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It started started with the miracle of miracles, something so profound it revolutionized the world and drove countless scientists to madness and physicists to suicide: perpetual motion.

The first real and true perpetual motion machine turned everything upside down. Everything we knew about physics was wrong and the immediate aftermath was the end of the world’s energy crisis. Perpetual motion advanced so many things, it helped maintain Climate Change from getting any larger thanks to oil and fossil fuels becoming obsolete, although the effects it had inflicted still remained and there was a terraforming project being done on earth trying to fix things up and turn the climate back to normal.

The things we thought were impossible became reality and the things that were already fantastic became even more fantastical. We were able to go to mars and terraform it into a second earth. We have several ships in deep space thanks to mastering FTL travel. AI had advanced to the point where it’s everywhere, every house had it.

Automation quickly made several industries obsolete and millions of the world’s people became unemployed. To combat this Universal Basic Income was put into place in many countries.

Just when things started to feel normal after all these advances came the replicator. That changed everything, world hunger ended overnight by this device that could just produce food and drinks out of thin air!

Out of all the spectacular wonders this century has given us, the replicator is probably the most debated.

Many were skeptical about the nutritional value of replicator food versus naturally grown and many more were concerned over the implication of what was now a post-scarcity society…

Future Shock
By FC Punk

You were on the brink of death and a machine was keeping your heart alive. The hover bed was taking you to the operating room, your flab hung over the edges and wobbled every which way the bed bobbed. Your gut was an obscene mountain of blubber, a trash pile of meat you had pushed your limits. The bed was keeping your heart from stopping, constant electrical signals were stimulating your heart, making it pump for you. But at the same time you were in agonizing pain, this was only a temporary measure.

They pushed the hover bed over to one holding a much thinner you.

Hopped up on morphine you stared at yourself, thin and lithe with long strawberry blonde hair. Your clone was even a decade younger than you, aged up to your prime of 22 years old.

In a short amount of time your mind was to be transferred to your new body.

In a short amount of time you would be able to do it all over again.

In a short amount of time.

You wake up in your hospital bed and look over your body. The operation was a success and for the first time you sit up on your own. For 13 days you had pushed your old body to its absolute max and now you could do it once again.

You were checked out and discharged, wearing your skinny clothes. Exiting the hospital you look up at the blue sky, even to a natural born Martian such as yourself it was hard to believe this planet had at one time been red and dead. Placing your hand up at the sun your thin dainty hand absorbed the sunlight and on your palm was a tattooed barcode.

The tattoo was your identification, it was your sign that said you were a copy and which copy you were. Smiling wide at the blue sky you take off to enjoy your new body and all it had to offer.

The first place to go was a bar and grill. You ordered quesadillas, wings, fried pickles, cheeseburgers, fries, nachos, everything and anything under the sun, complete with a pitcher of beer.

Many centuries ago it might have been a weird sight to see a woman eat like this. But there were other skinny girls just like you doing the same thing, holding huge burgers with both hands and taking greedy big bites, not to mention the other fat ones.

Yes, seated amongst the skinny minnies like you were swollen blubber hogs seated in their hover chairs. The chairs were practically their life support, allowing them to live far past a thousand pounds. Their bodies were constantly shaking and wobbling from their constant eating. In a post scarcity there was no need to keep yourself in check. These girls had given in, indulging to their heart’s content or rather as much as their hearts could handle. They couldn’t even feed themselves on their own anymore, with arms as heavy as lead they could no longer lift their flabby useless arms. The chairs had extended robotic arms that fed them, all they had to do was sit and eat.

But going back to the thin girls who had huge servings like you. They had at one time been them, just like you. Pushing themselves, gorging, drinking, smoking. But even then their chairs could only do so much and humans had yet to attain true immortality. That’s why, that’s why they cloned themselves and transferred their minds, hopping from body to body.

In your time you’ve left a pile of broken bodies behind you and this one was no different. You took the pitcher and drank straight from it, the beer spilling over onto your tits.

You became bloated pretty quickly thanks to your brand new stomach being its original size, but you pressed on. That oh so stuffed feeling was the goal, you had to stretch your stomach, you had to soak your liver in booze.

You had to indulge.


Well well well, 600 pounds already. 608 to be exact. You're awfully proud of that fact, you’ve grown tremendously huge in a short passage of time..

Laid out on a recliner you huffed and puffed from just the exertion of moving your hands to your mouth. What's that? Another cigarette? This is your fifth pack this week and you’re already running out. Is your puffing and huffing from your obesity or was it from blackening your lungs.

Switching to weed? Silly girl, smoke is smoke. Look at you go, taking long hits and blowing smoke that gives you a dumb glazed smile on your round face.

It was almost time. Time to go see your family. Your chair hovers up and tips you out on your feet, your body pouring out of the char. The change in your body is quite frankly vulgar. Your perfect trim waist had become a hanging mass of belly fat that wobbled like a water balloon filled with melted butter. Your legs had exploded with cellulite and your clothes showed them off perfectly.

Your clothes were made with a material that allowed them to change with the wearer’s size. Even when you were a massive hill of useless meat you had least had the dignity of clothes.

It was your mother’s birthday, your sister would be coming over as well. You were going to spend the night because after you were done eating there’s no way you could drive back.

Get to your mother’s house, your baby sister opens the door to reveal her porcine figure overfilling her blue tracksuit.

“You pig!” You both squeal and hug each other, your fat tummy squishing into hers.

“Sarah! You had a transfer again!” You exclaim looking at your obese little sister.

“I did!” She stuck her arms out, her round moon face grinned wide as she did a slow turn, showing her rotundity. “I had it earlier in the year, I wanted to surprise the family!” As she let you into the house you watched her rump jiggle and shake with each heaving waddling step. “I made it to 1,312 pounds by the time I was on death’s doorstep and I needed the transfer. I weighed myself when I got here, I’m 400 even.”

As she waddled she farted loudly and you couldn’t help but laugh, “Haha, geez Sarah! You wreck your insides already?”

Sarah chuckled and turned around with a huge grin. “What do you expect? Gas problems come with massive weight gain, you should know that.” Sarah then put her hand on your enormous belly and pushed down on the pressure inside, forcing a large gust of flatulence out of you as well.

You wrinkle your nose at the smell and chuckle at your gaseous release, “Heh, point taken. So what number are you up to now? Which body is this?”

She grew a smirk and said with a smattering of pride in her voice “34th. I see you had a transfer too, naughty girl.”

You grin widely, “I was 1,412 before I did the transfer, but I’m 608 as of now.” You pat your belly proudly before you come into the living room and see your mother feasting in her hoverbed.

Your mother was immensely huge, a complete mound of fat her belly covered her legs with only her feet sticking out and her rolls that hung over the edges of the bed wobbled with every bob the hoverbed took. Her bed allowed her to be propped up and her belly was being used as its own table with several cakes resting on the lard table.

“Happy birthday mom!” You say, waddling over you kissed your mother on her huge fleshy cheek. You jiggle her chins with your index finger, “You’ve put on some weight.” You saw a candy dish of tobacco and start to roll your mother a cigarette. Putting it in her mouth you light it for her and watch as she takes a deep drag.

After blowing out smoke Mother smiled which made her fleshy face wobble, “Thank you baby! Is it that noticeable?”

You laugh and take a seat along with , picking up a slice of chocolate cake you feed her, saying “It sure is. I’m actually jealous, just how much are you these days?”

Mother swallowed her bite and proudly said “3,000 even.”

You grin, “Even bigger than last time mom. Every new body you push just a little bit further. I always seem to plateau around the 1,400 range.” Your mother patted your arm and reassured you, “Have you tried the kentucky fried diet? I read this article online and according to it eating strictly kentucky fried chicken is a sure fire way to break any plateaus you're facing sweety. It’s part of this whole 20th century nostalgia currently going on.”

Sarah rolled her eyes, “Pffft, 20th century nostalgia. If I have to watch another remake of Titanic I am going to puke. It’s all the same movie! Jack and Jill or whatever her name, iceberg, my heart will go on, end. They can’t even tell an original story!”

You had to giggle at your little sister, as a film arts professor she would get so worked up over movies she would hyperventilate from her out of control hypertension. You watched her face turn beat red while ranting, her shaky hands reached for a glass of wine and swigged it down. It was a habit she had picked up during these times she needed to settle her heart and calm down.

“Hehe, don’t give yourself a heart attack sis, it’s just a movie.”

But your sister wasn’t calming down, hyperventilating she tensed up and fell face first into the cake.


Sarah was face down in the cake for a good couple of seconds before she twitched and got back up,

Your red faced sister huffed and puffed, her tingly fingers wiped the frosting off her face and she took a deep breath, “After I had my transfer they injected my body with nanos.”

“Nanos?” You raised an eyebrow. You had been hearing about nanomachines lately, there had been massive jumps in development.

“Yeah, I wanted to try out the nanos. Whenever I get close to an attack these little babies give my heart a good shock. But over time they won’t be enough, when I get huge again I’ll need those chairs once more.”

You cut an excessively large slice of birthday cake and dig in, “Well, I don’t know about nanos, I think the chair is more than enough.”

Mother spoke up, “We all do things differently. I.i..”

Your mother paused in her speech as the left side of her face started to droop.

A huge smile starts to grow on you as you exclaim “Mom, are you having a stroke?”

Your mother’s words began to slur “Yess, thatts ah skoke.”

You and your sister both hugged your enormous unhealthy hog of a mother, both of you squealing “Happy birthday mom!”

You play with her drooping cheek, “It took you awhile, I was beginning to think it was never going to happen.”

Your sister got up with a fart and rolled your mother another cigarette for her, “Here you go mom, you deserve a smoke.”

Mother smoked slowly on the cigarette. Her lungs were so bad which combined with her massive weight meant extreme shortness of breath. She nursed the unfiltered cigarette in her mouth, taking puffs every so often as black tar started to collect around her lips and rolled down her chins.

Wine continued to flow during your mother’s birthday as you and your sister cut loose.

“I’m gonna get as fat as you mom!” You praise her before leaning over to the side and farting, “Mmmmm, can’t wait to get bigger and softer. I hope it’ll make me fart more.”

Your sister laughed, “Ha! You can get as fat as mom, but I intend on being FATTER than mom!”

Mother chuckled and released her own thunderous fart into the room which smelled of cigarettes and flatulence. “I’ll always support both of you in your goals. Nothing makes me prouder than seeing you two so dedicated to hedonism.”

Using a trembling hand mother raised a glass in toast.

“Go! Grow unhealthy and fat!”


Congratulations piggy, your new body is coming along nicely.

Your hover chair bobs up and down while you parade around the zoo. That KFC diet was doing wonders on you. Hundreds of pounds settled on your body and you relished every single inch of softness.

“Julia, what is my current weight?” You asked your chair which answered back in a smooth Irish accent, “Your weight is currently 1,512.”

You shuddered in delight and felt your whole mass ripple. You had known about it before, but you always loved hearing it from Julia, her voice had a sort of teasing playfulness to it.

Your mother was right,  KFC does a body good, you were a hundred pounds heavier than before your transfer.Your feet had become overtaken, only the itty bit of your toes could be made out from under the heavy curtain of flab that was your stomach.

Oh what a belly it was, it made the rest of you seem so small. It certainly had to raise questions: Was the belly attached to you? Or were you attached to your belly.

Your hands kept playing with the flab, your round digits grasped big handfuls. Your tattoo on your hand was now stretched out from your hands plumping up, up, up.

You hovered to an Elephant enclosure and the kiosk read out various facts, including its weight.”

“8,000 pounds? Hah, child's play.” You sip a 2 liter bottle of soda imagining yourself at 8,000 pounds. Your face, so covered in flab that it gave your eyes a piggish squint, flushed imagining yourself as fat as an elephant.

“Would these chairs even hold me?” She thought.

Your legs were practically useless, just mere remnants of the human body’s original purpose. To imagine them even fatter, like big pillars...your mind kept trying to picture yourself bigger and bigger, blowing up like a fat balloon as you grew increasingly blobby until you were a sack of useless meat.

The sun beats down on you and a robotic arm wipes away the sweat on your forehead.

“Mmmm, thank you Julia,” you thanked your chair before another arm held a hot dog to her mouth. Your ring of chins wobbled as you took big bites.

You move on from the elephants, passing away couples dropping from either the heat or their overworked hearts.

In the zoo cafeteria you were eating cheeseburgers. Even the zoo served the fattiest foods as displayed by the little pyramid. Your chair started to buzz an incoming message and a hologram of Sarah was projected out.

“Hey sis! Wanna take a trip to the Moon?”

“Oh my God, YES!”

You arranged the date and details and after the holomessage was over you were finishing off the pyramid, eager and excited at the prospect of going to the Moon.


During the initial spread of humans into space the Moon was determined unsuitable for actual living. However the Moon was still useful. Instead of becoming colonized the Moon instead became a tourist hot spot for people from Earth. The Moon was covered in casinos and hotels, the entire Moon was as bright and colorful as the Vegas Strip.

With Earth in the sky you and your sister were already smashed. You two hadn’t stopped drinking since your space shuttle had taken off.

“Hic!” you hiccup, feeling your stomach bloated with booze. Sarah had a bottle of vodka in her chubby hand and a burrito in the other. “Letsss get sum moaaar to eat” you slur.
Your sister laughed with a cigarette in her mouth, “Hahaa, preparing to leave?” You moan in your chair, your skin had changed to a sickly grey and gasped for breath, sputtering out “Getting ready...for a transfer when I get back.”

Your sister, who had once more became a thousand pounds on the dot looked her over “I was kinda guessing so, you look baaaaad sis. Like your gonna die.”

Your cheeks raised into a smile as you pant and say, “Thank you.” When you let go of your cheeks it made a loud slapping sound on your body.

“Well then, where should we go?” Sarah asked until the two of you saw it: The Final Binge, a fatty restaurant.

You lick your lips and a deep fart escapes your massive ass and you point with a single fat finger, “It was meant to be.”

“Hello! Welcome to your last binge!” An android girl greeted them. They slowly followed the girl, admiring her gothic lolita outfit and her wild blue hair.

The android placed them in a space and the replicator tech conjured up the greasiest burgers, multi stacks of beef covered in cheese, mayo, and onions. Heavily salted fries, onion wings.

The arms on your chair started to feed you and you spoke up, “Hey Sarah. I bet you I’ll be the first one to catch that heart attack.”

Your sister farted and grinned, “You’re on tubs!”

Your chairs went into overdrive, doing all they could to feed you. The only thing you did, the only thing you could do, was eat.

Picking up slices of pizza and orange grease would pour off it, all the slices going into your gullet.

You lost vision in your left eye and your face started sag. “Nnnn, Sarah I’m having a stroke.”

Sarah was drinking a feeding tube of milkshake and a robotic arm injected her fat belly with an insulin shot. “Mmmm! Don’t quit now!”

You continued to eat, your body was becoming shiny from your sheer grease bath and you farted constantly, big loud gusts of wind was expelled from your enormous ass as your body just struggled to live.

Finally the constant ache in your heart became tighter.

“A-ah!” You moan, your nipples harden as you can feel it coming. This was it.

“H-here it comes.” You mutter, taking a huge bite of cheeseburger, swallowing the grease that oozed out of it.

“Ooof,” You groan with your mouthful letting out a tremendous fart “I got there first.”

The chair flatlined and the chair collected your memories. Slumped in your chair a complete greaseball you had the feast of a lifetime.

But you had lots of time, with nothing but eternity on your side.

The End. 


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