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The three split up, each going their own way to make it outside the mall and escape their pursuers.

Jubilee took the route through the food court, for reasons only her stomach understood. The food court was very open, very public and a girl as fat as her stuck out like a sore thumb. But she was hungry still, she craved something sweet and creamy sliding down her throat. Her stomach, the big bulging sack of fat, led her in this direction.

It was why, it was why she was standing in line, waiting to purchase even more ice cream. She didn’t need it at all, her rolls of pork were more than well fed. But she wanted it, she craved it, so she took a huge risk.

“Come on, let’s go already,” muttered Jubilee under her breath while behind someone else. She impatiently shifted from one fat leg to the other, making her belly wobble in the front and her bottom shake in the back, obscured by her yellow jacket.

Just then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw it was a mall cop, his eyes were obscured by a pair of sunglasses, but after dealing with Cyclops for so long Jubilee could tell he was making eye contact with her.

“Excuse me miss, can you come with me?”

Jubilee sighed, so this was who was after them. They most likely suspected them to be mutants after their gluttonous feasting. While she could easily resist Jubilee knew it would create a scene and it went against what she was taught by Professor Xavier.

If worse came to worse she knew she would be rescued.

“Alright, but can I get my ice cream? It’s my turn.”

The mall cop looked and it was indeed her turn and she had money in her hand.

“Alright, make it quick.”

Jubilee approached the counter and put in her order, all while hoping the other girls had made it out.

Laura was more frantic in her escape, she used strategy in trying to avoid her pursuers, going through the anchor stores. With the store being packed it would throw them off and Laura would be able to escape to the meet up point. The plan was working at first, but when she made it to the exit there was a security officer in front of the door and soon two officers were joined behind her.

“Can you please come with us.” The officer in the front addressed her.

Laura sneered at them. She took after her father Logan in many ways, chiefly among the family traits was the lack of faith in the turn the other cheek aspect of Xavier’s philosophy.

As she watched the three mall cops start to move in her instincts and training to be a child soldier started to kick in. If these people kept this up Laura was going to attack. If they touched her she was going to pop her claws out and it was going to be ugly.

However, a pain coursed through her body coming from her stomach.

“Ooooh.” Laura moaned, stumbling forward. It was so painful, what was going on in her stomach. She may have had a healing factor but pain was pain and she could only take so much. Reluctantly Laura obeyed, being escorted to their office.

Outside at the bus stop Kitty fidgeted in impatience. She checked her phone, “They should have made it out by now. Looks like it’s up to me.”

“Hey will you stop staring at those donuts! You’re not getting any!”
Laura and Jubilee were staring daggers at the donuts, as if trying to will the box over to them.

“You could at least give us something to eat while we wait.”
“After what we saw in the food court?” The office himself was on the porky side, but he had a look of disgust as he stared at the two girls. “It’s obvious you two are mutants so you’re staying put until we figure out what we’re dealing with.”
Jubilee was outraged “Excuse me? What you’re dealing with are two teenage girls! Just because we’re also mutants doesn’t mean we’re a threat. So please, can we have something to eat?”

“For the last time, no! Now quit asking!”

Laura snapped, “Come on! Like you need those wide load!”

“Hey watch it you little bitch!” The porcine mall cop raised his hand, but was held back by another. “Come on, you’re in control, remember that. They’re just kids. Besides,” He leaned in to whisper “I don’t think they’re fat.”

The mall cop looked at their bellies, sticking out and perfectly round, and immediately knew what his partner was implying. Immediately he grabbed the box and tossed it at the two girls who started to dig in.
The first box went down quickly and the two cops gave them another and soon after another. They marveled at how the two girls gorged, getting glazed sugar and cream and jelly onto their clothes. It was very apparent to the both of them that these teenagers were in fact pregnant mothers.
With a stressed sigh the portly mall cop said "You're free to go."
Jubilee looked up with a mouthful of donut "wha?"
"You're free to go. Even though you're muties we can't in good conscience hold you two while you're pregnant."
Laura almost spat out her food "Pregnant?! We're-" but she was cut off from finishing her sentence by a pinch from Jubilee. 
"You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Your prejudice towards us being mutants was bad enough, but to prevent two mothers from eating…" Jubilee rubbed her belly in slow circular motions.
"Please go." The portly cop whispered, head down in shame.
As the two mutants walked from the office Laura inquired, "Why did you do that? We're not pregnant"
Jubilee brushed it off, "It got us out of it, i'll take it."
At that moment Kitty came up to them "Hey! Did you get into trouble?"
"A little" Jubilee said, Laura adding "We took care of it. Let's get out of here."
Kitty gave an unsure look, "Alright, I'm just glad nothing bad happened."
The three took the bus home. Kitty was relieved to be going back, this was such a strange day. She looked at Laura and Jubilee and their massive bellies. She had been amazed at how much they had eaten. Also, was it her imagination or were their stomachs even bigger? She also could have sworn she saw something move as well, shifting in their bellies. Kitty shook her head, it couldn't be what she thought she saw.
There was just no way.
That night Jubilee had a weird dream.
In it she was naked and massively obese. Her ass and thighs overflowed and hung off the edges of her bed. Her breasts hung lazily on her sides, nipples pointed downward they dripped white creamy milk like a leaky sink. Her belly was the biggest thing on her, a massive round orb with her belly button popped out into an outie. Her greedy fat hands were rubbing it slowly and her face had 15 chins wobbling under her fleshy face.
"Soon my darlings soon. You'll be ready to come out soon my little ones." 
Jubilee woke up and shot up in bed, panting.
"What the hell was that?"


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