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Part Two: Paying The Toll

“Come on baby,” Jasmine whispered to herself while pushing a cart of food to David’s room. The clinic was playing a muzak version of Blue Oyster Cult’s Don’t Fear The Reaper and it was so infectious Jasmine couldn’t help but sing along.

“Seasons don’t fear the reaper, nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain…”

She smiled to herself, there were three covered trays that each contained a beef wellington roast.

“He’s really hungry today,” Jasmine chuckled. The covers of the trays couldn’t cover the heavenly smell coming from them. She opened the door and blushed, seeing David made her moist under her scrubs.

“Hey Jasmine.”

David had gotten even larger. Six months into his final journey had packed a hundred pounds of pure yellow blubber onto his already swollen saturated frame, putting him at a staggering 720 pounds. His belly, already a massive mountainous pile of jelly, was even bigger and his pale skin now had a layer of cellulite to it.

“There’s my big hungry ball of lard!” Jasmine cheers sweetly while getting everything in place for David’s beef wellingtons. Leaned back into his pillows David passively allowed Jasmine to feed him. As she put forkful after forkful into David’s mouth she looked at the readings on his heart monitor.

“Heart rate is ticking up, that’s looking good.”

“I had chest pain earlier this morning.”

Jasmine looked excited upon hearing that, “Did you really?” Her nipples started to tent her scrubs as she asked “On a scale of one to ten how bad was it? I mean, I guess it wasn’t too bad considering you didn’t page us, but I need to know.” Her hand absently touched herself as she babbled on.

David chuckled at her reaction and said, “Something like a three. It was...painful but I could handle it.”

“Aww, what a big tough man you are.” Jasmine coos at David while pinching his flabbier cheek jowls before saying in complete seriousness “Next time though you need to contact one of us the moment you feel tightness in your chest.”

She held one of David’s giant moobs in her hand and jiggled it, “We don’t want to miss a single moment.” She then ran her hand over David’s belly, biting her bottom lip at the feeling “Your blubber is so sexy David, you have no idea how much it drives me wild.”

David rubbed what he could of his bloated body. His arms were so rotund and heavy from atrophied flab it was a real effort to move them. His hands were like a plastic glove that had been inflated. David’s round hands traced his pale flabby lard and moaned, “I never thought I’d get this fat in my life. It’s so hot.”

Jasmine grasped a big mushy handful of David’s fat and shook it, “You really are remarkably fat. It’s like you absorb calories like a sponge absorbs water.”

David was a complete and utter pig around beef wellington and his fat piggy jowls went to work jiggling away as he ate and ate. So dedicated to his gluttony was David that Jasmine switched cutting up his food for him. “Maybe this would be easier,” she winked, picked up the loaf, and put it up to David's mouth. David chowed down like a machine, chewing and swallowing. Flecks of pastry would fall on his bosom and grease rolled down his mouth and into his chins. Jasmine was sure to wipe David clean, all too pleased at David’s hoggish appetite.

After the third beef wellington Jasmine dipped steak fries in lots of ketchup and mayo, the three beef wellingtons all came with servings of fattening fries. From the tray, to the cup, and then to David’s mouth, that was the journey of a single fry, a journey that many others would follow.

After the last fry was pushed past his lips Jasmine wiped her forehead with her arm.

“Phew! Feeding you is quite the workout.” She flexed her right bicep, “Here, feel this.”

David reached and touched the bulging muscle with his pudgy fingers “Oh wow, it’s so-it’s so hard.”

Jasmine smiled at him, “Now you try.”

David tried to flex, bending his right arm. Jasmine grasped David’s massive upper arm and could only giggle, “Wow, I can barely feel anything. Are you sure you're flexing?”

“I am! But I can try harder,” David put more effort into his flex, scrunching up his face in concentration which pushed out his many chins. Jasmine felt his arm and groped it once more, digging her fingers into his gelatinous arm fat.

“Still can’t...oh! There it is!”

Jasmine felt a small lump in David’s arm, it was faint but it was muscle.

“Ha ha ha,” Jasmine laughed while squeezing it, “Oh my God, it’s so small.”

David relaxed his arm at that and took a deep breath, just flexing his arm was a work out for him. “I remember when I first started gaining there were times where I’d look bigger but the scale would say I lost weight. I later learned it was because I was in fact losing muscle and since muscle weighs more it affected the scale.”

“Oh wow, muscle loss is so sexy.” Jasmine put her palm on Davids belly and gave it a shake, sending Davids lard into waves of jiggles, “Fat definitely suits you more than muscles anyways.”

Jasmine stacked the trays back onto the cart, “Well, I better take these back. I think Mel or Jesse should be seeing you next.” Jasmine leaned over and kissed David on his fleshy cheek “I’ll see you later.”

Leaning back on his pillows David tried to rub his belly, but the most he could do was touch his with his palma. There was simply no way David could manage to reach around his girth to touch his middle, not with his atrophied muscles. The most he could do was rub the tubby rolls of his sides.

God he had gotten so huge here. Bigger than he ever thought. David came from big long time of morbidly obese Teans. Right now David was the fattest member of the family, dead or alive. Sure there was uncle Tully, who tipped the scales at 417 but David put him to shame, God rest his soul. David was the pinnacle, one might him the canopy of the family tree.

Patting his lardy sides made his entire tank of fat wobble. He whimpered a bit, just that little bit of exercise made his heart beat faster. After his first heart attack last Thursday. Oh you felt so wretched. All the muscles around his chest were on fire. But Doctor Death wasn’t going to let him go until she had her fun. The defibrillator was on standby. There was still more for David to eat, more blubber for David to pack on. He was sweating already from his beating heart, being the size of furniture meant he was giving off a ton of heat.

Jesse came in with soap and bucket ‘Time for our wash! Can't have you smelling like a barn after all.”

David, stuffed and bloated, could only smile in response. He was enjoying being pampered and spoiled, it was pure heaven before it was time to move to his final destination. “Hey Jesse, do you think you could put in an order for some cheese fries before you begin?” David asked, even as his belly was distended out.

“Sure, I can do that,” Jesse tapped on her cell phone before moving onto her duty. David couldn’t help but giggle as the warm soft round sponge being dug under his immense flowing belly fat. “That tickles, hehe” David giggled at the feeling of his underbelly and his large fupa.

“Sorry hun,” Jesse winked at him, moving the sponge downward to wash his girthy dick and balls, “I’ll try and be gentle.” She slowly washed his cock in long strokes and circled his balls. David stirred, his girthy cock inflating like a long balloon and pressed against Jesse’s hand.

“Oooh, naughty fat man,” she leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, “How am I supposed to get you clean if you insist on being a dirty boy?”

David chuckled, “I don’t know, that sure is a problem.”

Jesse chuckled as well, “If you be a good fat pig and let me clean you I promise I’ll get you nice and dirty tonight.”

That sounded delightful to David.

“You got yourself a deal Jesse.”

Jesse resumed washing his cock, stroking the length with her soapy sponge. While David tried his best to behave the strokes were too much for his sensitive cock and spurted all over Jesse’s hand.

“David Davis, I thought we had a deal!” Jesse mock scolded him, entirely expecting this to happen.

David moaned in the midst of his orgasam “Mnnnn, sorry Jesse, I couldn’t help it.”

Jesse smirked, “That’s okay, I kinda knew this would happen.” She pulled the sponge out, dipped it into the bucket, and then pushed it back under his belly sack. “I’ll still come over and get you nice and dirty.” She patted David’s mountain of belly pudge and delighted at the wobble “All this girth turns me on.”

David smirked back, “Oh really? It turns me on too.”

They stared at each other for three seconds before bursting out laughing.

“Sassy butterball,” Jesse teases, moving the sponge out from under his belly and now washing the top of it. “I really do love it, this big soft hill of flab. It’s so sexy David.”

“I know, I never thought I’d get so big, I always fantasized being over 700 pounds and huge.”

“The Doctor aims to please.”

The sponge dug into David’s thick side rolls, with Jesse practically squeeing at the way David’s side rolls jiggled like jam at the slightest touch. “The bigger you get the more work I have to do.”

The cheese fries were brought in by another nurse and David helped himself while Jesse continued to clean him. “It must be nice being spoiled. It’s like being a baby but you’re old enough to appreciate it,” Jesse teased while washing David’s every growing moobs. “I’ve got to say, these I’m actually jealous of,” Jesse said wistfully while the sponge circled David’s ever plump nipples.

“Arms up,” Jesse instructed David, who obliged. Lifting his left arm made the bloated encasing fat wobble. Jesse smelled the BO coming from David’s under arm and pinched her nose, “Pee yew! It’s a good thing I’m here, huh?” She dug the sponge deep under his arms, giving his under arms a thorough wash.

After David was all clean Jesse stood up and looked David over with eyes of pride. “Well my prize pig,” she picked up the empty plate that once contained his cheese fries. “I’ll be over later tonight . Get nice and bloated for me by then'' She leaned over and gave David a parting kiss on his lips.

David laid in his bed, ever so relaxed. He had long since been unable to get out of bed by himself and was content to spend his days unmoving like a colossal boulder. Reaching over to the side table next to him he grasped a doobie and lit up. Inhaling he held the smoke in his mouth, counting to three in his head before blowing it out, sighing with euphoric pleasure rushing through his head,

Time passed while David surfed the web and smoked weed. Each inhale and exhale produces the same effect. Chasing the dragon, riding the tiger, David tried and tried to match that initial first puff but it was a fruitless endeavor.

All the smoking did was increase his hunger and by the time Mel had came he was absolutely ravenous.

“Hey big guy,” Mel greeted David, “I think it’s time for a weigh in.”

The thought of getting up made David’s heart rate go up, the machine beeping faster.

“I..er...do we have to?” David mumbled in discomfort as chest pain began to set in.

Mel looked at the monitor “Oh you lazy fat man. The scale is right here.” Mel pointed to the black platform that was on the side or his bed. “It won’t be bad, now lets get you up.”

It was an ordeal getting the crane’s harness around David to get him up. The rirring of the machine filled the room and David was sat up and positioned to be sitting on the edge of the bed. The harness was taken off and David was heaved onto his feet by Mel, her strong biceps popping in action. What was also popping and cracking were his legs and feet.

“Oh fuck!” David puffed, face turning beat red as his blood pressure spiked and his feet felt tingly from his diabetes. On his feet the burden of 700 pounds was cast on him, a burdensome beast.

“Only four steps, you can do it,” encouraged Mel in a cooing voice as if she was talking to a dog.

“Hnnnng,” David took one step and then the other, his walrus-like body shuffling from side to side. Even while Mel was by his side David still worried that he might fall on her and kill her. Finally he made it to the scale, glistening with sweat it was clear Jesse was going to have more work tonight. Luckily the scale had handle bars that David grasped onto for dear life. His round chubby hands could hardly keep a steady grip with how sweaty his palms were.

“Okay David, at your last weigh in you were 720 pounds, let's see how the past few months have gone.:

Mel activated the scale and the number 798.7 lbs flashed in big red letters.

David could hardly believe his eyes. He was so close to 800, so close to being a full half ton of pure fat man blubber.

“Hnnnng,” David groaned, his heart rate was going crazy.

“Seven-seven hundred, oooph,” David puffed and moaned, his vision becoming blurry as his heart beat faster than he could handle. He poured back into his bed like pancake batter pouring out of a bowl. His heart rate was still going faster than he ever thought.

“Hah! Hoo!” He breathed as hard as could be, now covered from head to toe in heavy sweat “Mel, I-” His face contorted in agony and his face turned purple. His useless arms tried in vain to clutch his chest but they were just too hampered with pampered lard.

Finally the ECG flatlined, a monotone flat beep echoing in the room. Mel rushed at a frenzied pace, getting the defilberators out; she climbed up David’s mountain of fat and slammed the paddles into his poisonous flab.

“CLEAR!” She shouts. Your chest puffs out and the flatline returns to a strained slow heartbeat.

Hours later David opened his eyes but found he couldn’t speak, he never felt weaker in your life. But...for a brief second you thought you saw it. There was a bright light and a warm feeling. However this memory started to fade. Where does a wish go? Where does a dream go when you wake up but can’t remember it?

Was this what the Doctor spoke of?

David watched as several nurses including Mel, Jesse, and Jasmine. They were all talking amongst themselves, writing things on clipboards.

Jasmine noticed David was awake and went over.

“How many fingers am I holding up David?”

“Three” David garbled out, even speaking was such a strain on him.

“Oh good,” Jasmine squeaked.


David was always thirsty due to his diabetes making his mouth as parched as a desert. Jesse handed David a cup with a straw. David sipped and it was a coke and rum. He tried not to chuckle, even chuckling hurt him. The state he had turned his body into was truly monstrous. His round bloated face looked pale as could be and his hair was still damp with sweat.

Finally The Doctor came in with her exquisite white kimono, mask over her face.

“Mr. Davis, you had a heart attack. We believe one of the walls in your heart has weakened. It’s only a matter of time before another attack and then another until our defilberator will no longer work on you. You are living on borrowed time Mr. Davis.”

Borrowed time.

To Be Continued...


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