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Bridal Weight
By FC Punk

Chapter One: Jesse & Alex

Jesse giggled dumbly as he laid on the couch looking at wedding dresses on his phone, positively over the moon after the love of his life had proposed to him. His face hurt from smiling so much as his fingers swiped and swiped at his phone. For a moment he held the phone up, ready to take a selfie while laying on his back. He looked into the camera and observed his face: Round with big doe eyes and chunky jowly cheeks that melded into a single large thick jelly roll of a chin that obscured his neck, and all of which was framed by long shoulder length blonde hair.

It was definitely the face of a fatty, there was no angle that could disguise it, just seeing the size of Jesse’s double chin alone would give away the fact that Jesse Spencer was a big fat person.

Jesse’s belly rumbled and he looked down at his gut that stuck out in the air like a mountain of seal blubber. “Oh poo,” Jesse pouted at his hungry, hungry belly and wiggled in place trying to get to his feet. In the comfort of his home Jesse was wearing just a pink t-shirt and a black pair of panties and as he wiggled his legs trying to get into a seated position the thick cellulite jelly that coated them jiggled and shook.

“Hnnng,” Jesse gruntled and with a great heave managed to shift his lard into a seated position. “Hoo, hoo” Jesse puffed a bit, he was terribly out of shape for nineteen years old. “Here we go,” Jesse mumbled and let out a high pitched squeal rising to his feet. Upon rising to a vertical position Jesse groaned and moaned, feeling gravity grasp it’s foul, savage, hateful hold onto his weight and more importantly onto his knees.

“Hmmmmph!” Jesse whimpered, compelled by his hunger to waddle to the fridge. The waddle was slow, Jesse being seriously hindered by his own blubber.

Jesse’s pale white fat jiggled and shook with every thundering step the young man took. His fat was heavy and saggy; it hung over his knees off his thighs, it hung off his buttocks and was heavily dimpled. His fat ass ate his panties and periodically Jesse would whine and dig his panties out of his crack with his pudgy fingers. Fat hung off his middle to form a serious belly apron that slapped against the top half of his thighs and which

Jesse’s morbid obesity was a sign, a sign of a young man burdened with far more than a weight problem.

“Now let’s see…oooh…” Jesse would coo to himself time after time whenever he would look into the fridge as he was doing right this very moment. His big greedy eyes scanned the recesses of the fancy fridge his groom possessed. He bit his lip looking at the collection of cakes on the lower shelf, but his eyes darted up to the middle where there were two dozen chilled donuts.

“Chilled donuts are so good,” Jesse whined, anxiously clutching his round porky little hands amidst being unable to choose. “Poo!” Jesse exclaimed in frustration at being unable to choose. However, the longer he waited the more tired his legs became trying to hold Jesse’s considerable corpulence.

“Hmm, donuts.” Jesse picked up a box before pausing to look at the cake. Almost regrettably he closed the door and waddled back to his spot on the couch. He dropped himself into the big fat person's couch and then suddenly he got an idea.

“Oh! What if I order McDonalds and then that way when I’m finished with this I’ll have fast food ready for me! I’m so smart!” Jesse cheered, nodding his head affirmatively, his fleshy jowly face wobbling as he did so. He was so proud of his idea as he thumbed his phone, coating the screen in glazed sugar. It had to be said Jesse wasn’t much of a big thinker, he would much rather prefer to leave thinking to his better half. Thinking would only make him stressed and make his heart beat far faster than he would like. But when he would make such brilliant ideas such as this, he would feel such pride and his lips would curl up into a smug self satisfied smirk.

After finishing one donut he sucked glaze off his finger and said, “Alex will love to hear about this when he comes home. This is such an exciting day!”

After sending the order out he put all his attention to the donuts, balancing the box on his shelf of a belly while he dug into it with both hands.

“Mmmm! Yum!” Jeese would moan out, flicking icing off his lips as he ate with a donut in each hand, taking alternating bites from each one. No, it wasn’t a weight problem that Jesse “suffered” from, Jesse was quite frankly addicted to food. It wasn’t just any food his little food addiction was attached to, it was the absolute worst sugary, buttery, carby, most rich, most greasy food Jesse could get his greedy sausage fingers on.

Jesse lived to eat, but more specifically, he lived to eat bad.

With one sloppy push of his pudgy index finger the last donut was pushed into his mouth.

“Ah, that was nice,” Jesse licked his lips while leaning back and rubbing the expansive of his lard tank of a belly. Slowly and slowly he would rub it, savoring the sweet stuffed feeling he adored. It was the same filling he felt every time before him and his fiance Alex made love. Alex would stuff him until Jesse was bloated and full and then have his way with him.

Just then there was a knock on his door and Jesse squealed like an annoyed piglet. “Ooooh, why now? I don’t want to get up!” Jesse whined, his tone high and feminem.

Jesse struggled to his feet and huffed to the door. She hoped to God the driver hadn’t left yet, some of them just dropped the bags off and left. Reaching the door he paused to catch his breath. His poor heart was already pounding from the walk from the couch to the front door. Rubbing his fast beating chest with his fingers in a massage.

“One, two, three…’ Jesse began to puff and count, it was a technique he had developed to calm himself down and ease his beating heart. “Four, five, six…” Jesse coughed, his breathing getting bigger as he felt his body relax. “Seven, Eight, Nine…” Jesse let out a smooth exhale of air from his lips and the pain in his chest subsided.

Letting out a sigh of relief Jesse smiled side wide, his jowly cheeks lifting up as he opened the door to reveal two bags of McDonalds sitting on the ground.

“Oh no!” Jesse squeaked as he looked far and wide for the driver. Looking down at the bags his bib of a thick double chin oozed further out and he pouted, complaining “I don’t want to pick it up, my back will hurt.”

But with no optionals available Jesse, with great reluctance, bent over to pick up his greasy bounty.

“Oooh! Oh!” Jesse complained and whined, his massive gut making bending and reaching such an awful pain, His fingertips briefly brush against the bags but was unable to get a good grasp.

“Poo,” Jesse grumbled and groaned, grunting like a pig he cursed at the bags and effort and the pain from such effort.

“Poo! This is why Alex picks things up, this is why he ties my shoes, I hate bending over, I hate it, I hate it!”

The spoiled prince started to sweat from being outside and his pretty blonde hair became a mess as he finally caught a good grasp. “Got it!” Jesse grinned and slowly bent back up, whining as his heavy lard sack hanging off his middle and the pair of heft boobs dangling from his chest like udders.

Wasting not a single moment he “rushed” (really just a faster shuffling waddle) back to his couch, great big stomping noises being made by the stampeding hippo.

Seated down he unboxed two double quarter pounders with cheese and dual wielded them, holding one in each hand he took alternating bites from each one much like he did the donuts easier. His piggish face was overjoyed with a big happy grin while eating with his mouthful. He loved to eat and stuff his belly and his fiancee Alex loved it even more than he did.

“Hola bay bay!”

Jesse’s eyes lit up hearing the unmistakable broken English as Alex came in from around the corner.

Alexander Escobar stood before him, standing tall in a thousand dollar white suit. It was a fancy white pinstripe suit that the dashing olive skinned Mexican man wore to perfection. The top button of his shirt was open which revealed a gold chain around his neck. On his wrist sat a gold Rolex that had diamonds all over it. He was wearing ray bans that hid his eyes and a full beard covered his jawline.

He leaned in to kiss Jesse on the lips before sitting in the spare space not taken up by Jesse’s bulk.

“How was your day,” Alex spoke slowly, understanding English, but having trouble with pronouncing. Speakly slowly allowed him to speak clearly. His accent was thick, but Jesse could understand him perfectly.

“I started great, I had one of the dozen donuts in the fridge, but then it just turned awful! Just awful!”

Alex listened, his golden ring clad fingers brushing his thick brown beard as Jesse whined and bitched and complained about having to move off the couch. He nodded patiently as Jesse’s high voice cracked dramatically as he recreated all these awful events.

“And then, and then, I had to bend over!”

“Shhhh, cachorro callado,” Alex softly said while gently squeezing Jesse’s plump wrist with his big strong brown hand “Just eat.” Jesse sniffed at his lover’s kindness and finished both burgers before moving onto the forty piece Chicken McNuggets that Jesse popped into his mouth like candy, sipping from the huge strawberry shake.

All the while Alex took photos of his fat little bride stuffing his face with his phone. So engrossed was Jesse that he didn’t notice Alex clearly and openly take candids of him. No, Jesse was obviously into his meal, Jesse ate and ate until he couldn’t fit a single extra calorie.

“Oooh, oh that was soooo good!” Jesse mumbled softly. With a dozen donuts still in his gut now accompanied by a McDonalds meal his flabby stomach was bloated to immensity. “Hoo, hooo,” Jesse tried to breath, hiccupping *HIC!*

Jesse, mouth coated in ketchup and salt looked at Alex with pleading eyes.

“D-daddy,” Jesse began, which made Alex smile. “Can I, can *hicup!*” Jesse blushed as he hiccuped mid sentence before asking “Can I give you a blow job?” He then immediately blushed harder and added “Please!”

Alex chuckled, rising to his feet and facing his blobby bride. Her eyes were pleading and begging, big doe eyes. Alex loved how his little bride would voluntarily ask to give him a blow job. The very notion he had to ask permission tickled Alex to no end. Undoing his pants he let his cock out and the long brown member was rock hard. Jesse grabbed Alex’s cock and inserted it into his mouth, giving Alex the best head ever.

Alex’s large fingers brushed her blonde hair, reflecting how much Jesse had grown since he got hold of her. He could remember the girlish boy, the boy whose sheer obesity had feminized him into this androgynous butterball. He was well over 400 pounds when they first met, but that was a long time ago. Since they became a couple Jesse had blown up like a lard balloon, being spoiled by this handsome dark man that fucked him harder the bigger he got. His weight only skyrocketed again when Alex had proposed to him and wasn’t close to slowing down as they prepared for the wedding.

Alex watched the slobbering cock gobbling blob suck and suck and the garbage surrounding the couch. Jesse was so big, so fucking big. He was a big fat barbie doll and Alex had every intent to feed him until he popped.

“Nnnn!” Alex moaned and cummed in Jesse’s mouth, Jesse swallowing every drop.

Leaning back on the couch Jesse moaned as Alex’s brown cock flopped out of her mouth.

“Oh that was wonderful,” Jesse mumbled, now all so tired out from giving head. “I think I want to nap.”

“You go ahead and nap,” Alex tucked his cock back into his pants, “Just think about the wedding.”

Jesse nodded and laid back on the couch, now completely taking it up as his mass sprawled out.

As Jesse nodded off and started to fill the living room with the thundering sounds of snoring sleep apnea Alex took to his phone and looked at the photos he had taken of his bride. He took a few more of her laying there asleep with her mouth wide open struggling to breath.

He hit send to all and walked out of the room.

The road to the wedding was going to be one hell of a ride.

To Be Continued…


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