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Sadie Part 2

Why on earth would anyone want to die?

The fear of death is as old as life itself. Existence could be said to be the dichotomy of life and death. One might disagree when it comes to death. Whether you live on in an afterlife or become reincarnated as something else, or you just disappear into oblivion, it is a highly contested debate of something not a single human being has any knowledge of.

But deep philosophical debate of ancient existential questions was not what was driving Sexy Sadie. It was the taboo. She only had one body and the fact she was treating it like garbage made her hot and horny beyond belief. Who knew what was on the other side? She’d get there when she’d get there, but in the meantime she was going to enjoy wrecking her body.

Her body was her world and the end of her world was the end of Sadie’s life.


One Year Later

It was exactly one year since Sadie had become a resident of Doctor Death’s clinic and the proof of her gains was in her body, she had achieved her goal of becoming a blob of fat. She sat on the bed, smoking weed and rubbing her belly. Sadie looked vaguely egg shaped, seated she was like a pyramid of flab with a fat round head on top of a massive body. Sadie’s already massive belly was even more obese; her upper belly fold had increased, but her lower belly roll jutted far beyond the top one and was thick and heavy.

Sadie’s mind was in a perpetual state of intoxication. Strung out she laid in her bed and was relishing her size. “Mmm, I’m so massive,” Sadie mumbled to herself while bringing her bong to her lips; doing so made her bingo wing arms wobble freely. Her arms were so big and heavy bringing her bong to her mouth was a serious workout. She took her hit and blew it out, a wave of euphoria washing over her. Sadie sighed in pleasure, butt her sigh turned into a hacking cough; her lungs were getting seriously bad from constant smoking.

Just then Sadie heard her phone get a text. “Mmmmph,” Sadie grunted and grasped her phone with her bloated sausage fingers. Her piggish eyes lit up when she saw it was her friend Dave. Dave had been her feeder until he had to move, according to the text he was in town. Sadie smiled and called out “Diya!”

Diya came around the corner, “Yes Sadie? Do you need more weed? Or vodka?”

“No, I need to meet up with a friend. I need to get ready to go.”

Diya clapped her hands together in delight, “That’s great news Sadie. You haven’t been outside in months, I just assumed you were finally immobile.”

Sadie chuckled at that, “I pretty much am at this point, but I wanna meet my friend for lunch.” Diya took a whiff of Sadie and remarked “Do you want a sponge bath before you go? You smell pretty ripe Sadie.” Sadie’s fleshy cheeks grinned, “That won’t be necessary with Dave. Just fetch my brace and my muumuu.”

Diya quickly grabbed the heavy knee brace and a purple floral muumuu and went to work. Her hands sunk into Sadie’s elephantine right leg as she pulled the bulky brace over it. “Your right knee is pretty much gone, your weight crushed it,” Diya praised her while she strapped the brace tight. “Okay, now for your muumuu. Lift up your arms you great big cow.” Saie moaned and raised her arms, wincing at gravity pulling on her drooping flab. Sadie slipped the cotton tent dress over the whale, Saddie’s arms going through the sleeveless muumuu with ease. Diya’s brown hands pulled the dress down and moaned when she smelled Sadie’s sweaty hairy pits. Pulling the rest of the dress down Diya marveled at how much Sadie’s belly was filling the dress, “Oh my, I think someones gone up a dress size.” Sadie smiled at the news, “It’ll have to do.” Diya traced her hand over Sadie’s girth and felt the tightness of the material, “You’re practically bursting at the seams.”

Diya wiped her forehead from the strenuous task of dressing Sadie and asked, “Do you want a wheelchair for your date?” Sadie shook her head, “No, I want him to see how awful I move now.” Diya nodded “I’ll bring the wheelchair just in case. I know your piggy hooves can’t take much weight these days.” Sadie moaned, “My gout hurts so bad.”

Diya put on Sadie’s special made shoes and started the next task of getting Sadie to her feet. Diya moaned tugging on Sadie’s arms, “Nnnng, mmph! Sadie, we’re going to need to get you a crane if you get any fatter. It’s the only way I’ll be able to wipe your ass soon.” Sadie breathed hard as she tried to help, moaning out “Oh I can’t wait. I’ll be an immobile pig in poop!”

Finally Sadie was on her feet and moaned and groaned “Nnng! Oh! Oh fuck!” Diya quickly got Sadie a heavy elbow clutch that she placed her thick left forearm into. The cuff  was specially made for Sadie’s round arm which could easily fit. Sadie grasped the handle with her hand and felt slight relief. They hurried to the van which sank a few inches when Sadie settled her bulk into it. Diya got into the driver's seat and grinned when she looked into the rear view mirror and saw Sadie pull a joint from her purse. While Diya drove Sadie smoked and smoked, huffing and puffing “I haven’t seen Dave since I was only 230. He’s going to be impressed by what you people have done to me.”

Diya chuckled while Sadie went into a coughing fit, “I’ll bet.”


A thin punk was seated at the bar drinking beer. Several band logos were stitched on his leather jacket. This was Dave. Dave sipped his beer and the piercings in his lip touching the glass. Dave’s face was covered in rings and all sorts of piercings in his lips, up in his eyebrows, two in his cheeks, a few along his nose which also included a small silver chain that was attached to one of the rings on his left ear.

Just then the door to the swung open and Sadie came hobbling inside. Dave’s mouth dropped open and he hopped off his stool, “Sadie?!” He ran up to hug her but his arms couldn’t even begin to hug all of her. “I need chairs!” Sadie belted out, sweaty as could be but happy to see Dave. A few chairs were brought to a table and Sadie slowly sat down, moaning in relief to be off her feet, “Oh fuck that’s good.”

Dave looked the panting fat woman over with awe and lust in his eyes. “Sadie, you’re the size of a house. What did you do, hook yourself to a butter pump this past year?” Sadie grinned while she tried to catch her breath. “Something like that. You could say I have a new feeder. What about you? Are you seeing anyone these days?”

Dave shrugged, “I see lots of people, and I have a few pigs back home myself. But they’re nothing like you babe.” Dave reached and touched her hand, “Jesus Sadie, you’re huge. Your hands look like little balloons.”

“I’ve got major sodium bloat going on,” Sadie bragged before saying “You got a chain on your face. I bet that hurt.” Dave grinned, “It sure did. But you know me, I dig the pain. We’re the same, you just modified your body in your own way.” Sadie grinned, “If we fuck I might get a heart attack. And if that happened while I was on top of you I’d smother you to death.” Dave tipped his beer into his mouth, only saying “Kinky.”

When a waitress came over Sadie ordered five baskets of fries and onion rings and a whole pitcher of beer. The waitress did not hide her disgust, looking at Sadie like she was a disease. “Wow, you sure can pack it away, I remember a time when a basket of fries would be enough to leave you stuffed.” Sadie gave a smug smile and patted her bulging girth, “Oh those days are long gone. It takes way more than a single basket of fries to do anything for me. Besides, I gotta clog my arteries.”

Dave’s cock rose in his black jeans, “You sure you can’t fuck.” Sadie giggled, “Positive. I get lots of pain in my chest when I try and masturbate.” “It’d be pretty hot if you had a heart attack right now.” “If only.”

When the pitcher of beer came Sadie poured herself a big glass and took big gulps. “God my diabetes makes me soooo thirsty. And I really shouldn’t be having booze, my liver is stressed. Too much fat and alcohol. I’m a sickly pig.” Dave smirked, “Your doctor can’t be happy with you.” Sadie then chuckled, “Heheh, actually…” and began to tell Dave about Doctor Death and the entire past year of nonstop gluttony that had ruined her.

“Wow” Josh said in astonishment, “Sounds like a dream come true. How much are you weighing these days?”

“Heheh,” Sadie chuckled and slowly said “591.6”

Dave was at full mast hearing those words coming out of the fat dying whale that was Sadie. “You’re only 9 pounds away from 600 you hog.” Sadie crowed, “I know! Oh I just keep stuffing myself. I wonder if today's feast will tip me over.”

When the five baskets of fries and onion rings came Sadie made a big show eating and stuffing herself. Dave encouraged her, “Go on porky, eat up. You gotta fatten up, it’s what you’re good for.” Sadie moaned at Dave’s teasings and it made her gobble up even more. Sadie doused the fries and onion rings in salt and got ketchup on her muumuu. Sadie ate and ate, her arms wobbling while she greedily stuffed her face. Sadie ate and ate and her belly bulged out; her capacity for food was extraordinary from her gluttony stretching her stomach over and over again.

Finally Sadie finished the last onion ring and sucked her fingers clean of salt and ketchup. “Done, URP!” Sadie slurred her words, now quite drunk, and belched loudly. “HIC!” She hiccuped, absolutely stuffed to capacity. She had been quite the spectacle and was the talk of the entire tavern. How could she have finished it all? What a gigantic hog of a woman.

Dave slowly rubbed his hand over the expanse of her stomach. “God you’re a monster,” Dave praised her while Sadie struggled to breath, “Do you think you can even get up?” “Fuck no!” Sadie puffed out, “I need Diya.” She took her phone and texted her.

After 15 minutes Diya came into the tavern, pushing an enormous bariatric wheelchair that got people talking once more. What an absurdity, they thought while watching Diya get the hog into her chair. Utterly disgusting. “If you’re ever back in the area you can come to the clinic.” Dave grinned, “If all this blubber is your doing then I’ll definitely have to come. I’d love to see her before she dies.”

Sadie shivered as Sadie pushed her. She felt so close to the end, she felt like complete shit.

It was going to come sooner rather than later and her clit tingled with anticipation.


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