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Rei's Revolution
By FC Punk

I sit in the back, away from others. Lost in my world. Looking at him. Pilot Ikari...why do I feel such emotion towards you? I sit and I watch. You make me blush. Why? I cannot say. There is something inside, something that compels me to watch. To listen. To blush.

The pilot of Unit 02 teases me and calls me a doll. I am disposable. I can be replaced. But each time I wake up my feelings do not change. Pilot Ikari. I listen to you and your friends. While I stare off into the world my ears are active.

I hear your desires. It makes me flush. Stare at my reflection. See there is nothing behind me. Empty. Flat. A desire fills within me. You want it. It’s something I find myself wanting too. Lunch. Heavier than usual. I refuse to eat meat. The thought of my teeth tearing into flesh...disgusts me. It cannot be done with meat.

French fries. It’s a start. Alone in my room. Bags of chips on the floor. Staring at the ceiling. One chip after another, the sound of crunching echoing in my empty room. His glasses on the shelf. Potato chips, french fries. How long will it take?

The new pilot Makinami says something. The first one to see my increase in consumption. I tell her of my goal, of my desire to gain. Her grin is catlike and her energy is off the charts. She declares that she wishes to help me. My feelings are mixed. She is not mean like Pilot Soryu, but her enthusiasm is suspicious. It doesn't matter to me, she will be my feeder.

She brings me food during the day. Makinami is serious about feeding me, she adheres to my request of no meat. After school, two hours at Wcdonalds. Eating. Stuffing. I do love french fries and apple pies. Ice cream. Sweet things I cannot get enough. And she feeds me and feeds me. Her grin is ever present with every order she brings to me.

She is my feeder.

Look in the mirror. What do I see? A face I recognize but is rapidly changing. Cheeks becoming puffy. Softening. My body is a temple where a revolution is occurring, a grand change taking place. The girl I was disappearing under my newfound fat. Place my hands on my stomach.

My soft stomach is spongy. Hips enlarged. Turn to my side, a small pot belly is growing. I see Makinami...Mari behind me. Looking. Staring. Smiling. She gives me praise, calls me a good girl for eating so much. She pats my bottom and I blush when I feel it shake and wobble under her hand.

Pat my thickening middle. Calls me a good pig. I am uncertain how I feel being called a pig. Makinamii says it’s a term of endearment. But I am happy when I feel my bottom jiggle. She tells me in time my bottom will sag from it’s sheer weight. The thought of such a bottom invigorates my appetite, encouraging my desire to eat and grow fat.

Doctor Akagi calls me fat. She wraps a tape measure around my waist and scolds me for my added inches. Jiggling my little pot belly she asks what I’ve been eating.

I tell her the truth. Pies, cakes, cookies, brownies, donuts, ice cream, french fries, pizza, pudding, pasta, and I go on and on. Doctor Akagi is disgusted and calls me a porker, poking me in my tummy. The poke rustles my belly and I fart loudly in her office causing her to scrunch her face in disgust.

She tells me to control my gluttony and to diet.

I disobey. Makinami feeds me more and more. I eat so much pie. Apple. Cherry. Blueberry. Cream. Pumpkin. It’s all so much. I need so much. I ate so much, pass the point of fulfillment. More.

Red stripes appear on my tummy and on my sides. According to Makinami they’re called stretchmarks and a sign that I am racing towards my goal. I flush, proud of the changes in my body. I am changing into something else. I reach behind and feel my bottom, cupping my cheeks in my hands I can jiggle and shake them. Makinami insists on sitting, in order to spread the lard in my bottom.

The flatulence in Doctor Akagi’s office turned out to be an omen of things to come. I am so gassy. Being fat has made me gassy. I fill the area around me with my own aroma. They tumble from my backside. Some loud. Some quiet. But all smelling foul and vaguely like the food i had just eaten. Each time I break wind I feel my fat around my upper thighs and my bottom jiggle.

Mari measures my belly, my growing belly. The look in her eyes while she measures my girth resembles an animal’s eyes. Each added inch to my body causes her to grin wider and wider. She rewards me with more food. She always rewards me with food like an animal.

Like a pig.


My hips brush the sides of my door. I squeeze myself in. I am becoming wide. Noticeable. Doctor Akagi calls me obese. My heart beats, the walk to my apartment tires me out. Mari stuffed me good. Lay down on my front, on the bed. It’s the only comfortable position.

I pass gas and then again and then again. My room is filled with a pantheon of smells and sounds. All coming from my butt. As a particular loud one rumbles from my bottom I wiggle in place and feel the fat on my sides slosh and shake, I can feel my cheeks clap together. It is a sensation I’ve come to enjoy.

Fat. Saggy drooping fat. My skin stretches to contain my excess. Bottom heavy. Round legs. Even my feet have fattened up. Swollen feet, plump toes. Legs that make me waddle. My skin changes, Mari calls it cellulite. She loves touching it.

Mari weighs me. 300 pounds. She celebrates by ordering pizza. Photos are taken with her phone. One from the front, one from the side, and one from the back.

Makinami measures my hips. My cellulite grows. More dimples by the day. She calls me a BBW. I do not know what that means. Standing is hard. The weight of my enormous pot belly. Burden on my knees. Each step my bottom shakes. Mari feeds me. Sit on my bottom. Eat cake. Add inches to my buttocks. I pass gas. Mari shoves a bigger slice in my mouth in response. Pat my belly. Yes please, I would like more.

Pilot Soryu brings me food at school. Tells me if I’m so intent on turning into a fat pig then she shall help. I am uncertain of this arrangement. But I accept it, every bite. I must grow fatter. At 300 pounds I feel replete and full. But it’s not enough. Mari and Asuka stuff me and fatten me. I am a pig for them to grow. Asuka jiggles my belly, Mari grabs at my saddlebag hips. I fart and Asuka laughs. Stinky pig. That is what she says. The gap between my thighs has long since been closed off by my cellulite. Asuka pinches my double chin. I know her intentions are cruel. They are not to help me but to make her feel better. It doesn’t matter to me. Pilot Ikari likes big butts, big asses. Fat asses.

I must grow a fat ass.

400 pounds. I cannot fit into my entry plug. Doctor Akagi yells at me. My plugsuit shows it all. Every roll, every fold. Even the dimples on my bottom. Please look, Pilot Ikari. I hope it is pleasing to you.

My saddlebags keep growing outwards. My legs are making me waddle. Side to side I clumsily move. My bottom wobbles with every wide step, bobbing up and down. Mari can’t stop hugging it. When we are alone she gets on her knees and grasps it from behind. I feel her face in my cheeks. Chin, nose, forehead rubbing against my crack. She says it’s not big enough. She tells me Pilot Ikari would agree.

Asuka is feeding me junk food. A smug look is always on her face. Slaps my rear, I shudder as I jiggle and pass gas. She feeds me food that makes me fart. Constantly. Always a moment where I close my eyes and push gas out. Her names for me are cruel as they are crude. Porky fart queen. Every time I pass gas her sadistic grin gets even wider. But I am ultimately benefiting from it.

I have a fat ass. A wide, flabby, cellulite ridden ass. My legs have rolls of fat. It Is harder to move with a big bottom. Harder to stand. Raise my arms, Mari pulls and my fat ass rises like the sun.

Mari still says I’m not ready yet.

I got stuck in a door. My giant bottom is too wide. Asuka’s struggles against my rear. I have achieved an ass of mass corpulence.

A hard shove and I pop through, farting.

For getting stuck in the door Asuka demands I oink before she feeds me.

Oink oink oink.

I must oink, I must sound like an animal so I can feast.

Please rub my belly Mari.

500 pounds. My knees hurt. So much butt blubber. Granny panties. White, unfashionable, but enough to cover my wideness. Doctor Akagi is furious. My internal revolution is upsetting the balance in my body.

Sweat, drip drip drop. I sweat so much now. My lard collects heat, I am a blubbery whale. Mari lifts my arms, I feel the fat sag heavily.

Why do you bury your face in my pits, pilot Makinami?

Why do you shove your face in my bottom, pilot Soryu?

My armpits are damp and slick. When I move my arms I can feel the sweat move. Yet you dig your nose against the hair under my arms. Your tongue touches a droplet of my own bodily fluids.

I can no longer reach my own bottom. When I am done defecating you must wipe me. You mock me, demean me, everytime your toilet paper coated hand sinks between my cheeks to clean my anus. Yet you also smother your face in my cheeks, grasping handfuls of my butt fat.

Enigmas, mysteries, even as my pits and butt are licked.

My knees tremble under my weight. The gravity of my actions. My inaction. Heart thumps in my chest as I look at you, pilot ikari.

Four chairs in class.

Mari counts more dimples by the day.

Asuka says I am more cellulite than girl.

More pig than human.

More fat than doll.

A body mass index of 102.


At NERV I wait for the elevator. My plugsuit is all that can contain me. It stretches to hold all of me.

My blubber.

My lard.

My fat.

The elevator opens and it is pilot Ikari.

I blush and shuffle inside.

The door closes and the elevator rises. Then it stops. I have broken the elevator. Pilot Ikari and I are trapped.

He talks. He makes some nervous light hearted joke. I am not paying attention to his words. Only to him.

I nervously fart.

And kiss him.

He moans and his hands immediately go to my bottom as my invisible cloud of gas fills the elevator.

My revolution is now complete.


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