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By FC Punk

As Alexa drove to the Columbus Hilton Alexa Bliss could remember how it all ended for her, being knocked off one of the Elimination Chamber pods and landing wrong in the ring, injuring her back in the process.

Two herniated disks; the same injury that ended the great WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Steamboat’s career. She remembered the next night on RAW where she gave her retirement speech in the ring. She remembered her best friend Nikki Cross being beside her with tears in her eyes while Alexa thanked her parents, her trainers at the Performance Center, and most importantly her fans.

She remembered the entire roster gave her a standing ovation when they inducted her into the Hall of Fame. It was one of the greatest moments of her life, even bigger than winning her title for the first time.

Having her career ended so early was a bitter pill to swallow, but Alexa ultimately made peace with her retirement. She had saved her money and could go to Disney World whenever she wanted.

It was now a year later and Alexa was going to meet up with her friends, WWE was promoting a RAW event tonight. As her car entered the Columbus, Ohio city limits Alexa felt a sense of excitement, she hadn’t seen her best friend Nikki in so long.

Yes things had certainly changed for Alexa. With her retirement Alexa had decided to enjoy the fruits of her labor and allowed herself to relax. Her back injury prevented her from training and resulted in a massive weight gain. She had topped out at just under 300 pounds and with her diminutive height was a complete butterball. She was wearing a white top with a black belt that really showed off her belly bulge and she also wore black leggings that highlighted the curvature of her thunder thighs and her ample rear. Alexa went through a long road to self acceptance; to go from an athlete to a BBW was a startling transformation.

Suddenly her stomach rumbled and she chuckled at her large appetite. Alexa's double chinned face lit up, "I’m going to stop at Wendy's first. I have a hankering for a baconator."

She drove to the closest Wendy's where Alexa ordered two baconator meals. It sometimes amazed Alexa, her capacity for food. Two baconators were filling enough but with the additional fries and frosties made her belly bloat out. Satisfied, Alexa made her way to the hotel where the wrestlers were staying at.

At the hotel Alexa went to the bar and grill, she was meeting some old friends. While she already ate she felt she still had a little bit more room. “Alexa!” Her best friend Nikki Cross was already at the bar and ran up to glomp her. “Oh aye missed you so much!” Nikki spoke with her strong Scottish accent. “I missed you too Nikki,” Alexa smiled wide as Nikki broke the hug and looked her over. “You’ve really grown but you still look amazing, a real sexpot!” Alexa had to laugh at that, “Haha thanks for the compliment. I know I’m bigger, but I’m still beautiful.”

Just the two other friends Sasha Banks and Bayley came up to join them.

“Oh wow, Alexa!” Sasha greeted her with wide eyes. Of course she had followed her social media accounts which documented her weight gain, but to see her now in the flesh was something else entirely. “You’re really living large now,” Sasha teased Alexa who simply rolled her eyes “Har har can we cram it with the fat jokes?” Sasha smirked, “Sorry, had to get it out of my system. You look great Alexa.”  Bayley gave her a big hug “Alexa it’s so good to see you again!” Alexa laughed as she was hugged, she could feel Bayley sinking into her soft body. “It’s good to see you too Bayley.”

All four girls ordered food and beer, but Alexa ordered the most food, a cheeseburger and fries and onion rings. Nikki laughed “Ah aye can’t eat that hearty, I’d blow up like a balloon!” Alexa smiled “Well, there are some good things about retirement.” Sasha shook her head, “I’ve just never seen someone eat so much.” Alexa laughed and patted her belly, “How do you think I got so fat.” Bayley gave a thoughtful expression, “It is shocking to see how big you got.”

Alexa put her hand to her belly, “It was shocking for me too. I couldn’t train like I used to so I just gradually chubbed up. I tried to diet, but I guess my body just didn’t want to lose the weight. I was depressed for a while but seeing the new girls like Piper Niven in WWE who are BBWs taught me to accept my body and I guess I just ballooned over time!” Nikki grinned “I’m so happy for you Alexa, no matter what size you are you’re beautiful!” “Thanks Nikki, I think so too.”

The girls ate and talked and reminisced about old times, it was as if Alexa had never left the WWE. However, the Wendy's Alexa had early on began to wreak havoc on her system. Her bowels bloated up and she lifted a cheek off her bar stool and passed gas. “Alexa!” Nikki laughed at her best friend’s gassy outburst while Sasha and Bayley waved their hands, trying to dispel the gas. “Sorry!” Alexa blushed. The girls resumed eating but Alexa's bloated bowels kept acting up and she kept farting big smelly gusts of gas. "Phew Alexa, control yourself" Sasha said much to Alexa's embarasment. "I guess I should get going," Alexa ate one final onion ring. Nikki got teary eyed and hugged her "Oh Nikki let's do this again the next time we come to Columbus." "We will Nikki I promise " Alexa said with a deep blatting fart. With much embarrassment she said goodbye to Sasha and Bayley as well and got back to her car, driving off.

On the drive home Alexa farted and farted. "Goodness I'm farting up a storm. Oh that was so embarrassing earlier, Nikki having to smell my smelly farts," she said to herself before letting out a really big one.

"Hnng," Alexa grunted "Gotta shit." The churning and bubble and trouble in her bowels was reaching a boiling point. "I gotta get-oh no!" It was a traffic jam and Alexa was stuck in the middle of it. "Hnnn," farts bubbled from her fat ass and was turning her car into a dutch oven. It got to the point Alexa had to roll her windows down, otherwise she was going to suffocate!

"Come on, come on, I need to get to a toilet," Alexa desperately moaned while she drove. It was then she saw her salvation, a gas station!

"Finally," Alexa moaned and pulled in. Holding onto her rear Alexa waddled her spherical body to the bathroom. However once she entered it she questioned her decision, it was absolutely gross and filthy. "Grrrr, damnit!" Alexa swore and shuffled back to her car. She farted loudly, her butt seemingly pleading for help. Her eyes lit up when she made it to a second gas station but quickly became crestfallen when she saw there was an out of order sign on the door. "Hnnng," Alexa let out a pathetic little whine and plodded back to her car, hands covering her bottom.

Finally the traffic jam eased up and Alexa was almost home. By the time she pulled into her driveway Alexa was close to disaster, she could feel her turtle's head poking out of her anus. She hurried out of her car but the sudden movement caused her leggings to split down her ass, revealing her pink panties. She didn't have a moment to react before her bowels let loose, the back of her panties bulging out with waste. Bits of poop ran down her legs leaving a brown trail as she slowly stumbled into her house.

In her bathroom she removed her leggings and her messy panties and looked at her big brown butt in the mirror.

"God this is going to be hell to clean up."


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