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By FC Punk


“Fuck this thing is heavy!”

In a museum two strong men were holding a statue of an anthropomorphic pregnant pig, the obsidian statue had the pig on its hind legs and its pregnant stomach was sticking straight out and the two men were carrying each end with the pregnant stomach rising up in the air. They groaned and moaned trying to hold the statue up, with the man in the front complaining “Why is this thing so heavy!” The man’s arms started to wobble and his grip came undone, the statue falling and breaking into pieces.

“God damnit!” They both swore, knowing just how screwed they were. Suddenly the lights started to flicker and the ground began to shake.

“What? What the hell? An earthquake?”

At that moment the fire alarm sprinklers went off and doused the men in water.

“What the hell is going on here!”

Ling Xiaoyu and Miharu Hirano had finished a long hike and were busy stretching on a cliff that overlooked a creek which ran off into a waterfall. Wild flowers surrounded them and were moving under a cool breeze. In the abundant surroundings of nature Ling and Miharu were practicing their martial arts. Miharu ran and kicked at Ling who focused on her evasion techniques. What Ling lacked in damage she made up for in combos; with her momentum and her various flips and low attacks it was difficult for her opponents to see what was coming, making her tricky like a fox. All of her training was done with one goal in mind: To win the King of the Iron Fist Tournament and the money to build her own amusement park.

Ling grinned and jumped up and delivered several kicks while in mid-air; her attacks were graceful and smooth for such a small girl and Miharu was able to block each kick. When Ling landed on the ground she cheered, “That was so cool! I can smell the Xiaoyu Land popcorn already!”

At that moment their stomach grumbled. They both blushed at how loud their tummies rumbling had been and Miharu giggled “Heheh, oh my! That hike must have spiked my appetite.” They moved to their bags and grabbed lunch boxes, Ling’s containing a banana, two granola bars, a bag of trailmix and a bottle of water while Miharu had a bag of beef jerky and a container of watermelon. Ling’s tummy rumbled again and she sweatdropped at the sparse lunch.

“I think...I might have packed a little too lightly.”

Ling and Miharu quickly consumed their meager meals and went back to sparring but their hunger had not been satisfied; their tummies rumbled and grumbled which distracted them from training. Miharu fell back into the flowers, a lone petal landing on her nose which she blew off.

“I think we trained well enough. The hike was most of the training anyways,” Ling reasoned and Miharu nipped up to her feet and picked up her heavy bag as the friends began to trek down the hill. The trip down was easier than the trip up and the hunger in their bellies persuaded Ling and Miharu to go faster; they ran down the hill like they were accelerating snowballs.

By the time they reached the bottom they were absolutely famished. "Oh jeez, I feel even hungrier than before!" Miharu clutched her sides in hunger. Ling was starving as well, she moaned "Let's find an inn quickly, I feel like I could eat a horse!"

Meanwhile, Asuka Kazama was on a crowded train when she felt herself get groped.

"Hey!" Asuka called out, grabbed the pervert by the wrist and punched him in the face; the sound of the pervert's nose shattering was loud enough for the crowded train to part like the red sea and watch Asuka beat him up.

"You chose the WRONG school girl to grope!” Cartilage was breaking with every blow to the man’s face and blood was staining Asuka’s fists. Blood lust filled Asuka’s eyes, she was having the time of her life instilling justice to this pervert’s ugly mug. But then she felt a tight pain in her stomach and backed off, causing the man to cowardly run away and get off as the train hit it’s stop.

“Hnn,” Asuka moaned, “What’s happening to me? I feel so...hungry!” She got off on the same spot and held the railing as she went down the stairs. “I need to..I need to eat!” Looking around she found a ramen place. Ordering an extra large bowl of ramen with extra pork Asua went to town on it, slurping to her heart’s content. While Asuka was pigging out on pork her rival Lili saw her and came by chuckling. “Oh, ho ho ho! Someone’s making quite the pig of herself.”

Asuka was too preoccupied with her food; the only reaction she gave was an annoyed grunt. Lili was aghast "How rude! You shouldn't make such rude noises. Are you trying to do your best barnyard animal impression?"

Just as Lili was drowning Asuka in derision her own stomach rumbled loudly. "Oh my! It looks like I’m hungry as well.” Lili’s hunger washed over her body and she ordered the same as Asuka. When the order arrived Lili surprised herself by how ravenous she was digging in.

It was like something was compelling her to eat.


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