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Hazbin Fat-tel
By FC Punk

“Face it toots, your little dump has reached crackhead levels of fail. Mmmmm speaking of which, I wish I could lick someone’s ass for some crack right about now."

"Ugh!! You’re such a dick hole Angel Dust, it was your bullshit that ruined our opening in the first place so shut the fuck up!”

“MMmmm, you wanna make me baby?”

“Guys, guys, please stop arguing!”

Charlie was once more trying to calm her girlfriend Vaggie down after Angel Dust had taunted Charlie just because he could.

“Come on Charlie! I know we have no other guests but do we need that shit disturbing faggot?"

Angel Dust filed his nails "Nothing I haven't heard before honey."

Charlie smiled wide and gave Vaggie a hug, telling her "Don't worry I’m positive we’ll get more guests, I just know it!”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Charlie beamed “See! I told you so!” The demon of hell eagerly open the door only to be met by a big purple belly

“O-oh, oh my come in!”

Charlie backed up and the belly came in first, then a woman, and then her curly tailed ass came in last. The massive demon was sweating up a storm and Vaggie held her nose in disgust at the stench she was emitting. Her face was round with numerous  chins and a pig’s nose. She was huffing while she struggled to stand with her overburdened knees.

“Holy fuck, she’s a fat fuck!” Angel Dust was shocked by the sheer size of her from her thick legs up to her ass where each cheek was the entire height of Charlie herself.

The woman winced at Angel Dusts cruel taunting and started to shed tears, “It’s so hard! When I was living there was so much yummy delicious food, what was I supposed to do, not eat? I’m the size I was when I died, 666 pounds.”

Angel Dust started howling in laughter, “HAHAHA you gotta be kidding me! You’re telling me you went to hell because you couldn’t put down the fucking fork! Hahahah! You porker!”

“Angel Dust that’s enough! ” Charlie yelled at Angel Dust then soothingly asked her, “What is your name?”

The demon sniffed and said “Ma-my name is Hedona and I want to reform. Please! Help me lose this weight and free me from Hell."

"Yeah, fat chance porky." Angel Dust snickered and Charlie shot him a stern look before smiling wide at Hedona "Of course we'll help you! You can stay here and we'll help slim you down until you're trim enough to rise to heaven!"

"Oh thank you!" Hedona embraced the tiny Charlie in a big hug, drenching her in her stinky sweat. "Oof! Think nothing of it! That's what we're here for, you can stay for however long it takes to make you thin."

Upon hearing this Hedona smirked.


"Thats it Hedona! With enough work anything is possible!"

Charlie cheerfully chirped Hedona on, her sweet natured voice encouraged the piggish demon up and down the stairs. The daughter of Lucifer was truly an anomaly, her hotel was a contradiction in itself.

"Ooof! Can we take a break!” Hedona whined to which Charlie looked crestfallen, “But it’s only been one flight of stairs.”

Hedona waved her hand over her face, her chins slick with sweat, “But I need it! It’s so hard, I have a lot of weight to carry!”

Charlie put a finger to her mouth, pondering what to do before deciding “Well...it’s not like you’ll get thin overnight, we’ll have plenty of time to do this!” She smiled “Okay! Let’s get lunch then!”

Charlie was a little concerned when in front of Hedona was a feast of a pile of cheeseburgers, a devil’s chocolate cake, a serving bowl full of fries, countless pizza pies, and apple pies and cream pies and BBQ ribs and buffalo wings, the food was seemingly endless.

“Hedona, don’t you think this is a little much? We’re trying to curb your gluttony, not encourage it.”

Hedona rubbed her purple belly, “But isn’t the point to learn self control?” Hedona took one burger and took a small delicate bite of it “See? Being a glutton means no self control, this is a way for me to learn self control.”

“But it’s not going to make you thinner, we need to-” Charlie said, but stopped when she saw Hedona’s eyes start to glow orange. Looking into the glowing orange eyes she became entranced and dazed. Charlie held a cupcake up and said, “To be honest, I’ve never understood gluttony. Eating and stuffing yourself fat just seems like a silly sin.”

The cupcake started to glow orange and Hedona said “Oh no, gluttony is probably the funnest sin to indulge in. That oh so stuffed feeling is just…” Hedona let out a lewd moan and squished her thunder thighs together.

Charlie’s tummy rumbled and Hedona giggled, “Heheh Come on! Indulge yourself! Maybe it’ll help you understand me better and help me get out of here quicker! Have all you want”

With Hedona’s words dancing in her head Charlie started to eat. These huge humongous burgers had to be held with both hands and when Charlie took a bite she giggled with her mouthful at the silliness of having to take such large bites.

“Isn’t it fun! Go on and eat! Have all you want.”

With Hedona’s encouragement Charlie ate more, when she finished the burger a food baby bulged in her tuxedo “Oh my! That was way too much!”

Charlie winced while she adjusted in her seat, unbuttoning her slacks for relief. Her trim waist had a bulge and each time she brushed it a tingling sensation ran through her body and Hedona’s words danced along in her head. “Mmmm, but I suppose I should enjoy myself” Charlie found herself reaching for another cheeseburger. Hedona thrust her arm out, “Woo hoo! You go! Have all you want!”

“It does taste good! Maybe I can have just a little more?”

“Of course! You can have as much as you like! Enjoy yourself! Have all you want.”

Charlie took to eating a slice of pizza and the full feeling in her stomach only intensified, sending pleasure through her that made her want to glut even more.

“That's the spirit! Have all you want!”

Charlie ate and ate and ate until her stomach was a swollen orb and she finished her last bite with a big mighty belch.


Charlie’s head was swimming and all she could think about was the heavenly feeling in her tummy and Hedona’s words.

“Enjoy yourself,” Hedona repeated herself like a mantra “Enjoy yourself and eat. Have all you want.”

“All I want,” Charlie repeated herself, now in the grasp of Hedona’s charming words.

“All you want,” Hedona confirmed, getting up she produced a cupcake that glowed with magic and put it up to Charlie’s mouth. “That is what being a glutton is all about.”

Charlie opened her mouth slowly, even with her tummy painfully distended she accepted the cupcake.

“That's a good girl,” Hedona coos to the princess, “You love being a gluttonous slob, don’t you? You’re having so much fun and it feels so good.”

“Slob,” Charlie echoes while taking a larger bite that made at least five pounds of fat settle on her tummy.

“A slob,” Hedona leaned in and licked the grease on her face, “A big fat slob.”


“Charlie, you’re fucking fat.”

Vaggie watched Charlie jiggle and shake in her tuxedo while gorging in the kitchen. It had been a long time coming for her to finally come out and confront her. For two whole weeks Vaggie had seen a change in her girlfriend. There wasn’t a moment now that Charlie didn’t have food either in her hand or in her mouth.

“Do you think so?” Charlie asked, a slice of cheese dangling from her mouth from a hoagie she had been eating.

Vaggie had bit her tongue as she watched her slowly expand and soften. Out of love she bit her tongue even when Charlie would munch on cookies in bed, getting crumbs all over their sheets. She bit her tongue until it bled out of love.

Vaggie looked at her in disbelief, Charlie had been porking 24/7 and the proof was in her pudding like body that was bent over in the fridge. Her body filled her tuxedo like meat in a sausage casing, her butt was straining her slacks and her white buttcrack was sticking out. Her belly strained her shirt, it was completely filled with her belly sack that hung over the waistband of her pants and jiggled with every movement. All in all Charlie was at a beefy 300 pounds.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure Charlie. What’s going on with you?”

Charlie gave a carefree smile and with a naughty giggle “Hehehe,” said “I’m letting myself go Vaggie. Oooh,” Charlie then moaned as her tummy grumbled and a loud fart ripped from her ass *PRRRRUPT!!*

The invisible cloud of gas that puttered deeply from Charlie’s enlarged rump filled the room and made Vaggie cover her nose.

“Phew! Fuck!” She swore at the horrid smell that now saturated the room. Charlie let out a blissful sigh after passing gas “Ahhhh~”

Vaggie frowned, “That’s another thing, you’ve been farting up a storm. Something has clearly happened, I need you to talk to me Charlie.”

Charlie shrugged her shoulders, “It’s like I said, I’m just letting myself go a little. It’s actually really fun getting fat on purpose and eating” Charlie paused to lick her lips and look back into the fridge, “Food.”

Vaggie watched in horror as her girlfriend resumed raiding the refrigerator, her attention had diverted to gorging herself. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard, that this was all on purpose. Charlie eating like a pig, looking like a pig, and smelling like a pig all lead Vaggie to a simple conclusion: Hedona.

Producing a spear Vaggie stomped her way to have a word with their little guest.

Meanwhile upstairs in Hedona’s suite Angel Dust plopped a bon bon into his mouth.

“Ya know, I gotta hand it to ya, you’re pretty smooth. Turning Princess Angel Sucker into a butterball had to have been pretty easy.”

Hedona chuckled, licking her own fingers of chocolate “Hehe, I know. Subtly is the mother of hypnotism, and the idealistic types are the most susceptible to suggestion.”

Sprawled on his back on a couch Angel Dust decadently plopped one more bon bon in his mouth. “Ya got that right, that's what makes it so funny. And by the way, your whole gluttony/lust thing you got going on? As a lover of pleasure myself? It’s fucking awesome.” His lower set of arms rubbed his gigantic white gut while his upper arms fed himself the tasty devil chocolates.

Hedona smirked at his decadence, “I’m glad you see things my way and more importantly will stay out of my way.”

With his gut in his hand Angel Dust’s new round face grew a wicked grin, “Of course I will, seeing these goody goods lard up is a kind of pleasure I outta pay for. Go have fun.”

At that moment the door was kicked open by Vaggie, “YOU!”

“Me?” Hedona asked in a faux confused manner. She looked over Charlie’s enraged spear wielding girlfriend, she knew from the moment she laid eyes on her that she would be far more of a challenge than her lover was.

“Yes you!” Vaggie accused, “You’re behind this! What did you do to Charlie!”

Angel Dust stretched out lazily on the couch and yawned. “Sheesh, you’re a rude cunt, coming all up in here with your tacos in a twist and throwing accusations.”

“Oh shut up you fat fuck! You’re more than enough evidence of this pig’s crime.”

Vaggie charged at Hedona with her spear but Angel Dust pounced on her, using his upper arms he put her into a full nelson.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing! Angel Dust!”

“Yeah I’m not about to let you stop this, I’m enjoying it way too much to allow you to ruin it.”

Hedona approached the trapped Vaggie shaking her head in disappointment, “Strong willed girls are just the worst, you always have to do things the hard way with bitches like you.” Hedona’s black beedy piggish eyes started to glow orange but Vaggie shut her eye. 

“Oh no you don’t you little cunt!” Angel Dust used his other hands to force Vaggie’s eye open and Vaggie had no choice but to look into Hedona’s glowing orange eyes.

As Vaggie stared into her eyes she began to calm down and Hedona started to speak.

“You know, you should thank me. ““Nnng! Never!” Vaggie swore and fought, “Fuck you I’ll fucking kill you!!”

“Awww,” Hedona pouted in a faux disappointed manner, “But don’t you love what I’ve done with Charlie?”

“C-Charlie,” Vaggie stammered to Hedona’s delight. “Ah yes, now we’re getting somewhere. You should appreciate what I’ve done for her. Don’t you love how big she’s getting? I’ve seen the way you stare at her ass, gazing at it with lust in your pretty little eyes. And why wouldn’t you? There’s just more of her to love now!”

“More of her…” Vaggie repeated and her mind flashed to all the time she spent watching Charlie grow.

“Oh yes, so much more of her. She’s so soft now isn’t she?”

Vaggie remembered the times cuddling in bed with Charlie. She remembered just how good it felt spooning the fattening Charlie, like hugging a soft plush marshmallow.


"Yes me! Isn't it wonderful? Your girlfriend is as squishy as a set of tits now!"

"Set of tits…"

Vaggie squirmed in Angel Dust's arms, squeezing her legs together as a glazed smile grew on her lips.

Hedona observed the dumb smile on Vaggie’s face.

“Tell us the truth hun,” Hedona whispered into her ear like a tempting viper.

Under the hypnotic spell Vaggie replied “I love Charlie fat and want her fatter. I want to cuddle and fuck her marshmallow body. I want to make Charlie morbidly obese, nothing would turn me on more for Charlie to be a morbidly obese slob who gets out of breath just from fucking.”

Angel Dust grinned wide and Hedona had to laugh “Ho ho ho! Such intimate secrets we guard!”

It was true, Vaggie had just disclosed the complete and utter unadulterated truth that lied deep beneath her concern thanks to the power of Hedona’s hypnotism.

“You wanton whore,” Hedona grinned dirtily, “I think you would be much better off indulging your lust and abandoning your concern, because there’s nothing to be concerned about.”

“Nothing to be concerned,” Vaggie repeated her, voice dazed.

“Oh yes. You should let your desires be known. You love her, right? Be wanton with your sexy fetish. Why noy grow Charlie into a massive obese sow"

“Grow into a sow,” Vaggie grew a wide happy grin. Hedona then uttered to Vaggie, “It’s time to go to sleep Vaggie. When I count down from 3 you will fall into a deep sleep. 3, 2, 1.”

With that Vaggie fell asleep and went limp in Angel Dust’s arms who just chuckled, “Hehehe, great work.” Hedona brushed her hair with her purple pudgy fingers “She won’t remember what happened, but my conditioning has set in.”

“Why’d ya stop though?” Angel Dust asked, “We're just starting to have some fun.”

“Strong willed girls are just that, strong willed,” Hedona explained, “We got to take baby steps with her. Don’t worry, the fun has only just begun.”

Vaggie woke up in her bed, rubbing her one remaining eye. “Nmmm,” She moaned, unable to remember how she got there. She looked to her side and saw her massive Charlie was sleeping next to her. 300 pounds looked ridiculous on Charlie’s little frame, her entire white body was bloated and filled with a copious amount of greasy yellow fat.

Charlie’s gigantic body made her snore like a bear, even now laid out on her side Charlie’s mouth was wide open and ungodly sounds were coming out of her mouth. Vaggie also observed how much she was sweating. While sweating was just a normal part of Hell Charlie’s sweating was all due to her lard, she was cooking under her blanket of flab that was her body.

Suddenly Charlie’s body tensed up and a big fart rumbled out of her big white butt loud and long *PRRRRRRRRT!!* As the stench of Charlie’s fart filled their bedroom something hot stirred in her crotch.

“You porker,” Vaggie muttered in a lustful tone and started to spoon Charlie. Wrapping her thin legs around Charlie’s beefy thighs she reached around and grasped Charlie’s belly meat, shuddering in pleasure at the softness while she kissed Charlie’s soft neck, her lips sinking into her flesh.

“Mmmmm, Vaggie?” Charlie stirred and then giggled at Vaggie’s kisses.

“Shhhh,” Vaggie shushed her and continued to fondle her belly. Charlie was surprised, earlier Vaggie was concerned about Charlie letting herself go and now she was kneading her tummy like a cat. Charlie giggled, whatever changed Vaggie’s mind she was beyond happy her girlfriend was now accepting of her new found desire to let herself go.

“Mmmmm,” Charlie wiggled a bit and made her fat ripple which in turn made Vaggie moan in carnal pleasure “Nnnnn!”

Charlie turned over and the two started to make out, their tongues going in each other's mouths. Vaggie grabbed and groped every bit of flab she could get her hands on, telling Charlie “Mmm oh fuck! You’re so sexy Charlie!” Charlie grinned and got ontop of Vaggie who moaned out “FUCK!” at having all that weight on her. Pinned under Charlie’s weight Vaggie rubbed her face in Charlie’s white cleavage while her hands explored Charlie’s enormous butt, rubbing her hands all over her blubbery cheeks.

Charlie and Vaggie made passionate love that night and it cemented Hedona’s hypnotic spell Vaggie was under.


“Pleasure doing business with ya! URRRP!”

Angel Dust belched as he left the back alley, one set of arms patted his stuffed stomach while his upper right arm wiped away cum from his lips.

His formerly stick thin legs were bloated pillars of fat that gave him a wide waddle while he counted his money.

“I shoulda done this ages ago! Fatty lovers are a fucking gold mine!”

At that moment he heard “Hey Angel Dust!” He turned and grinned, it was Cherri Bomb.

“Hey there!” He sauntered over as well as his bloated self could. Cherri Bomb looked him over, “Whoa, you’ve been eating well!” Cherri Bomb herself was sporting a pot belly which Angel Dust poked, “Going in for the fatty pervert racket too, eh?”

The cycloptic demon grinned wide, “You bet your sweet fat ass. Word on the street is you’re making some sweet cash!”

Angel Dust snickered, heaving over to a vending machine he bent over and shook his enlarged heart shaped rump, “Mmmm, oh you have no idea babe. Some fat pig checked into Princess Goody Good’s hotel and she’s been wrecking shit. Bitchs got hypnosis and she’s turning both her and her carpet munching cunt into total fatties.”
He groped his gut with his lower arms and gave it a good shake, sending his flesh into a jiggling fit “Heh, at first I thought the pig was full of shit, but she convinced me being fat would make me some real dough.”

A bag of cocaine popped out of the vending machine and Angel Dust’s upper arms pushed the bag to his nose and snorted the drugs up “*snrrrrrt* Ahhhh! Oh FUCK!!”

Meanwhile at the hotel Niffty was exhausted. She fell back into a big chair, groaning at the moist Charlie sweat that soaked the couch. Ever since Charlie had let herself go Charlie had let the hotel go to pot as well. She left crumbs and other food stains on the floor as well as dirty laundry and the hotel smelled of sweat and flatulence in general. Nifty was working herself to the bone trying to keep the hotel clean.

Hedona waddled into the room, since joining the hotel she had five new chins. “Why Niffty you look positively pooped.”

Niffty moaned, “So...dirty!” She whimpered and tried to lift her hands which were carrying a rag and a feather duster respectively and weakly dropped them.

Hedona produced a cookie and said “Don’t you think you should relax? Like Charlie?”

Niffty pants weakly, “But...clean! Everythings so dirty! The hotel is getting as dirty as Charlie’s butt!”

Hedona giggled, “Oh yes, she has a big smelly butt now. But she’s having so much fun and much more looser.” Her eyes started to glow orange again and Niffty’s single cycloptic eye peered into it. “She used to worry about the hotel and her silly little mission. Now she’s much happier.”

“So happy,” Niffty repeated.

The cookie started to glow too, Hedona saying “She’s so happy and much more relaxed. She’s soooo lazy now!”

“So lazy,” Niffty grew a dumb smile on her face.

Hedona offered the cookie to Niffty’s mouth and she opened her mouth to accept. Each bite plumped the petite demon up. First bite chubbed up her legs, second bite ballooned her butt, third bite made a belly pop out, and the final forth bite grew a double chin under her face.

Hedona produced a platter of donuts and gave it to Nifty. Have fun.”

In the dining room Charlie and Vaggie were having breakfast.

Before Satan’s baby girl was plates of pancakes and waffles in all the variations: blueberries, chocolate chip, banana, cheesecake, all covered in butter and topped with syrup and whipped cream, the table was audibly groaning under the weight of all the food.

“Mmm, yum yum!” Charlie moaned around a syrupy buttery mouthful of waffles while Vaggie prepares to feed her another forkful. “Come on babe, you have all this food to eat.”

Charlie swallowed and opened her mouth, making her double chin bulge out. Charlie had continued her gains and was spreading out. Her butt overflowed off the sides of her chair and her belly was covering her lap.

“Eat up Charlie!” Vaggie instructed her and Charlie leaned over to take the bite, a fart pouring out of her butt *Prrrrrrrt*.

The dining room door opened and Angel Dust came in waving a hand in his face “Phew, you’re real nasty you know that?” Vaggie groaned at the interruption “What the hell do you want? Get the fuck outta here!”

“Hey toots, I’d love to leave this smelly dump, but you guys got the food here.” Angel Dust grabbed a plate of pancakes from the collection which made Vaggie lunge at Angel dust, the two demons becoming entangled in a scuffle.

Hedona came through the door, smelled the room, winced and said with a big grin “My, my someones been a good piggy.” Charlie looked up at Hedona letting out another *Prrt*. Hedona started to feed Charlie who eagerly accepted every bite, even as bites dropped onto her boobs.

Vaggie saw what was happening, stopped fighting Angel Dust, and yelled “Hey! Get away from her you bitch!” She was ever protective of her Charlie and her natural dislike of the pig made her anger even more so.

“Why? You’re clearly busy right, and Charlie needs her feeding” Hedona said the last part in a patronizing babying tone.

Vaggie produced a spear and lunged at her, but stopped mid way. She held her head, stumbling.

“W-what the hell? Why do I feel like I’m having the worst case of Deja vu.”

“Maybe it’s cuz yer on the rag!” Angel Dust suggested to which Vaggie yelled “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” and turned to Hedona “You’ve caused NOTHING but trouble since you came here. You need to get the fuck outta here!”

Vaggie produced a spear and Charlie held up her hands, “Vaggie no!”

“Charlie?” Vaggie asked, lowering her spear  a confused manner. Charlie took a bite of pancake and said “Hedona’s not a problem, she’s helped me relax and I’ve never had so much fun.”

“Charlie what are you saying? She helped you? Fuck her! The pig has to go!”

“She’s right Vaggie,” Hedona said, “I’ve done nothing but good things for Charlie. I’ve given Charlie the freedom to let loose.”

“It’s true Vaggie, I’ve never been happier being fat and,” She farted mid sentence *Prrrrrp* “Slobby.”

“In fact, you might say I did you a favor since you love your stinky fat girlfriend.” Vaggie said before her eyes started to glow.

“I..” Vaggie said as she peered into her eyes

“I bet you wonder what it’s like, don’t you? Wouldn’t you like to know what it’s like? To be a fat farting slob?”

“F-fat farting slob” Vaggie vaguely repeated her, all attention on her glowing eyes. Hedona smirked, “Yes, good piggy. Nothing turns you on more than greedy slobs, don’t you want to be one too?”

“You’d love it Vaggie! Eating all you want, getting so,” Charlie paused, squinted, and farted loudly *PPPPRRRRT!!!*, “Mmmm fat. I’d love to smell your farts Vaggie!”

The sound of Charlie’s trumpeting fart became a pavlovian bell and the smell of her bad gas made Vaggie associate it with gluttony and lust.

“M-my farts,” Vaggie repeated, being hypnotised by Hedona’s glowing eyes. Hedona tells her, “Charlie wants it and you clearly want it. You want it all, your desire for blubber is all consuming, just look at Charlie! She's greedier than a hill full of ants. Are you hungry?

Vaggie's stomach rumbled and she moaned and whimpered, now associating food and gluttony with hot sex. Just thinking about food and fat was making her pussy hot and steamy. 

"Nnnn! P-please! Feed me."

Charlie’s chubby cheeks spread wide in a big cheshire grin.

“Heheehe! Oh Vaggie I’m so happy you’re going to join us hehehehehe!” Charlie swooned in a giggling fit, she cut a slice of chocolate cake and started to feed her, Vaggie accepting every bite and getting bits of cake on her mouth. Charlie was giggling like a mad woman“Oh Vaggie you’re going to be just like me!” *PRRRRRUPPT!*

Vaggie accepted every bite, moaning  “Mmm, please Charlie. Feed me more…”


Charlie slowly made her way down the stairs holding the railing for dear life, the supersize princess of hell couldn’t see her feet. At the size of a small car every time Charlie moved she risked missing her footing and falling down the stairs.

“One step Charlie,” She told herself, her blonde locks were slick with sweat from just moving her body. Each step was a small shuffle, her feet just barely leaving the ground and her tuxedo, which now looked painted onm, was close to bursting in a million pieces.

“One step,” Charlie repeated to herself like a sacred mantra that kept her moving. Every so often she mistepped and would yelp, terrified that her blobby body would tumble down the stairs. Every time this would happen Charlie’s round fat hands would grip the staircase as hard as she could, her heart pumping out of her chest. She would pause her trek but her desire to eat gave her the courage needed to make it down. 

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs Charlie breathed a sigh of relief, she had avoided falling down the stairs another day. With her relief Charlie’s insides churned and she farted *Prrrrrrupt!*. Soft and smelling horrible Charlie licked her lips as the fart wafted up into her nose. The stench renewed Charlie’s hunger and she quickly made her way to the kitchen where she found Vaggie bent over in the refrigerator.

Charlie’s fleshy face grew a wide smile as she watched her lover gorge herself like she had done before. “Hehe,” Charlie giggled, quietly sneaking up to her as she watched Vaggie's gigantic ass wobbled under her white miniskirt that did little to cover her jelly buns that themselves were too large to be covered by any underwear. Vaggie was stuffing herself with such ferocity that her entire body rippled and jiggled and it made her cheeks clap together, revealing her puckered anus.

A foot away from Vaggie Charlie stood solid like a cat getting ready to pounce. “Rwar!” Charlie roared and attacked Vaggie from behind, giving her a big hug.

“Pwah!” Vaggie gasped, food falling out of her mouth while she let out a startled fart *PRRRRT!* Charlie smelled her girlfriend’s stinky fart and grinned, squeezing harder “Oh I love you so much Vaggie!”

Vaggie backed up and turned to face Charlie. Her former svelte frame had become packed with more meat than a cow and as Charlie hugged her their tummies bumped into each other. Charlie could not kiss her head on but tried her best, pushing her belly further into Vaggie’s and pouted, getting increasingly frustrated by her cumbersome tummy.

Vaggie smiled fondly at her, “You cute thing.”

The two girls maneuvered their huge bodies, turning around slowly like huge trucks until they were in the right position to begin kissing each other passionately. Charlie grasped all she could of Vaggie’s flab, grabbing and shaking and wobbling the copious amounts of Vaggie lard. Standing up as long as they did made the two girls start to heat up and rubbing their blubber together made them sweat and stink which both of them ate up, the smell of each other's aromas only made them more excited as they made out.

Both girls strained to remain standing, their sweat had collected into a puddle under them. Finally they started to lower down, doing so the back of Charlie’s pants split open and her big white butt came surging out like water from a burst damn, the sound of sloshing fat was accompanied by a short *PRRT!* On the ground they were better able to cuddle together while wallowing in their sexual mess, kissing each other gently.

Hedona came waddling in and swooned, “Oh my little piglets! You both look as happy as pigs in poop!”

“Mmmm I’m so happy Hedona,” Vaggie moans in happy bliss as her rolls of blubber brushed up against her smelly lover Charlie whose pit stains under her jacket were freshly moist.

Hedona coos at the two blobs and the noise of their smacking fat rolls and says, “I think you two deserve a treat. Niiiiifty!”

The doors dramatically burst open to reveal little Niffty, however “little” she definitely was not. Wider than she was tall Niffty hardly resembles the energetic squirt she used to be. With a sandwich in hand the cyclopic Niffty moved slowly while pushing a cart with her other hand, the sluggish girl leaving a trail of sweat mixed with grease which was seeping out of her pores.

“Piiiigies!” Niffty squees “Time for your feeding!” Niffty then pushed her sandwich in her mouth and began feeding Charlie and Vaggie.

As Hedona watched, Alastor approached her mic in hand.

“Hedona!” His staticky voice boomed through the entire room, “I just LOVE what you’ve done with the place! you’ve done spectacular work in bringing me lots of entertainment!”

Hedona looked at the Radio Demon and boldly said, “Wouldn’t it be nice to join them?”

“HA HA HA” Alastor laughed into the microphone and cheerfully said “You got a lot of sand to try that on me my dear, so to that I salute you! In fact I won’t brutally and horrifically mutilate you into the food of everyone in the city!”

Hedona shrugged, “It was worth a shot. But thank you for your compliment! Oh look at them go!”

Both girls were feasting on a rack of ribs, Charlie and Vaggie deepthroating ribs like they were cocks.

“The little darlings are too fat to fuck, but they have their ways.”

Vaggie’s fat little hand found its way to Charlie's big creamy ass cheeks. Poking her fingers into Charlie’s anus made the princess moan and mewl

Alastor’s evil grin grew even wider as he asked, “So now that you’ve effectively taken over the hotel, what’s your next plan, sunshine?”

Hedona snorted through her pig nose “Snnrk Snrrk I have a looong way to go! That Katie Killjoy cunt needs to be taken down a peg.”

Alastar clapped his hands, “Wonderful! Another guest at the Hazbin Fat-tel!”


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