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March 18 2020

They closed down the gym. ALL of the gyms!

My mouth dropped when I heard the announcements. Stay in doors. Wear masks. Social distance. Don't go outside.

This is insane, how am I going to shed all this blubber?

With nothing to do I've continued my couch potato ways, making my ass spread and grow. I finally finished Games of Thrones! It was kinda disappointing to be honest.

 Being stuck indoors hasn't done my diet any favors. Door dash, uber eats, grub hub, I don't have to leave my house for all the fattening fast food I glutted myself with this past year.

I already feel like I've grown too. I feel heavier and lethargic and my gas has gotten worse. They blast from my big ass like thunder, stinking like shit, and filling my apartment up to the point no place has escaped my farts. I feel like I'm in worse shape than ever. Going up the stairs is torture and I'm a wheezer now, sputtering for air. I don't know how much I weigh right now and frankly I don't want to know.

Also I fricking hate these masks! My double chin oozes under the mask and it just accentuates my doughy double chin, I hate it! I hate it but the state is saying I gotta wear it everywhere, this China virus is really deadly for the morbidly obese such as me.

I can't believe I'm big enough to classify as morbidly obese. If I keep getting fatter I'm going to catch so many diseases. Diabetes, coronary heart disease, fatty liver disease, degenerative joint disease, it goes on and on and gaining all this weight has increased my chances of catching these diseases by at least 70 percent! 

The doctors offices have closed all surgery operations so I'm stuck turning into a sickly pig.

Supposedly this is all supposed to be for 15 days to slow the spread. It can't get worse from here. This will all probably be over by Summer.



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