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In the early morning Shingo heard rustling down stairs. He looked at his clock and groaned when it read 2:44.

Getting out of bed he wandered down the stairs and immediately winced when he reached the bottom, jerking his hand to his nose.

"Ugh, Usagi," He groaned, having walked right into Usagi's invisible gas.

He went to the kitchen and found it was dark, save for the open refrigerator where Usagi was currently parked on her knees and loudly feasting.

Shingo's face twisted in disgust, he had watched his big sister pork up so fast it seemed unreal. She was so wide she blocked the fridge, the light only being made out behind her. Her pink PJs were on their last stand, her deep ass crack stuck clear out of her bottoms.

Shingo watched her suddenly lift her butt and release a loud resonating fart that made him flip on the lights and yell out "Usagi you fat pig you're supposed to be on a diet!!"

Usagi jumped up and faced her brother, a slice of cheese dangling from her mouth.

"I don't get you Usagi, you just eat and eat and eat some more! You've thrown away any sense of self control, it's like you don't care about your health at all!"

Suddenly something dawned on him.

"Wait...are you doing this on purpose?"

"I-I," Usagi struggled to say and Shingo made a revolted out face "Oh my God you are! That's disgusting!"

Just then Ikuko wandered into the kitchen, "What is going on down here, it's 2 in the morning!" Just like Shingo she then pinched her nose, "Usagi!"

"Mom she's doing it on purpose, she's porking up on purpose!"


Ikuko looked over her morbidly obese daughter in disbelief, "This was all intentional?!"

Usagi started to cry, "I JUST LIKE TO EAAAT!"

Ikuko face palmed. "Of all the silly stupid things you've ever done in your eighteen years this is just the worst. Do you have any idea what you’ve done to yourself?”

Just then a straining button on her pajama top popped off and Usagi’s belly surged out like an avalanche of lard.

Ikuko growled “You want to be a fat gross pig? Fine! Eat yourself immobile for all I care!"

Usagi grew a huge smile, "Thank you mom!" She turned back the fridge and thrusted her big butt at her mom.

"But know this Usagi, if you ever try to lose weight I'm not going to help! You're on your own! At least now I can tell my friends you did this to yourself on purpose and it isn't my fault."

Usagi wasn't listening, she was too busy emptying the fridge.

She had won.


Rei fired up the blender, making a weight gain shake for Usagi. She dropped two dozen chocolate frosted donuts, a can of chocolate frosting, chocolate ice cream, heavy cream, and a browned stick of butter. She turned on the 40 ounce blender and let it rip.

Ami introducing the girls to gain shakes changed the game and made them balloon up faster than ever. Hidden under Rei's roomy red hakama were legs that were flabby with lumpy cellulite and a bottom that had lost its shape and became cottage cheese. Her hips jutted out and her excess flab shook with every step she took. Her tummy also had an increase that pushed her robes out. Her red and white priestess outfit was the only thing she was wearing at home.

While she waited for the blender Rei let out a bubbling fart. *Frrt*

Rei waved her hand to dispel the gas, frowning all the while. All these shakes were playing havoc with the girl's digestion and as a result they were experiencing the same farting problem as Usagi.

"REEEEEEI! IS IT DONE YEEEET!" Usagi called out from the bathroom.

"SHOW SOME PATIENCE YOU GREEDY FAT PIG!" Rei called back before finishing the shake. Taking the lid off she took a sip. "Mmmm, this is going straight to my blubber butt." Rei shook her hips slightly and felt her sagging butt jiggle.

She took the container to the bathroom and gagged as she entered an atmosphere of pure stink. Inside Usagi sat, bloated to immensity. Her mother’s surrender of her diet meant Usagi was now unfettered inon her gluttony. She put on so much weight the toilet looked comically small compared to the fat 18 year old sitting on it. Her stomach covered her lap and was inching closer to her knees.

Usagi sat on her dimply butt while double fisting cheeseburgers, dumping and farting without restraint. The toilet looked comically small with a fat heifer like Usagi on it, but now Rei was also able to hide the toilet under her ass.

"Yay  you got my shake!" Usagi squealed as a thunderclap of a fart echoed under her bottom *PPRRRRUMP!*. Her bowel movements were just as noisy as her awful gas.

"Yeah, yeah," Rei rolled her eyes while trying not to breathe through her nose. Taking a seat on the tub by the side, Rei began to spoon feed Usagi the shake.

"Mmm, you know Rei,” Usagi paused to finish off her cheeseburgers, getting food over her messy mouth, “A first I thought you feeding me on the toilet was weird," Usagi grunted and paused to poop, "But now I can see the advantages! It means I can eat even more!"

Rei blushed and said, "I'm just doing it as a friend, it's not like I like doing this. Suddenly Rei farted and Usagi giggled, Rei bemoaning "It's these shakes that are doing it, they're so heavy." "That's okay Rei, I do it all the time, I'm perfectly okay with you and the others passing gas whenever you want too! That bloated feeling is just the worst isn't it?"

Rei moaned and leant over the side of the tub and passed gas *pppprrrrt*. Groaning, she gave a wry smile "Just the worst. Even if I hold them in eventually they’ll just force themselves out.”

Between the two of them the girls finished the shake.

"Do you have any more shit to let out Usagi?"

Usagi pushed and shook her head, "Nope! All Empty!"

Usagi then lifted her softer arms up, clapping her palms together.

Rei scoffed, “What are you, baby? Get up on your own!”

Usagi started to tear up, “I-it’s hard to get from some low positions, I can't get off the potty without help WAAAAAAAAA!”

Rei grabbed Usagi by her soft wrists and grunted pulling Usagi up, even letting out another fart from the effort.

“Jeez Usagi, you fatso you weigh a ton. You’ve gotta be 300 pounds by now”

Uagi caught her breath one she was on her feet while Rei averted her eyes from the brown mess, flushing it away. After Usagi wiped her butt and put her skirt back on, they were almost ready to go out. The girls were having a feast at the shrine for Usagi beating her diet

Now they had to get dressed, Rei putting on a plus size version of her pink overalls, they held her pear shaped body perfectly, complimenting her body shape he looked like a big waddling pear.

Rei had to help Usai tie her shoes, she struggled against her big belly trying to reach them.

“Thank you Rei!”
“You really are helpless.”

The store to get the food was a block from the shrine but for the girls it was tortuous.

"Waaaah," Usagi whined and complained, "My feet hurt and my back hurts and it's too hot and I'm all sweaty!"

"Stop your whining Usagi! You're not the only one whose feet hurt and is sweating like a pig!"

Through their massive gains the Sailor Guardians had exceeded past mere obesity and were now morbidly obese and experiencing the various morbities that came with it. Their waddles were slow and plodding and their weights put immense pressure on their joints. All the added lard also made them sweat buckets, Rei and Usagi sweating profusely.

When they got to the store they were both panting and acheing.

"At last we're here. Okay let's-Usagi?!"

Usagi had gotten onto a mobility scooter and was happy as could be.

"Usagi, get down from there!"

"No way, I need to rest and there's no way I'm taking another step! Come on Rei, take a scooter and let's shop!" Usagi said from the scooter, letting out a fart *PRRRRRRT!*

Rei's feet hurt like hell and she sighed, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Rei sat her big butt on a scooter and the girls started shopping, collecting tons of stares and judgemental glances as they did.

They picked up all the essentials, frozen pizzas, ice cream, cakes, cookies, more ingredients for their weight gain shakes.

Usagi giggled, "I should get Mamo to buy me a scooter, it's fun to scoot around and I hate exercising."

They passed by the produce section and both of them made disgusted faces at the greens.

“That’s definitely not for us,” Usagi said with a giggle as they scooted down the junk food section. Rei caught a reflection of her tubby self in the frozen pizza door and was amazed.

“God, I really have put it on.” She turned the scooter around to vainly take herself in, looking at her bulging belly and especially her face. Goodness her face had chubbed up, her double chin was thick, covering her neck with a roll of fat. “Heh, I bet some fat girl lover would love to see me like this. Fat girl on a scooter.” Just then she felt the familiar bubble within her bowels. She frowned, “I really hate doing this in public.” *Brrrrt* A quick fart blurted from under Rei who blushed immensely.

Usagi and Rei piled their baskets high with fattening junk much to the visible horror of everyone else watching this spectacle. When they were done shopping however they ran into a problem.

Facing the doors to the outside world Usagi began fretting “There’s too much groceries I don’t wanna walk baaaack!” Rei smacked her forehead, “I didn’t think this through, just getting here was bad enough. I’ll call a taxi.” “Yaay!” Usagi cheered from her scooter.


Later at the shrine the other girls started to drop in for the party. Each of them also brought some food.

“Hey girls, I made some cheesecake and a few pies, chocolate, cream, and peanut butter!” Mako entered the room, carrying a bag on her back. The most noticeable change on Mako since drinking the shakes was how large her pot belly had grown, it jutted out in her green tank top and now had a serious overhang.

“Oh my God I love pies! How are things with you and Motaki?”

Mako smiled wide, “Motaki is taking me to the beach, you and Mamoru can come too if you want.”

“I’d love to Mako! I’ll have to go swimsuit shopping later, I’ve grown out of my old one a long time ago.”

“Tell me about it,” Rei waved her hand in disbelief, “It’s tough having to buy new clothes every two months.” Rei had changed into a more comfortable pair of grey sweat shorts, her dimpled round legs allowed to breath. “Not only that, those shakes are ballooning my legs in cellulite. Look at this!” Rei then moved her flabby thighs together, the fat clapping together loudly.

“That is so cool Rei!” Usagi got up and spun around, her round thighs shaking under her green tea colored skirt, “I only have a little cellulite on the bottom of my butt cheeks, but I hope to get more soon.”

At that point Minako came wheezing in. Apple cheeked the blubbery blonde put two pizza boxes on the table next to all the snacks and collapsed in an armchair drenched in sweat and puffing for breath “Wuuuf, poof.”

“Are you okay Minako?” Usagi asked concerned

“Yeah, just, woo…”

Artemis shook his head, “She’s been drinking those shakes, she’s packed on so much fat her body is struggling to adapt.” Usagi, Rei, and Makoto watched Minako’s huge belly rise and fall as she collected her breath and let out a loud fart *PRRRAPP!* Minako smiled brightly, “It’s great we can just openly fart around one another.”

Rei dispelled the invisible gas with her hand, “It’d be hypocritical otherwise” while Usagi squeaked out, “Your farts are amazing Minako, they’re really loud and smelly!”

Makoto pushed out a small pop of a fart *PPrt* and blushed. “My farts aren’t very big or loud.” Usagi smiled wide, “They’re dainty and ladylike, you probably have the cutest farts out of all of us.”

Minako giggled from her chair, “Yeah, mine are big as can be!” Minako grunted leaning over and a letting out a long loud fart *PRRRRPPPHHTT!!!*

Mako shook her head, a little bit disgusted, “That’s because you let them rip as loud as you can, you don’t even try to be lady-like.”

“Of course not!” Minako shook her head in defense before pointing at Usagi, “Usagi is right, if you gotta fart just let it rip! The bubble isn’t worth it.”

Usagi blushed, “I do try and hold in my farts sometimes, during class or when I’m on a date with Mamo, but eventually I lose control and they just come out.”

At that moment Ami came in and immediately pinched her nose. “P-eww it stinks in here! You girls…” Ami admonished them. Ami was wearing a simple blue dress that one might call a muumuu in the states. She found it gave her the most comfort when it came to her enormous belly in front of her.

Minako giggled before bragging “It was mostly me!”

Makoto sweatdropped, “That’s really not something to brag about you know.”

Ami sighed, “You could at least open a window.” At that Ami let two farts out in a row, each one smelling rotten as could be and made the others hold their nose *PPRRRBT! PPPRRT!!!*

Usagi giggled, “You win Ami! You’re the stinkiest!”

Ami blushed, “I wasn’t competing to be the stinkiest.” She put down her contribution to the party, a big greasy bag of WcDonalds. “Before we start eating we should check our weights, we haven’t in a long while.”

Ami set the simple analog scale on the ground.

“I’ll go first,” Mako stepped on, looked down and laughed, “My boobs are in the way!”

Ami read out, “274 Mako.”

Mako was amazed, putting her hands to her jutting middle “forty nine freaking pounds. Sheesh, I really am putting on the love pounds.”

“I guess I’ll go, I was 217 at my last weigh in. I purposefully haven’t been keeping track all this time.” Ami slowly stepped on and the scale groaned to 289. Her chubby hands shot to her round face, “My goodness, no wonder my back hurts so much! These weight gain shakes I developed really do the trick!”

Rei went to go next, “I’m the same way Ami, I haven’t been checking my weight since I first hit 207, I’ve obviously packed it on but I don’t know for sure!” Rei stepped on and the scale groaned a second time before the needle landed at 291.

“Oh my God Rei you’re almost 300 pounds!” Usagi squealed and glomped her off the scale. “OW!” Rei called out and let out a fart upon impact *PRRRT!* “Don’t do that!” Usagi hugged onto Rei like a giant teddy bear, nuzzling her flab “Oh it’ll be so much fun, we’ll be a couple of 300 pound fat chicks!”

“My turn, my turn!” Minako giggled excitedly and stepped on, making a *CRUNCH* sound. “Uh oh...I don’t like the sound of that.”

“MINAKO YOU WHALE YOU BROKE THE SCALE!” Usagi yelled, crying and throwing a fit, “I wanted to check my weight too you know!”

“That scale had a 300 pound weight limit too,” Ami noted.

“Oh no, that means,” Artemis began to say as a huge confident grin grew on Minako’s face as she crowed “That means I’m over 300 pounds! Oh ho ho ho ho!”

Minako pulled up her top and patted her huge sagging stomach.

“Look at how FAT I am!” Minako was laughing like a mad woman as she lifted her stomach and let it go, the bag of fat flopping against her fupa, “I have a belly apron now!” She then grinned and widened her stance, passing gas as loud as she could *PPPPPRRRRRRPPPP!!!*

“Oh yeah!” Usagi huffed at the cocky Minako, “Watch this!”

Usagi pulled out her pink disguise pen to Luna’s horror “Usagi NO!”

“Moon Power! Change me to 900 pounds!”

In a burst of magical sparkly light Usagi changed into a blobbish version of herself, so heavy that she collapsed on her enormous fat ass, her legs far too weak to carry her bulk. Seated down the fat on her legs and ass spread out like pancake batter and her belly reached past her useless fat little feet. Her face was even rounder and her chin sagged down like a bib of flesh.

“Wow this is amazing! I feel sooo heavy! Usagi cheered, her voice now much deeper and way less feminem, having been changed by her new found blubber. Then Usagi squinted and farted louder and more powerful than before, finishing with a genuine moan.

Luna hopped onto Usagi’s belly and chastised her, “Usagi! The disguise pen was not meant to be abused like that! Change back right now!”

Usagi’s flabby face pouted, her deepened voice whining “I never get my way!”

She then transformed back and Ami suggested they start eating.

Artemis and Luna watched in horror as the sailor guardians started to pig out. They had no quam with farting either, with Minako taking huge bites and forcing out huge bursts of gas.

“Luna, this is a disaster! They’re all either close to or over 300 pounds! Minako is 300 pounds!”

“And what about Usagi? We don’t even know what she weighs, but there’s no doubt she’s over 300. What are we going to do?”


During the early morning a woman was walking through the park with the most beautiful man she had ever met.

“This has been an amazing night. I...I love you.”

The man smiled kindly, whispering softly, “Words cannot describe my love...only actions.”

He kissed her neck, sucking on it with his lips until his canine teeth started to grow into fangs and bit down into her neck, making her audibly moan.

“Yes my little treat….change into a slave for King Vesper.”

She moaned weakly as her hand started to change into a large claw...


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