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Passion Wars
A Shokugeki no Soma Fan Fiction
By FC Punk

Chapter 1: How We Got Here

“What do you mean we’re running out of funds!” Erina Nakiri, the current dean of Totsuki exclaimed with worryment to her best friend and assistant Hisako.

“Well those recent tournaments you held were EXPENSIVE!”

“Oh come on! Yeah they were going to be expensive, but they couldn’t be that bad.”

Hisako pulled out a calculator and started hitting some numbers, “One tournament is normal, but five? That was just indulgent. Five tournaments meant five times the food budget, and then we had to throw in all the posters and advertising. We hired a clown Erina. She was a ballet dancer from France! It all adds up to the school being close to broke because of your extravagant spending!”

Worry fell on Erina’s privileged face while her friend hammered in some cold hard math. “There must be some way to salvage this,” Erina began to think before an idea came to her head “Eureka! I got it! Hisako! We’ll get sponsorships!”


Erina flipped her golden locks, “Of course sponsorships. We’ll make back the money easily. Oh ho ho ho, what a genius dean I am!”

A couple of days later

“Passion Patties? That is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. Not only that, it’s junk food, we’re so much better than that!”

Hisako frowned, “The Passion Corporation was the first one to offer and is paying the most.”

Erina groaned and face palmed.

Hisako gave an unsure smile, “I-it can’t possibly go that badly.”


Days passed after Erina signed the deal. The school became flooded with Passion products. School stores carried them on the shelves, the cafes sold them, vending machines dispense them, every which way you turned there were Passion cookies, Passion chips, Passion chocolates, Passion gummies, every sort of junk food was available to the student body.

Erina for her part didn’t partake in the product, there was no way she was going to waste the gift of her “Divine Tongue” on mere junk food. Absolutely not. To Erina this was all so beneath her, she was a gourmet of the highest standards.

Still, as Erina walked on campus counting her money she was smiling.

The sponsorship had literally paid off and the debts and expenses that had been racked up by the tournaments had been paid off and the school budget had been saved from fiscal armageddon.

“I really am a genius, this has turned out much better than I expected.”

The passion products had proven to be popular with the student body, the amount of money that the school was making off the products was almost criminal. Instead of a deficit there was now a surplus and that meant more cash in Erina’s hand.

While she counted her money she knocked into someone and landed on her bottom.

“Ow! Hey watch where you’re-Rindo?!”

Erina was shocked, flabbergasted at the girl before her. Rindo had gotten fat, obese in fact. Her skirt couldn’t cover her pear shape, her jello thighs still wobbled from Erina knocking into her.

“Hey yourself” Rindo smirked at the shocked dean.

“What are you doing here? And what happened to you! You’re gigantic!”

“Oh, well I’ve been visiting a friend here and she’s letting me stay in her dorm. As for this,” Rindo grasped a tummy roll and jiggled it, “I guess I have been over indulging a little.” Rindo’s cat-like eyes lit up “But how can I not! These passion products are just sooo good! I’ve been going all over campus trying them all!”

Erina raised an eyebrow, “All over campus? Rindo, you know they all taste the same don’t you?”

Rindo grinned “Yeah they all taste DELICIOUS! I need to eat them all! I...oh…”

Erina watched as Rindo’s eyes turned glazed and she left her without even saying goodbye, only muttering about needing more cookies and Erina could have sworn she heard her pass gas as she left.

“What the hell is going on?”


“Wow, you girls really like this stuff, huh?”

Soma looked over Megumi, Ryoko, and Yuki sitting together around the coffee table on the floor. Wrappers and boxes of passion products were littered around them.

“I don’t understand why they’re so good, I can’t seem to stop eating them! What’s worse,” Megumi paused to take a big bite of a snack cake, “I think it’s making me fat!”

Megumi’s had noticeably chubbed up, she now had a small pot belly and her face was growing round with the beginnings of a double chin.

“Well, that should be obvious with that tummy you’re growing.” Ryoko reached over and jiggled Megumi’s little jelly belly, making her squeal “Eeeee! Stop that! You’re one to talk!”

Every movement Ryoko took, even jiggling Megumi’s fat, made her boobs shake. Her boobs, which were always huge, had gotten even bigger. They were so swollen with tit flesh that they made a perfect distraction from the other parts of her body that had been softening up, like the jiggle in her legs or how her upper arms were starting to get flabby.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room was interrupted by a tremendous smelly fart from Yuki’s rear end *PPPRRUMPPT!*

“Yuki!!” both Megumi and Ryoko cried out while Soma laughed and complimented her, “Haha, good one Yuki!”

Yuki blushed, an embarrassed smile on her face. Yuki’s gains had turned her pearshaped, seated on the ground her flabby butt and thighs spread out under her like pancakes. Her school skirt just barely kept her bottom decent, it couldn’t cover the lower most part of her butt and whenever Yuki bent over she would be flashing her panties. Her thighs met together and gave her a big waddle making her move like an over sized penguin.

“Sorry! All these passion treats are really giving me bad gas.” Despite the apology when she leaned forward to grasp another passion patty with her gluttonous fat fingers another deep barrotine fart snuck out of her big wobbling butt *Prrrrrrupt~!*

Pinching her nose Ryoko complained, “It’s worse enough that your room smells from all those animals, you’re going to make the entire dormitory smell like a barn with your farts.” Yuki pouted, “It’s not my fault!”

As Ryoko and Yuki squabbled over Yuki’s smelly farts Megumi looked up at Soma who was watching them with intrigue. Megumi knew that look well, “Soma, what are you thinking?” It was the look Soma gave when he was deep in thought.

Soma smiled, “Just thinking how I could integrate the stuff into my food.”

“Is that why you haven't tried any?” Megumi asked Soma who nodded in agreement, “Yeah, junk food is not really my thing. I prefer making my own food, but man! Look at how popular these things are! If I could replicate it just right I bet my dishes would have the same effect, maybe even better!” Soma gave a mischievous grin “Heh, maybe even Nakiri would admit it’s good!”

Megumi felt queasy at the thought. Not from disgust, but the prospect of taste testing Soma’s passion inspired dishes. The sugar which sat at the bottom of her gut bubled and she went green in the face.

“Y-yeah,” Megumi put a hand to her mouth to stifle a burp.

“That would be amazing.”


“Have you noticed there’s a lot more fat people now?”

Erina scrunched her nose in disgust as she and Hisako walked around campus observing the sudden changes in the student population. Ever since the introduction of the passion snacks there had been a significant spike in obesity among the student population. Every which way Erina turned she saw students either filling up or completely overflowing their school uniforms with doughy flesh.

“I guess people just really, really like the snacks,” Hisako guessed to which Erina scoffed, “It’s because they’re a bunch of oinkers who can’t control themselves!” Erina flicked her blonde hair arrogantly, “Honestly, serving junk food at an elite culinary academy is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

Hisako sighed, “It can’t be helped. Passion gave us the most money, a single check completely wiped away our debt.”

Erina and Hisako stopped in their tracks and their jaws dropped when she saw Ikumi. The Meat General had become a certified land whale with more meat than a cow. Her fashion sense hadn’t changed one bit with her top tied into a knot that was absolutely filled with her ballooning knockers while her big tan belly was free to hang and move and groove with every plodding step she took.

Her long combat boots emphasised the dimples on her fat knees and the sheath of her knife was straining to stay attached to her bloated right thigh. While Yuki’s short skirt just barely covered her buns at this point Ikumi’s short skirt was merely decoration, it did not cover her yoga ball size butt cheeks at all. Her big butt wobbled freely, clapping together and showing the world her white panties that, with the way they were scrunched up between her ass, was more like a thong than anything else.

Erina scrunched her face in awe and disgust, she and Hisako were at a lost for words watching the meaty girl from afar. As this was happening Soma saw them and smirked. “This is going to be awesome, hehe,” he chuckled to himself and snuck up behind Erina and suddenly announced “Heeeeey Nakiri!”

“AH!” Both girls jumped up with Erina yelling “DON’T DO THAT!” Her face was a shade of crimson as she watched Soma laughing at her reaction “A-and don’t call me that!!” Soma shrugged, “You just looked so distracted. What were you looking at?” Erina became increasingly flustered “N-none of your business!” At that she saw Soma was carrying a plastic container under his arm, “What is that?”

Soma held the container out and opened the top revealing a collection of cookies.

Erina raised her delicate eyebrow, “What is this?” Soma smirked and replied “Cookies.” “I KNOW THEY’RE COOKIES!” Erina stomped her foot, she didn’t like being made a fool of, especially by Soma “Why do you have cookies?”

“Well, I’ve been trying to replicate all the passion stuff around here and maybe even make my cooking better than them. I haven’t quite mastered it admittedly, but it’s a work in progress. These are supposed to be Passion Patties.”

“You made Passion Patties?!”

“Yeah! Fresh Passion Patties!” A sly smile crept on Soma’s lips as he teasingly said “Waaaaana try soooome?”

Erina swallowed, looking down at the cookies. She absolutely hated junk food on sheer principal, but she did like fresh sweets like homemade cookies. But still, she hated giving Soma the pleasure of trying his food.

“What’s the matter Nakiri?” Soma teased, “Scared you might like it?” He also said to Hisako, “You can try some too Hisako.”

Scared. That was an insult to her pride and just set her right off. She sneered and reached into the tub taking a cookie and took a bite.

Fireworks. Bombs. An explosion of sweet flavor. Cinnamon. Ginger. Honey. Macadamia nuts. White chocolate. Erina’s God Tongue was processing the flavors with the speed of a supercomputer, her eyes were glazed over and she was frozen.

“A-ah-ha!” Erina moaned, the sensual taste was attacking her pleasure centers, she felt herself grow soaking wet as she finished the rest of the cookie.

Hisako took her own taste and her eyes rolled over while her knees slightly buckled, she had to catch herself from falling.

Erina was absolutely overwhelmed, her God Tongue was overworked and her senses were on fire. Her heart rate began to accelerate and she yanked the tub from Soma’s hands, yelling out “MINE!” and ran away, Hisako running after her.

Soma was shocked by the grand theft of his cookies, he definitely didn’t expect that sort of reaction from Erina of all people.

"Wow, someones greedy."

To Be Continued...


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