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By FC Punk

Shinji was always at his happiest when he was with Kaworu. In an ever depressing life of trauma he was the shining light of the vast ocean of his agony; the light that shines his way to happiness. Kaworu for his part adored Shinji with nothing but unconditional love for his Shinji-kun. Today they were on a date and were walking in the park. Shinji was positively beaming while Kaworu had his hands over his eyes and was leading him somewhere.  It had been a rough week of Asuka bullying him and finally culminating in an Angel attack. Battles were always difficult, they left Shinji shaken to his core and with worse mental health than before.

Luckily Shinji always had Kaworu. During one outing an accident at a construction site happened; a steel beam came undone and came crashing on the ground. It triggered Shinji to the point he soiled himself.

To Shinji it was the most embarrassing moment of his life, but Kaworu was there to sooth his worries and give him tender loving care. It would not be the first time Shinji would make a mess, the back of his pants would bulge out each time he was triggered. Shinji’s little accidents at first left him a crying mess, but Kaworu’s affection changed all that.

Without a hint of disgust Kaworu would touch the back of Shinji’s pants and give the lumpy load loving little pats. Shinji would blush, unsure of what Kaworu was doing but gradually he calmed down from crying. He would feel Kaworu’s face being pushed against the brown bulge and bite his lip, his boyfriend seemingly worshipping his waste. Over time through Kaworu’s love Shinji’s embarrassment and shame would become erotic and arrousing. A fetish had been born and now Shinji took delight in soiling himself.

“I can’t wait to see where you’re taking me,” Shinji said while his eyes were covered by Kaworu’s delicate hands.

“We’re here Shinji.” Kaworu lowered his hands and revealed a boat at the lake. Shinji blushed, “O-oh Kaworu. A romantic boat ride!” Inside the boat was a picnic basket, everything was perfectly set up. They set off into the lake, Kaworu rowing the boat. Shinji took in the environment, happy as could be. In the middle of the lake Shinji opened up the picnic basket to find two baguettes and cheese. He looked up at Kaworu, a small blush on his cheeks and said with a perverse tone, “All this cheese is going to make me poop.”

Kaworu chuckled at that, “Wouldn’t that be awful?” Kaworu started to scrape cheese over pieces of baguette he tore off. “It would simply be terrible if I fed into your poor bowels.” Shinji bit into the bread and his face lit up cutely “Oh Kaworu, this is the good stuff!” Shinji chewed slowly savoring the creamy cheese. Kaworu smiled watching him eat, they enjoyed their little date on the lake with Shinji finishing both baguettes and emptying the container of all the cheese.

Suddenly, Shinji felt the erotic bubbling in his stomach. “Oooh,” Shinji bent over and farted loudly. “Is something wrong Shinji?” Kaworu asked, playing dumb. It was all part of their erotic little game. “I-I think I might have to-ooooh,” Shinji bit his lip and felt a turtle head start to poke out, exciting him for what was to come. Kaworu grabbed onto the oars and began to row them to shore; but it was too late for Shinji who let go.

“Ahhhh,” Shinji sighed in bliss as the warm poop parted his cheeks and slid out like a long brown snake. It was so relaxing just being able to poop as much as he wanted, the poop felt like the return of an old friend. Shinji bit his lip, feeling more thick ropes of crap spread under him and touching his balls with it’s warm gentle touch. Shinji was in his own world where he was filled with pleasure, the only thing he concentrated on were the continued snakes and ropes coming out of him. The smell of Shinji’s mess filled his nose; he had come to appreciate the rich earthy smell his old friend gave him.

The boat came back to the shore where Shinji stood up and stepped off, his load bouncing slightly. Shinji’s collection was packed tight in his pants, with Shinji standing up it looked like his butt had inflated; creating a perky booty that bounced with every step Shinji took. Shinji smiled, he couldn’t be happier. He was on a date with his boyfriend, the weather was perfect, and he had a warm load in his pants that he knew was going to get bigger. Kaworu looked at Shinji and could see the happiness beaming off him like rays of light. He could also smell the invisible fumes coming off the dump in Shinji’s pants.  While Shinji wore dark pants a faint brown outline of his lumpy poop could be made out through it; the lumps pointing in all directions.

Lovingly Kaworu reached down and put his hand on Shinji’s bulge, loving the warmth it gave off. His hand traced over each lump. Shinji felt Kaworu’s hand on his poop and blushed even harder, getting closer to him as they walked. They had no real plan for the day, care free they played it by ear. “Where would you like to go now Shinji-kun?” Kaworu asked him, tapping his fingers on the load. “Why not the amusement park? But first let’s get something to eat” Shinji suggested. The Tokyo 3 amusement park was built for the purpose of giving the residents of the city a reprieve from the constant fear of an Angel attack.

“That’s a very good idea Shinji, why don’t we get something to eat first. Something a little more filling than just bread and cheese” Kaworu said and grinned as he saw onlookers gawking at Shinji. Did he know? He had to know, didn’t he? Shinji blushed as well, he felt like all of Tokyo 3 was looking at him. looked behind him at his mess and quietly asked Kaworu, “A-are you sure you like all this?” There were times, especially in public, that Shinji grew self conscious and questioned it all, including his own enjoyment. Was it normal to be like this? To get erections over his messes?

Kaworu smiled at him, “I don’t mind it at all Shinji. I don’t mind you clean or messier” Shinji grew antsy as he felt another round coming. “I-I need to go,” Shinji anxiously looked around for somewhere private. Kaworu took Shinji to an empty alley where he rubbed his back.

“Oooh, oh!” Shinji moaned and began to push. A noisy fart escaped, muffled by the shit in his pants and the unmistakable sound of crinkling was made as Shinji began to defecate.

While before the brown snakes were the size of garter snakes these turds were the size of boas; big and thick they pushed back against the smaller snakes. The back of his pants grew even larger and the shit started to overflow the back of his pants a little, plopping on the ground like horse manure. Shinji felt the crap touch his panis again and grew an erection. Feeling the poop stretch out the back of his pants and he closed his eyes, daydreaming as he pooped.

When he opened his eyes he found Kaworu pulling his pants back and looking at the poop inside. “Oh my what do we have here," Kaworu chuckles a bit at the collection of turds and logs and snakes and ropes all lumped together. Shinji bit his lip and ejaculated in his pants two times, spraying his seed all over the crotch of his pants  gasping out "Oh, oh!"

Shinji looked behind himself at his newest mess. The back of Shinji's lumpy pants sagged down from the full weight of it all; it wasn’t perky and sticking straight out anymore, Kaworu could hold it in his arms. “W-wow…” was all Shinji could say. He was surprised by the sheer load he had just defecated, but also felt ecstatic that he could produce such waste. “T-that all came from me? I can’t believe it.” Shinji asked Kaworu who nodded “All from you Shinji-kun, and I’m very proud of you.” Kaworu gave Shinji an affectionate kiss on the forehead.

Shinji moves and he could feel the weight of his poop collection behind him “Don’t worry Shinji, I’ve got you.” He held Shinji’s caboose up, giving him much needed support. Going out of the alley Shinji blushed even more, feeling like a complete spectacle with Kaworu holding his load, holding his heavy burden. As they walked little bits of poop dropped from his pants and splattered on the ground. The sack of shit behind him shifted in Kaworu’s delicate hands as they walked.

Shinji closed his eyes trying to block out all the gawking stares before he heard a familiar “Hey Dunkoff watch where you’re going!” He opened his eyes to find Asuka in front of him grinning. “Whatcha got back there Shinji?” Asuka asked while holding a shit eating grin on her face. “N-nothing!” Shinji weakly whined but all Asuka had to do was peak behind him. “Mein Gott im Himmel!” Asuka exclaimed at the huge load that Kaworu was carrying. The smell of it hit her nose and she immediately felt her knees go weak.

Like any German Asuka had a scat fetish and Shinji’s poop was something she couldn’t get enough of; she even drilled a glory hole in her wall where she watched Shinji and Kaowru’s shit play. Oh the joy she felt from watching Shinji balloon his pants with heavy shit.

“Sheesh, what a load you’ve got back here!” Asuka made a big show of pinching her nose and pulling the back of Shinji’s pants to see the collection of brown logs and snakes that had overspilled his ruined underwear and had filled the back of his pants. She whistled and gave Shinji’s poop caboose a hearty slap which made a loud wet sound upon impact. “We’re going to a restaurant Soryu. You can accompany us there if you’d like,” Kaworu gave a friendly invitation which Asuka took. “Sure it looks like you need all the help you can get!” Asuka crowed and placed her hands under Shinji’s mess, moaning at the heft in her hands. She could feel the bumpy lumpy texture against her finger tips. She could also feel damp moisture seeping through the fabric of his pants.   She took her hands away from the collection and saw the brown residue on her fingers and moaned. When the moan left her lips she hastily added, “It’s not like I’m liking this or anything! You’re such a handful Shinji, it’s no wonder Kaworu would need my help!”

Shinji didn’t respond, he could only blush profusely in embarrassment and arousal at having his collection of shit being handled by two different people. God he had so much behind him, Shinji could feel his turds shift and jumble around as they walked to the restaurant.

"God you really are like a baby Shinji, you know that? You whine and complain and you fill your pants with crap!" . "I-I'm not a baby!" Shinji protested just as another load came surging out like an avalanche of feces.

Asuka's eyes grew wide as she felt the load become much heavier and the sudden warmth hit her. Her crotch tingled, her knees twitched and she almost lost her footing. The shit made itself known, peaking out of his pant legs and collecting together around his feet like coiled rattlesnakes. This sudden bowel movement strained the back of his pants, the elasticity strained making a sound reminiscent of a stretched rubber band. Kaworu momentarily let go of his rear and the collection sagged even lower, waste spilling out and splattering on the ground. The warm waste once more graced his balls like the touch of a secret lover.

Asuka orgasamed on the spot, dropping to the ground with a dumb glazed expression on her face. The smell, which was already so strong, only became more intense and the sound of moist crinkling was music to Asuka's ears. Shinji ejaculated once more, the pure whiteness of his cum mixing with the brown poop like chocolate mixing with milk.

Kaworu looked down at the fallen Asuka and gave a friendly smile. “Thank you for helping us Soryu, we’re close to the restaurant now so I can take it from here.” Asuka couldn’t answer, her eyes were glazed over and blank. The lights were on, just barely, but there was nobody home.

Kaworu assisted Shinji into the restaurant where they came across Rei, their server. Rei was aghast at what was before her; a blushing Shinji Ikari who had Kaworu Nagisa holding in his hands a vast pile of steaming hot shit. The smell was the first immediate thing she was hit with; the invisible noxious aroma of old and new shit expelled from him like smoke from a forest fire. It suffocated the air, spreading all over, seeking to dominate the entire restaurant with its stench.

Rei looked around the dining room, many other patrons were getting up and leaving while pinching their noses as hard as they could. The restaurant cleared out and the only ones left were Shinji, Kaworu, and Rei.

“Shall I bring you a chair?” Rei finally said to which Shinji hastily nodded.  “You might need to bring a second one for Shinjikun, to hold all of his poop. It’s heavy you see.” Kaworu adjusted his stance in holding the back of Shinji’s pants; the combined weight of Shinji's collection was making Kaworu sweat from the sheer weight his arms had to lift. It felt as heavy as three other people.

Rei pulled up two chairs; one would not be enough for the size of Shinji’s collection of waste. Loud squishing sounds could be heard as Shinji sank into his waste, forcing numerous brown turds to squeeze from the back of his pants, spilling out like Niagara Falls. More shit crawled down his legs and peeked outside to greet the world from Shinji’s ankles; the shit was not content to hide in the shadows of Shini’s pants, they were compelled by gravity to drop and expose themselves.  As Shinji sat, the two wooden chairs holding him up whined and creaked under the burden of holding his waste up.

“What would you like to have?” Rei spoke with a quiet sort of annoyance at the situation. The overpowering smell had cemented its domination of the restaurant, it’ll take weeks to get rid of the smell, weeks to slay this foul dragon of a stench.

“What would you like to eat Shinji dear?”

Loud squelching noises could be heard from Shinji adjusting himself on his shit throne, he was overcome with too many emotions to make a choice so Kaworu volunteered, saying “Some bread to start with, and I think we’ll also have some lasagna.”

Rei simply nodded and scurried away, wanting to get as far away from Shinji as she could.

While Shinji and Kaworu waited Kaworu held Shinji’s hand while Shinji kicked his feet, he was so propped up by his shit his feet couldn’t touch the ground, instead they dangled like he was in a highchair thanks to his poop.

“Oh Kaworu,” Shinji whispered, ever so embarrassed. Here he was, sitting on a mountain of his own waste, waste that he had made. Shinji shuddered, thinking of how well Kaworu managed to carry his load. Kaworu carried many things of Shinji’s. His whining. His insecurities. All the little things that burdened Shinji Kaworu gave a helping hand. Shinji looked over at his boyfriend, with his white shirt smeared with his shit. It was a literal example of Kaworu’s ability to help Shinji carry his burdens.

Rei came back out with the lasagna, along with a clothespin held tightly on her nose. Any attempt that could be taken to block the invisible plum of stink that filled the restaurant was undertaken by Rei. She approached them with only a glare of displeasure coming from her eyes. She was nothing like Asuka, not at all a scat freak. The fact Shinji had single handedly cleared her business of other customers was more than enough reason to dislike this. She didn’t get paid enough for this.

Shinji saw the clothespin and wiggled in place thinking about how bad he must stink. At a certain point Shinji was sure he had gone nose blind. He knew he smelled like shit, but just how badly became lost to him in all the time he spent wallowing in his own feces like a wild animal. A godless wild animal. He felt his cock grow even harder and he let out an audible gasp. What must Rei be thinking, Shinji wondered, what must she be thinking looking at the shitty boy.

Rei dropped the dish in front of Shinji, telling him curtly “Enjoy.”

Enjoying it was just what Shinji did, using a fork in his brown fingers Shinji began to eat. Oh how Shinji loved to eat, because it meant more warm brown logs to push from between his cheeks. If his body was a shit factory food was the fuel to power it. Kaworu stroked the bulges of Shinji’s robust shits like a proud owner stroking a spoiled pampered cat.

Shinji ate beyond pass the feeling of fullness, he needed all the fuel for his shit factory. Finally the fork hit the bottom of the dish, the sound of the ting bringing Shinji back to reality.

Kaworu smiled approvingly "You finished the entire thing, I'm so proud of you Shinji dear." The reality of Shinjis stuffed stomach made Shinji kneel over, wrapping his arms around his stuffed belly in pain.

"Hoof, oh Kaworu I was a real pig in the mud."

A deep baritone fart slowly poured out of him and his cock twitched. "Hn, Oh, oh Kaworu," he whispered with a hushed tone of arrousal "It's...its coming!"

With a light feminine moan a noisy wet fart escaped him followed by a wave of shit pouring out. His elastic pants fully became overwhelmed and exploded like confetti, as if this was the shit's coming out party.

Loads upon loads of shit flowed from Shinji's cheeks, the chairs snapped under its weight and Shinji fell further into his stinky throne, sinking up to his waist as more shit came out on parade. It was its day, it had been cooped up long enough. It was warm and hot and needed relief.

Becoming encased in his shit hill Shinji breathed in a relaxed way. It was so hot, so warm, like being in his mother's womb. Shinji pushed harder and the mountained reached to his neck before stopping.

Kaworu got up and started to crawl up tge eight foot mountain of brown waste. His hands sunk deep into the warm thick sludge, savoring how deep his hands sunk in the gunk. His shirt and pants were ruined beyond repair now, clad in a stink that was never ending. There would be no evolution, no revolution, no grand change that could clean it and return it to a purified state.

Finally he made it to Shinji's happy glazed face, having just cummed under his excess. "My prized pooping prince," Kaworu purred and kissed Shinji on the lips.

Shinji kissed back, giving Kaworu tongue.

The End.


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