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Attention Whore
By FC Punk

Everyone is staring at me.

No doubt about my enormous obesity.

They look, their eyes immediately dart to my belly first off, especially when my shirt lifts up. It's a tight t-shirt, if I even so much as lift my arms the shirt raises over my stomach and I have to pull it down. My stomach is just an appendage of flab, of pure useless jelly fat. It slaps against my thighs and everyone looks disgusted.

Little kids point at me.

"Mommy, look at the fat lady! Why is she so fat?"

Those are maybe my favorite kind of reactions, the ones from the kids. I'm probably the first 600 pound woman they've ever seen.

And it's not just the people I see that gawk at me, I just know there are people behind me staring. Staring at my big ass, my thunder thighs, all the cellulite hanging out of my shorts. I have far too much flesh and too much flesh on display.

Everyone pays attention to me.

When I go out to eat everyone looks at me. Oh do they stare when I'm at the buffet. Wearing tights so my belly can breath I wobble back and forth getting more and more plates. Meatloaf, pizza, fried chicken, pudding, tacos, mashed potatoes, cheesecake, not a single green on my plate. Absolutely none, no salad, no vegetables. I must look like the biggest of pigs seated all round and fat, my enormous fat thighs spread as far as they can go for my obscenely obese belly.

When I go grocery shopping I get looks of disbelief at the obese spectacle I make of myself, riding in a scooter and dumping candy and chips and soda and pies into my cart while avoiding the produce section like the plague.

They shake their heads and look at me as if I've lost my mind.

Maybe I have?

I don't know.

All I know is people notice me. They stare, they point. I know they take candid photos of me. I'm certain I'm on social media, youtube videos of me eating and shopping have got to be up.

But the videos wouldn't do me justice at all. I'm immense. I'm enormous. I'm massively obese and I have the body to prove it. It must be seen to be believed how corpulent I am. I bet the cameras wouldn't be able to pick up how sweaty I am.

I sweat buckets, all this lard is heavy and keeps me overly warm. I have sweat stains under my arms and I drip sweat on the ground when I waddle, drip, drip, drop. All this sweat gets trapped in my rolls and my pits and my ass and makes me reek. When I went to a movie theater a couple moved away from me. They weren't going to stay near me, I distracted them from the movie. Everyone didn't pay attention to the movie but me, and me alone.

My big gross gut gives me attention. My fat makes everyone notice me. No one can ignore me. People will look and point and stare and I love it. I love all of this, I love being the center of attention.

I love being an attention whore.

Time to get more cake.


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