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Marinette was floored by just how seriously Chloe was taking modeling.

Chloe was working her butt off, doing whatever the director asked, no questions asked, all because she had something to prove to her mother. She was going to show her mother that she was truly exceptional. It was on her mind as she went on patrol with Cat Noir during the night.

The two were currently having a snack break on top of the Arc de Triomphe eating  bánh mì xá xíu sandwiches that they were rewarded by a Vietnamese vendor for stopping a robbery. They had 30 of the barbecued pork baguette sandwiches between them and were going through them.

“You know, you were right Kitty.”

“I was?”

“Yeah, being fat is awesome.”

Ladybug was sitting with her legs spread out as her immense belly filled her lap. Her costume did not compliment her figure at all, the black polkadot on red color design only made her look bigger.

“Glad you see it my way, m’lady. Being able to eat whatever I want is pretty awesome.” Cat Noir took a huge bite of his sandwich and a bit of pork fell on his bell.

“Heheh, silly kitty.” Ladybug giggled and rolled onto her knees, crawling over to Cat Noir. With the way their magical costumes worked they might as well have been naked, as Ladybug demonstrated with the way her jiggly jelly rolls wobbled and her belly brushed against the ground. She got close to Cat and picked up the stray pork and ate it.

Cat smirked, “Wow, you’ve really caught the weight gain bug, haven’t my Ladybug.”

Ladybug smiled and blushed at Cat’s teasing. He looked so amazingly cute in costume. She always did think the cat get up was cute, it was just his personality. But that too was changing as they continued to work together.

However, his new found tubbiness was what pushed her over and she was quickly falling for him. She loved how big his stomach looked clad in his black costume, she loved how his collar made his double chin even bigger and how his tail looked draped over his big butt.

“I guess I’ve been having some good luck in my private life.” Ladybug smiled wistfully but then got serious. “Cat, I’ve changed my mind. You’re also right we need all the help we can get. Chloe should have a Miraculous too.”

Cat Noir’s green eyes looked surprised, “You do? What changed?”

Ladybug cringed nervously. How was she going to tell him?

“I...have to go on vacation. My family is making me go.”

“You have a family?”

“Of course I have a family. But that’s not the point. I’m going to be gone for a week. We need the extra help, because God forbid if Hawkmoth strikes while I’m gone.”

While Cat was happy that his lady had come around he was also fidgeting, scratching the back of his blonde hair. “It’s great we’re on the same page because i...uh...have to go on a secret mission! Yeah, it’s super top secret, cats got my tongue.”

Ladybug sighed, “Well, at least we’ll have Rena Rouge and Carapace.”


Alya and Nino were eating ice cream in the park, Alya having a cone in each hand.

Alya sat slouched, she had been eating all day and her belly was straining the buttons on her plaid shirt. She interchangeably licked both cones, taking turns. She finished her cones long before Nino did, letting out a burp after she finished eating

“Buurp! Oof, that was good. Are you going to finish your cone?”

Nino laughed, “Haha, no way, you honestly want more? You’ve been porking all day long.”

Alya gave an amused smirk, “I’m not the only one porking up,” she poked Nino’s middle and felt a softness under his blue shirt.

“H-hey! I’m your boyfriend, we like to eat the same things! Since you’re eating waay more often I’m eating it way more often! You’re so fat it’s rubbing off on me!”

Alya burst out laughing. Nino had accepted her weight gain immediately. He understood the plan to diet when Marinette was done modeling or when she felt like it and what she meant by calling this the fat period of her life. “I guess we’ll just have to get fat together. Come on!” Alya got up and grabbed Nino by his wrist.

“H-hey what’s going on!”

Alya grinned, “We can go back to the food trucks and do the loop again! But this time I’LL pay!”

At that moment Ladybug dropped down in front of them. “Ladybug!” They exclaimed.

Ladybug extended her fat hands and held the Fox and Turtle Miraculous cases.

“Alya Cesaire, Nino Lahiffe you two have proved yourselves noble and valiant whenever called upon and we want to offer you full time status. Will you join me and Cat Noir?”

Alya and Nino’s jaws dropped as far as they would go. “Y-you mean full time partners!” Alya squealed excitedly and Nino couldn’t stop laughing “Hhaha, duude, for reals? Are you serious?”

Alya and Nino opened their cases bright flashes of orange and green light came out. Both Alya and Nino grinned at seeing their partners Trixx and Wayzz once more. “Looks like we’re going to be spending even more time together!” Trixx squeaked while flying around Alya’s head, his voice carrying a mischievous undertone. Wayzz floated up to Nino’s face, “It will be an honor to serve you, master.”

Ladybug smiled, “But you must complete a task first. Cat Noir and I will be away for a week. If you do a great job we’ll let you keep them and become our partners full time.”

Nino and Alya looked at each other, “But what if Hawkmoth attacks, you won’t be here, and,” Nino started to say before Ladybug placed her hands gently on his shoulders and said “I know you will do okay. If you need help go to Master Fu, your kwami will know where he is. I gotta jet so make us proud! Bug out!”

Nino and Alya both put their Miraculous on, Nino slipping his over his wrist and Alya around her neck. “So what are we going to do now?” Nino asked Alya who shared a smirk with Trixx. “What do you think you silly boy! We gotta save Paris!”

Nino grinned at Alya’s response, “Haha, you got that right. Let’s do this!”

“Trixx, let’s pounce!

“Wayzz, shell on!”


Chloe and Sabrina were at Chloe's plush hotel suite. Chloe was eating a tray of fattening nachos, getting cheese all over her fingers. After she swallowed a mouthful she asked Sabrina “Hey Sabrina, you want to go to America with me?”

Sabrina smiled wide, "You mean it?!"

Chloe looked at her and said "Duh! I need someone to keep me company! Besides your English is better than mine."

Sabrina timidly said "I just know a few sentences." But Chloe was dismissive of her modesty "Sabrina I don't know a single word of English, even knowing basic sentences is enough to help me."

At that moment Ladybug landed on her balcony and Chloe squealed, "Ooh Ladybug!"

Chloe popped from her bed with amazing speed for 400+ girl, waddling over she glomped Ladybug into a big hug, their fat slapping against each other as Chloe cooed "Oh Ladybug! You're so big! So fat! Utterly fat!" Chloe caressed and groped big handfuls of Ladybug’s fat.

Ladybug squirmed and broke from Chloe’s grip, “Chloe, I have something important to tell you!” Backing off she pulled out the Miraculous case, “Chloe Bourgeois, you’ve proven yourself time and time again. You’ve earned the right to be Queen Bee full time.”

Chloe’s mouth dropped, “L-Ladybug, I...I don’t know what to say!” She opened the case and a bright yellow light emerged, revealing itself to be Pollen. “Good day, my Queen! It is wonderful to serve you!” “Pollen!” Chloe squealed, hugging her cute bee kwami to her cheek. She placed the comb into her hair, “I won’t let you down Ladybug. I’ll make you proud of me. Pollen, buzz on!”

Pollen was absorbed into Chloe’s comb and a flash of yellow light overtook Chloe. A yellow costume with black legs and arms was formed on her and a yellow and black domino mask appeared on her face. After transforming Queen Bee looked herself over, grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh my! I look so FAT in this!” She slapped her enormous thighs and watched herself wobble. Her costume was magical and was like she was wearing nothing at all. Queen Bee did a front flip, cooing at how her enormous stomach flopped and slapped against her thighs, “Wow! I feel light as a feather!” Sabrina clapped her hands, “That was amazing Ch-I mean, Queen Bee!”

Ladybug smiled, “You’ll be able to move as well as someone a third your size with the magic. Anyways, I gotta go! Bug out!”

Ladybug took off and Queen Bee was still grinning. She turned to Sabrina, “Well my dear Sabrina, it looks like America is going to have a new queen!”

The next morning a limoscene pulled up to the bakery in the early morning. Marinette said goodbye to her parents and got in with Adrien, Nathalie, and Gabriel. They drove to the airport where a private jet was waiting for them.

Marinette was wide eyed when she got inside, this kind of luxury was something she had never experienced before. But as she looked at the seats she fretted because they were too small. It was then she saw a wide bench seat. Adrien saw it too and smiled, “Looks like we’ll have to sit together Marinette.”

Marinette blushed darkly and gulped as Adrien sat down first and looked up at her. “Y-yeah, s-sit. Just, just sit…” Marinette said to herself, trying to calm down. Seated together Adrien and Marinette’s fat touched each other, smooshing and squishing into each other. Marinette was screaming internally, Adrien’s fat felt so good and so soft, she shuddered and her fat rolls quivered, she would have to sit with Adrien for eight hours.

When they took off Marinette sighed and cuddled up to Adrien who smiled down at her and closed his eyes, the two of them would sleep for the rest of the trip. Marinette had a glazed happy expression as she slept, Adrien’s smell covering her like a blanket while she used Adrien as one giant pillow.

Gabriel spoke to Nathalie, “Everything is set then?”

Nathalie ate a candy bar while flicking on her tablet, “Yes sir, Audrey and her daughter will be arriving after us. They will meet us at the Plaza Hotel, where our penthouse will be ready for us.”

Gabriel nodded, “Good. Let’s get this over with as quickly as possible. The longer I have to deal with things such as this the further away I am from my goal.”

Nathalie took a plump hand and placed it on Gabriel’s hand. Her plump face smiled at him and whispered “Gabriel, our war is a war of attrition. Ladybug and Cat Noir have limits to what they can do. It will come down to which one will give up first, a battle of wills. Your will is the strongest part of you, don’t forget that. Your conviction is what will bring her back.”

Gabriel closed his eyes in appreciation.

“Thank you Nathalie.”


When the plane landed and the door opened Marinette was taken aback by the paparazzi that had gathered outside waiting for them. The Gorilla stood in front of them and led them to the airport. “Adrien! Adrien! Adrien!!” The paparazzi shouted at them. Marinette turned to look at Adrien, but his reaction was stone faced, he did not react to any of the screaming paparazzi.

Everything happened so fast, before she knew it she was sitting at a press conference facing American journalists.

“Our Gabriel+ line will set a new standard for plus size fashion. Made with the finest materials and with high end designs it will redefine what plus size fashion can be.” Gabriel explained to the reporters in front of their table who were holding microphones and cell phones while taking pictures.

Marinette watched as Gabriel spoke English, even though she had no idea what he was saying she couldn’t help but be impressed at how well he did it, his English was clear and everyone understood him.


Marinette’s attention was drawn to a reporter who asked “How does it feel to be the most famous plus size model in the world? Is working with Adrien a dream?”

“Uh, Uh,,,,” Marinette stammered nervously and looked at Adrien for help. Adrien smiled at her and whispered, “I’ll translate.” Marinette looked back at the press and started to say, “C'est incroyable, je n'ai jamais pensé que je serais un modèle, d'aucune sorte!”

Adrien then spoke, “Marinette says it’s amazing, she never thought she would be a model of any kind!”

The reporters laughed and Marinette blushed. Adrien’s English was good as well, but his accent was thicker than his father's.

The press conference lasted for an hour and they were directed to a limoscene which took off towards the city.

“I’m glad that’s over, press conferences are just the worst,” Adrien sighed before looking at Marinette, “You did really well for your first press conference Marinette.”

Marinette blushed and gave an unsure smile, “A-are you sure? My English is really bad, you’re so fluent at it.”

Gabriel spoke up, “You won’t have to worry about that Marinette, Adrien and Nathalie will translate whatever you need to say.”

Marinette looked at her feet, “I know sir, but what if we go in public, like to Central Park. I won’t know what to say.”

Gabriel waved a hand and said in a dismissive voice “This isn’t a vacation, this is work. You won’t need to bother worrying about that.”

Marinette looked hurt and Nathalie frowned, “Sir, we have plenty of time. Going to New York and not seeing anything would be a true waste.”

Gabriel glanced at her expression on her plump face. It was a look she gave whenever he had stepped out of bounds. Emilie would often do the same thing to him. Gabriel sighed, he knew Nathalie would not put up with this side of him.

“On second thought, perhaps a little sightseeing would do them good. It would be educational for Miss Dupain-Cheng and Adrien to see America. Very well, yes, Nathalie and the Gorilla will escort you two on sightseeing.”

Nathalie innerly groaned, she had walked right into this, being saddled with even more work. But she saw how excited Adrien looked and closed her eyes, nodding “I will take them to wherever they want to go, Mr. Agreste.”


The hotel was spectacular, just as luxurious as Le Grand Paris where Chloe and her father lived. Marinette didn’t even get a good time to take it all in, she was being rushed into an elevator that took them straight up to a penthouse.

Marinette gasped as she entered the penthouse, it was huge! She darted to the large windows and gasped once more, “Wow! We’re above Central Park!” Adrien came up to the window as well, “It’s so big! We’d have to spend multiple weeks just to explore it alone.”

At that moment a helicopter slowly landed on a helipad outside and to Marinette’s displeasure saw it was Chloe. She watched as Sabrina got out and started to help her 400+ pound friend and her 600 pound whale of a mother out of the helicopter.

Entering the penthouse Audrey cried out, “This entire trip was ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous!” Audrey loudly wailed upon entering, red in the face. “The original helicopter said I was too heavy! The nerve! I’m going to contact his superior, that pilot is never working in this city again!”

Nathalie turned to Marinette, Adrien, Chloe, and Sabrina “Your bedroom is on the left, ours is on the right. You can go check it out.”

The three of them went to the bedroom and found one king size bed and one twin by the window. Chloe giggled, “What a bed!” She went and got on top of the king which groaned under her weight, “Here’s our bed Adrikins!”

Marinette frowned “What do you mean your bed? The bed should be for all of us!” Chloe scoffed, “Oh please Marinette! We’re all over 400 pounds, if we all slept in the same bed we’d break it! It would be utterly ridiculous for all of us to share it! So only two! Now come on Adrien, we’ve had a long trip!”

Adrien held his hands up, and said, “I-it’s okay girls, I can just sleep on the floor and Sabrina can have the twin.”

Marinette pouted, “But that would be so unfair!” Chloe shook her head, “No way! You cannot sleep on the floor, I will not allow it!”

Sabrina spoke up, “How about we all alternate? Tonight Adrien can have the twin and Marinette and Chloe can have the king! I can sleep on the ground or maybe in the bed. I’m thinner than all of you so I wouldn’t add too much weight. And then tomorrow we can switch it up and so on.”

Marinette and Chloe looked at each other, they did not want to sleep together, but with Sabrina between them as a divider it might work.

“I...guess that could work,” Marinette said while Chloe laughed, “Ha! Who knew Sabrina could come up with a good idea! Well done Sabrina!”

Sabrina blushed at the praise before blushing even brighter when Chloe started to undress. Marinette and Adrien were also surprised at Chloe who jiggled and wiggled out of her clothes. Her big belly was almost down to her knees and her formless backside shook like jelly “What are you all looking at! I’m tired! I had to cross the Atlantic Ocean, I am going to take a looong nap!” When she was fully undressed she pulled a yellow nightgown from her bag and slipped it on.

Adrien and Marinette both yawned, Marinette saying “Yeah, it’s been a long trip, not to mention the press conference.” Marinette blushed when she started to see Adrien undress. She had seen him naked before, the shock wasn’t nearly as bad as it was at the pool party, but she blushed never the less as the obese boy undressed to his black briefs, his belly completely obscuring the front and his butt cheeks falling out of the back.

Marinette and Sabrina both got into their PJs and got into bed with Sabrina while Adrien rested on the twin which groaned under him.

As they drifted to sleep Sabrina couldn’t stop grinning. Being around the new obese Chloe had given her a love for fat bodies. Squeezed between Marinette and Chloe she was in total blissful fat heaven.

Meanwhile in their own room Nathalie was working on her tablet while Gabriel slept in his bed, overly exhausted. Audrey was with him in bed, naked with her great big rolls of fat out.

She sipped a screwdriver, a cocktail of vodka and orange juice and grinned at the hard working Nathalie. “Ahhh Nathalie doesn’t this remind you of the 90’s? You, me, Gabriel, Emilie, all together in Berlin. We were all over the art scene, we even saw Tomoe win her entry to the Olympics.”

Nathalie ignored her and continued to work. Audrey frowned, “I do miss Emilie, she was beautiful, utterly beautiful.”

Nathalie looked at the bloated blonde in the bed and the sleeping Gabriel and frowned.

“I miss Emilie too.”


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