasts and long tails came out of the thorn bushes each patting and grasping David’s flab.

“What are these?” David said around a mouthful of food.

“These are my succubi, they exist to give you pleasure.”

The imp like creatures crawl all over David, biting down onto his flab like vampires. The bites sent waves of pleasure through David, pleasure he never felt on earth, pleasure he never even dreamed of having. Paralyized with pleasure he could hardly see the little imps lifting his flowing gut up with pitchforks, now could feel the blood leaking from him or the yellow fat that  slowly crawled down the blades of the forks.

“Isn’t it nice?” Lucifer whispered in his ear, her tongue having a fork in it like a snake's tongue. The tongue tickled the inside of David’s ear as she said “They exist to give you all the pleasure you want. Cute little things aren’t they?”

With David’s huge cock exposed they were jumping on top of it and rubbing their enormous breasts all over the football field length cock.

So many emotions, so many pleasurable feelings were going through him but there was one feeling that dominated all else: Hunger.

“I'm hungry!” David bellowed out, sending many impish succubi off to roll in carts of devils food cake. Slices of the decadent sinful treat were cut and shoved into David’s gapping begging mouth. With no reason for manners David brushed aside the succubi and grabbed the cakes for himself, dumping them all over himself. He munched and moaned, getting as much into him as he could, shoving the cake into his mouth with his huge broad arms.

When he rolled onto his belly he started to crawl towards a big bowl of the most sinful ice cream sunday he had ever seen, dragging his stomach along like a heavy sack of fat. His spirit was blubbery like a walrus, the same condition he had left his body in. It was a reflection of all the sins David had committed while glutting himself as much as he could. His lustful fetish and gluttony had blimped him out, his greed only wanting more and more food, to the point he became envious of others and especially fatter people. He lived for not moving as he grew more and more grotesquely heavy. There were even moments where he would be angry he didn’t gain the weight he wanted after his binges. But most of all, with every pound he gained, David grew .

It all contributed to making his soul so flabby and large he had turned his soul into a demon. His naked cheeks clapped while he moved, moving his arms and knees like the Godless animal he had become. Lucifer sauntered next to him, tracing her long finger along David’s fleshy back “The demonic flesh you grew over your soul matches your corpse on earth. You are free to indulge all you want, you might say you have escaped punishment.”

She leaned forward, wickedly whispering with her forked tip tongue “You got away with it.”

He got away with it, David grinned while getting into the big sunday. He scooped handfuls of ice cream into his maw, dirtying himself all over and getting his face ringed in chocolate sauce. Crawling like an animal he happened to a river of cream and pust his jowly face in, lapping up as much cream as he could. Demon wings grew on his back they were simply for show, there was no way those tiny bat like wings would be able to lift his bulk.

Just then another demon like lucifer came from the bushes. Lucifer grinned, “A mega succubus, this should post well!”

The Succubus pushed David into the cream bath pool and fed him the cream, lowering a hose from nowhere he began to chug fatty cream.

But suddenly he felt a pain in his chest, “But I’m..”

“You’re dead. This is your hell for your reckless gluttony living. The pain will never go away.”

Amidst the fire and brimstone David clutched his chest and gasped, spitting out spittle in shock.

Lucifer learned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

“Welcome to Hell.”


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