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By FC Punk

Do you believe in miracles? The impossible happening, for no rhyme or reason. Miracles by nature are supposed to be good things, but it’s the nature of miracles that are the most terrifying.

Great changes happening for no reason.


You’re a gamer. you like all sorts of games from platformers like Mario to stealth games like Metal Gear. Yes, you’re a gamer, a scrawny boy invested far more in playing games than doing your school work. Nights where you should be doing your Boca Raton community college homework were instead spent playing SNK games and playing as one character in particular: Mai Shiranui.

You are obsessed with the buxom ninja you’ve claimed as your waifu. Prints of her adorn your walls, statues of Mai decorate your desk and manga shelf, on your bed is a Mai dakimakura, and you even have a cosplay costume of Mai’s red ninja suit for a girlfriend to wear. Fat chance of that happening.

You would often blow your school work just to play, you’re more interested in gaming than school work and “real life”, often playing well into the early morning as you did this night. After you could play no more you turned off the machine and went to bed. It had been a long night and you fell into a deep sleep. You slept and slept, sleeping through even your phone going off.

When morning came your eyes twitched. The act of waking up for anyone is like a machine starting up, it’s a gradual thing until you yawned. A light feminem voice came out of you and you immediately jolt up, shrieking “What the fuck!”

You jump out of bed and the first thing you see were not your feet but a large set of boobs. Your boobs were huge but somehow they were impossibly perky, almost floating in mid air. “What’s going on, what's going on,” you were fretting, your new girlish voice was high and it was freaking you out.

You ran to the nearest mirror and you were shocked at how your perky balloons bounce up and down. And it wasn’t just your boobs either, you felt your entire body jiggle and shake and you felt heavy. Upon getting to the mirror you were shocked at who was staring back at you. It was Mai, Mai Shiranui was staring back at you. In place of yourself a copy of Mai stood before you. However, the fact that you had turned into Mai was only one part of the shock. The second part was just how fat you were.

You had been a pretty scrawny boy it was a shock to see yourself like this, let alone Mai like this. “My waifu…” your voice trembled at the obese girl before him. You had slept in the nude and so the obese Mai Shiranui was also naked. You never could have imagined seeing your beloved Mai like this, let alone yourself.

The nipples on your bazongas were dark and stretched out. Your middle is an apron of flab, a sack of fat that covers your privates. You became curious and grasped hold of your stomach recoiling in horror how soft your flesh was. Yes you felt soft, your fat had a pillow feel to it. It also jiggled at the slightest movement. You lift your gut up with both hands and couldn’t believe just how heavy your belly fat was, it even spilled out of your hands just the tiniest bit.

With your belly apron up you saw a vagina in place of your penis.

You were beyond shocked, you couldn’t even register a description. “I’m a woman,” you softly said to himself and let go of your gut which heavily slapped against your thighs and sent your body into a jiggling fit, “I’m a complete cow!”

You continued to explore your body, finding his thighs to be thick, round, and packed with cellulite. Patting your right thigh you watched it wobble like jelly and then turned around in the mirror to look at your butt. As a man your butt had been small and nothing to write home about, but now it was lusciously engorged with adipose tissue and jiggled with even the slightest movement, each cheek was as big as your torso had been.

“I can’t believe this is happening, it’s gotta be a dream,” you say and pinched a roll of fat and squinted when you felt the pinch. “Oh my God, it’s real!” You shriek.

You didn’t know what to do. You really were Mai now, even if she was the size of a cow she was still his waifu. You found yourself going to the closet and pulled out the cosplay costume you had been saving. When you pulled it out, you found that it was a much larger size, checking the tag revealed it was an 8XL.

“What the hell?” you said, shocked that even the uniform had changed. You weren’t sure whether to put it on or not. “Why not?” You ultimately said and put the risque red and white outfit. Moving over to the mirror you noticed how your thick thighs were making you waddle, “Sheesh, Chun-Li has nothing on these thighs” Your light girl voice uttered.

Upon seeing yourself in the mirror you could only laugh at yourself. It was all so bizzare, here you were, Mai Shiranui and incredibly obese, a big landwhale. The feeling of shock had left you, replaced only by a sense of amusement.

You bent over and started to mimic her idle stance, bouncing from side to side and up and down your big boobs jiggled and wobbled in place. A big dumb smile grew on your face and you playfully winked at the mirror. You got back up and did her victory pose, throwing your big right arm up in the air made your beefy upper arm wobble and then thrusting it to your side made a huge jiggle.

“Yeah! I’m the best in Japan!” You announced and had to laugh again. You turned around and grinned at how big your butt was in the costume. Your butt was wide, your cheeks extended out further than the two red and white flaps could cover.

Playfully you lifted the flaps and saw the familiar red thong bunched up in your incredibly big butt. You took both hands and rubbed them over your big ass. You could feel the smoothness of your ass and how soft it felt under your hands.

You groped yourself, you could grab two big handfuls of butt fat. You wobble your cheeks and was amazed at how flabby your ass was and how much it could shake. Your round double chinned face contorted into a lustful horny expression with your tongue hanging out.

You plop down on your big butt and spread her big fat thighs. You lifted the front flap of your costume up and then your big belly that had been tucked into the costume, your naughty fingers started to reach for your increasingly soaked honey pot. You felt the dampness of the red underwear and rubbed the sweet spot while letting out lewd moans.

You rubbed and rubbed until you cummed and shouted out in pleasure. Falling back to the ground your fat blubbery body shivered and shuddered in the orgasmic aftermath. “Oh God,” you pant, your big chest was actually weighing you down. You grunt and rolled onto your front, your big but jutting out. With a womanly grunt you got up, your broad butt clapping together which made you moan at the sensation.

But what to do now? What to do now? Your stomach rumbled and it gave you an idea. “Well, since I’m a fat ass,” you said, “I might as well order a pizza!” you grabbed the phone and dialed out for pizza. While you waited for the pizza to come you played some Dead or Alive. Seated while playing you were amused by how you had to spread your legs for your stomach to rest comfortably. Your stomach blubber was heavy and burdensome, there was just so much blubber it forced you to spread them, your fat gave you no say in the matter.

25 minutes later the door knocks and you grunt, trying to get to your feet. Rolling onto your knees your big ass cheeks spread and you feel the brief feeling of air touching your hole and you bite your lip in pleasure. Once on your feet you waddle slowly to the door, still not getting over what a weird feeling waddling was. You felt burdened and hampered by your weight, just moving your huge legs was an enormous task.

When you opened the door you discovered the pizza boy was younger than you, perhaps in his senior year. His eyes went directly to your boobs which had a cleavage so big the kid might lose a hand if he dared reach inside. Without a doubt you were the fattest woman he had ever seen. Seeing his reaction made you smile. You were going to have some fun.

“Hii” Mai’s spoke sweetly, her girlish voice had a teasing air to it.


“The pizzas, right? Could you read them down? Just so there’s no mixups?” You smile at him, making him flush.

“O-one stuffed crust meat lovers a-a-and one extra cheese green peppers!”

“Oh thank you so much, you’re a real sweetheart!”

You lean over to grasp the pizzas and your heaving boobs were an inch away from his spotty face, he could feel the body heat coming off your boobs. Pulling back the boy stuttered and was flustered blushing red. It didn’t even matter if he liked big girls or not, he just knew what he liked. With the two pizzas in your hand you lean over again and give him a kiss on the cheek for a thank you.

The boy was so stunned he didn’t even ask for the money, just slowly backing up into his car and pulling out, nearly missing a mailbox. You snicker at the effect your new body had on people and take the pizzas back to the TV. Greasy, cheesey, meaty bites were taken by you, your appetite seemed ravenous. Bits of pepperoni and sausage would drop into the crevice of your boobs and you had to fish them out to your delight. You were getting used to being an enormous Mai.

The two pizzas went down quickly and you let out an unfeminine greasy pizza belch.


You place a small pudgy hand to your lips and giggle, “excuse me.”

Your belly is distended and you rub it like a prized pumpkin bur you were still hungry. You decide on eating everything in the house. You made deli sandwiches, you put two frozen pizzas in the oven. You cracked eggs to make scrambled eggs. You ate peanut butter and nutella out of the jars. You ate everything that could be edible and you were left with an obese stomach that was packed with food.

So stuffed were you that you were entirely waddling, you had given up any pretense in walking like a human. Resting on the couch caused it to snap and it sent your fet into a jiggly frency. You sighed rubbing your engorged gut, having eaten everything in the house and fell asleep, hoping this had just been a rather erotic dream.

But it wasn’t. The mirror you stood in front of showed no changes, just the massive land whale that you were.

“Crap what am I going to do, SHIT!” You swore until something clicked. Today was the start of a three day anime/gaming convention. You could just go as a cosplay! And not only that you had reserved a hotel.

Staggering to your feet you saw that your bag was already packed and ready to go. Curiously you unzipped it and found another Mai costume, only this one was bigger than the one you wore. You felt all prepared, but were you really going to be allowed in?

You scurry to find your driver's license and when you do once more are you shocked. Mai’s fat round face was staring back at you and you dropped the card, groaning to pick it up you close your eyes and take a deep breath “okay. It’s just a really bad dream. Like a lucid dream or whatever those are.” You examine the license and see the sex still said male and your name was sill on it.”

“Hmmmm,” You thought, “Maybe I can say I’m transgender.” You wondered if you could get away with it, but you had pre registered months ago and you could not allow 50 dollars to be wasted. You tossed your bag into the car and drove to the hotel. As you drove you started to laugh, “God, it must be a sight seeing me driving.”

You pulled into the hotel and got out, going inside to the front desk, still in your Mai costume.

Approaching the front desk the girl behind the counter was shocked at your corpulence. In a hotel lobby filled with cosplayers who tended to fall on the tubby side you stuck out, the biggest fanboy...or is it fangirl?

This entire transformation still doesn't feel real and that you were still in a dream, a really, really deep dream. Lumbering over to the counter you were the biggest girl there and your risque costume was showing a lot of you. Who wouldn’t stare? You were the center of attention.

At the counter you cough gently and begin to say, “Hello, I have a room reserved. Last name, Richards.” The counter girl was at a loss for words but quickly recovered asking you for your driver’s license. You gulp, this was it, time to see if this half-baked plan would work.

She smiled and looked back at you with a chirpy sounding “Aww, you’ve transitioned really well.”

You stepped back in jiggly shock. It worked! It actually worked!

“T-thanks,” you say with treperdation while she quickly goes over everything else and hands you your key. You took your bag to your room, however upon entering your room you found your bed was entirely too small, at your current size you easily dwarfed it. You laid down on your back and the feeling of your flesh jiggling over the edges was unreal, it was a feeling in your body you had never felt in all of your 21 years.

No, this wasn’t going to work. A call to the front desk, you were going to need a far bigger bed.

But there was time for that later, you had to go pick up your badge. Looking back at the small bed you did have to laugh. You were an immense girthy animal, a twin was just inappropriate for you. Hopefully when you get back tonight there will be a different bed.

You had similar reactions when you got to the convention center, but it wasn’t all about you sadly. After all, an anime and video game convention was practically a nerdy mardi gras, there was plenty of other things to catch attention. But even then it was hard to ignore a blimp like you.

You tried to go down the escalator but your weight temporarily caused it to stop, you were far too heavy for it. It only drew more attention to you and you darkly blush, stepping back. Everyone staring, gossiping, it reminded you of the pizza boy and how much you loved his reaction, only now it was on a much larger scale. You bite your bottom lip as a pulse shoots through your body from your crotch and you moan softly.

What a surprising development this was, this exhibitionist streak. With a lewd smile you begin your trek down the stairs, every step you took jiggled your exposed tree trunk thighs. Your belly slapped against the top of the thighs, making a loud clapping sound. You were eating up the attention and you pushed your gut out, greedily seeking out more.

When you made it down to the main hall you put an extra oomph into your waddle, making sure everyone got a good look at all of your blubber. Your horny little mood was dampened when you had to stand in line. Even if you were your old self you hated standing in lines. Even though this was the pre-registration pick up line and it was supposed to move faster, but with the width of your belly and butt did it really seem like it mattered?

Your enormous belly pushed against the back of the person in front of you while your butt pushed the person behind you a good 2 feet. You blushed hotly, thinking about how much space you were taking up. You were like a truck!

When you finally got to the end of the line you were shocked that just like at the hotel you got away with it. Grabbing your badge you attach it to your red costume, if any security needed to see your badge they would have to look directly into your cleavage. Badge in tow you were now ready to wander about the convention center, a booklet in hand.

You had no idea just what you weighed, but you felt like you belonged on that My 600 life show. You stood out in a hall of costumed dorks, and that familiar tingling feeling in your crotch returned.

"Look at me," you mumbled to yourself and began pushing your stomach out again. You also widened the gait of your waddle and made your asscheeks clap together.

A panel for a voice actor was something else when you took up four entire seats with the width of your ass. Despite the voice actor being popular you were still the center of attention, quite literally as you were seated in the center, you were so wide the people behind you couldn't see. Even the voice actor's eyes kept being drawn to you, especially when you raised your hand and your jelly arm wobbled.

All through the con you garnered reactions, but they weren't all shock and awe or disgust. You quickly found many seemed to like your bovine figure. One asked for your photo and you obliged, bending over into Mai's pose you showed off your impossibly perky boobs. People behind you got a great view of your ass as well.

A guy wanted to take a selfie with you. Getting into position you felt him grope your fat in several places. You were shocked by his busy hands but the shock gave way to arousal. As the photo was taken you let out a carnal moan and kissed him on the cheek. After the photo was taken you spotted something.

There was a cosplayer dressed as Chun-Li. It was a really, really good cosplay too, it looked just like her. Not only that...the cosplayer was a good couple hundred pounds worth of blubber. Just like you.

You had to get closer so you heaved your jelly loaded body over to her. She spotted you approaching her and when you and her made eye contact it was all but confirmed.

“Nice cosplay,” You said taking her in. While you were big all over she was a different kind of land whale. The weight was concentrated in her legs, her brown tights were packed with so much jelly they looked fit to burst.

“Thanks, you too,” She stared straight into your eyes, trying to read you. There was an awkward silence before you said, “Do you want to get a drink?” to which her double chin nodded in approval.

At the convention center bar you need two stools for your buttocks while your Chun-Li friend needs four, and even then her butt spilled over the edges. While the two of you drink there was more silence between you until she broke the ice, “It wasn’t always like this, was it?”

You jerked your head at her and whispered, “It happened to you too?!” She whispered back “It happened yesterday. I was just a guy and then woke up like this.” You turned back, “This is amazing. What’s your name anyways?”

“I don’t think we should use our real names. Would kinda mess with our heads if we used our names while we’re like this,” She gestures at her body with her hand, wobbling her blubber. “So let’s just use our character names. So my name is Chun-Li, what's yours hehe”

You chuckle, she had a point. “I guess my name’s Mai Shiranui then, haha!”

After meeting another person that shared your little miracle the two of you clink glasses. During your intense talk you discover that Chun-Li had developed her own sense of erotic pleasure from her size. After the two of you got done you went back on the convention floor with her and the two of you showed off.

You pushed your stomach out, she put an extra step in her waddle, the two of you were absolutely going all out in drawing attention. The steps you took were made to make your massive boobs shake and shimmy. The two of you were moist and wet under your costumes, your new flabby lady parts hot and steamy. Day turned to night and there was a dance party at the con and you two were the star attractions.

Such a sight you two were, blubber on the dance floor. You and her would dance with whatever guy would dance with you two whales. One in particular was far cuter than the others and was dirty dancing with you and her, something the other guys didn’t go nearly as far. You bent over and rubbed your broad butt against his crotch and discovered just how big he is. Feeling his large member made you moan in carnal pleasure and you and Chun took him out of the ballroom.

Some time later the three of you are in Chun-Li’s room and the cute guy was between the two of you. A small guy was putty in the hands of two massive girls and you took control, taking off his pants you gave him a sloppy wet blow job while Chun sat on his face. After giving him pleasure he went to town on the both of you. He inserted himself into you and your fat wobbled like an ocean’s wave all the while Chun-Li kissed him.

“MMm! FUUUUCK!” Your voice yells out, high and shrill it overtakes the loud clapping and sloshing of your blubbery fat. He grabbed hold of your legs and squeezed them, his hands sinking into you. When he wasn’t being kissed by Chun-Li he was licking the back of your knees and sending your senses into overdrive. “H-h-ha!” You scream and he cums into you. After he pulled out of you he went to Chun and started on her, taking her from behind like a common beast.

You laid on your side huffing and puffing, winded and gassed from the exertion of fucking. With your chest rising up and down you watched them fuck, the bed shook underneath all of you, it was a wonder if didn’t break. You were in so much pleasure, endorphins were rushing through you to the point of being high, like you had shot up heroin.

As you watched them fuck while under the high you thought your mind started to play tricks on you. The guy’s figure started to become much more femme and his butt grew out, blowing up behind him like a balloon. His face changed shape and his hair grew long and seemingly started to braid itself, changing color from his brown to golden blonde.

“Haa!” you heard a voice come from him that instantly went from masculine to feminem in mid shout. Chun moaned as well and the former male pulled back, her belly flopping over her new pussy.

Another miracle had taken place and when she fell back down the bed had collapsed. In place of the cute guy was now a super sized Cammy who’s round face was panting “Oh! Oh! Oh!” in Cammy’s british accent.

The nature of miracles were truly astonishing and in your intoxicated mind you couldn’t grasp the horror.

The true horror of miracles. 


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