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Every now and then you'll see me adding more art and characters to this little fantasy story and whatnot .. I'm working on something that I can pitch to Adult Swim or Netflix someday in the future . v . 

But for now I'll just compile all the available character profiles that I have made so far c:

Don't mind me as I dump a bunch of character info for all of y'all to take a gander at

Leslie is a young Inca woman who has always lived by the rules and been a goody two shoes her whole life. Her mom was always strict in teaching her how to become a proper woman and her father was often absent and pretty much remained an enigma to her. Sometimes she would sneak off to visit her grandmother who was sent to live in the mountaintop for being a crazy old witch; one that would teach her the proper use of herbs and spices to make potions and perform magic. After a random visit from a mysterious witch from across the globe, Leslie saw how amazing magic-users can be, which ultimately pushed her to decide on what kind of life she wanted. Now she roams the woods, befriends random mythical creatures, and learns as much as she can on her adventures.

The world has not seen a normal dragon in over a couple thousand years, but in their absence remain their mysterious descendants, the Amaru. Not really knowing their place in nature or what they even are, Bolero is one of the few members of the tribe that wants to know more about the world they live in. Her curiosity has often gotten her in trouble over the years as most of her kind just want to live hidden deep in the woods. At one point her curiosity was put on hold when she became an adult and discovered the joys of sexuality... again, getting her into trouble. It was at one point that she felt like she might not have a place in the tribe given how she often got in trouble, and eventually decided to explore the wilderness to find a place she fits in herself. Eventually she comes into contact with Leslie and a friendship was born.

Not many people know about the Basilisks, as they have only been identified as shapeshifting beings with no true form. Each of them has their own set of rules and morality and are often hard to pin down as friends or foe, so generally they have been labeled as "creatures not to be trusted". Diego is certainly a character not to be trusted, but only when he comes across people who's company he enjoys will he become someone more trustworthy. He will use his alternate forms to gain insight, fight off enemies, or even just to get something he wants, but most of the time he will stay in his default form just to prove that he doesn't need to be bigger to get the job done. He and Colo-Colo will usually team up to get something from an enemy and act tough while doing it, but most of the time the plans fall through and they end up running away like idiots. Its usually when Leslie enters the fray that things tend to go a bit more smoothly.

A cockatrice in this world is typically made when a snake is given an elixir with draconic essence and then made to sit on a clutch of chicken's eggs. One day Leslie's grandmother discovered that the same methods can work on any type of bird, and with varying results based on whatever snake is given the elixir, so she went ahead and mixed an Andean Condor with an Anaconda to make Colo-Colo. Not really knowing what he was or where he fit in, he was her assistant for a few decades before Leslie was born, but as her grandmother started to lose her senses it became difficult for them to live together. In the wild he eventually ran into Diego, and the two decided to work as a team to find food, obtain supplies, and just survive together in the wilderness on their own. Colo-Colo will sometimes try to befriend other Cockatrices, but since they were all made by genetic mixing it never works out well, also making it difficult for him to find a girlfriend. 

As Chief of the Tribe, Heat is always doing everything in his power to make sure all other Southern Amaru are safe from danger. He makes sure to know everyone's names, keep a close eye on all the young ones, encourages them all to be strong and savage beasts in the wild, yet still makes time to train his daughter Torch and cuddle his wife Amber. Things between him and Bolero can be a bit tense at times, since he often has to keep her from getting into trouble or wandering into dangerous zones. Recently he's had a hard time keeping her away from other demons/dragon-like beings where she'll end up fooling around with them, causing most of the tension. One day he caught her in a pile of demons and tieflings, the morning after a wild night, and he was so fed up with her that it pushed her to decide on moving out long before she was ready. Now he and his tribe are on a quest to find her and bring her home before anything happens. 

Amber often has her hands full making cloth wraps for everyone in the tribe and looking after all the children when others are out hunting and gathering. She's mostly been the gentle one of the parents when it comes to raising her own children. Heat spent most of the time preparing young Torch to one day become Alpha of the tribe, yet Bolero had no interest in such goals, and usually spent time with her mother Amber who were both very soft by nature. Whenever Bolero got into trouble, Amber would try her best to encourage a more docile, domestic lifestyle as part of becoming an adult, but such notions just pushed her away more as Bolero just wanted to be young, wild, and free. Now she and Heat are a couple of worried parents who just want to make sure their daughter is safe. 

Torch and Bolero were just a couple of normal little girls for the first few years of their lives, but inevitably Heat would take more interest in teaching his first-born child how to one day become the leader of the pack. In no time at all she went from a sweet little girl to a hard-hitting swift predator that takes crap from no one, and sometimes she and Bolero will clash when it comes to how they should live their lives. Most of what motivates Torch is the desire to live a proper responsible lifestyle and to make her parents proud, so sometimes it aggravates her to see some of the attention being shifted to Bolero getting into trouble yet again. She too is worried that her sister is out in the wilderness on her own, but deep down she feels some resentment that so much of the attention is shifted away yet again for another one of her sister's escapades. 


Most Goblins just make a living by going around and stealing stuff to get by and cause mayhem wherever they want, but Koto has a reputation for being the best and the hardest to find. He goes after the big prizes and somehow always manages to find a way to lug them back to his secret lair deep at the bottom of a lake. He'll run, he'll fight, he'll escape any trap people have set out for him, and he'll do whatever it takes to not get caught and face the crimes he's committed for over a decade and a half. But more importantly, even when he tries to escape the warm embrace of people who are just trying to show him that he can make friends and learn to trust, he will never be able to escape the overwhelming sadness from the fact that its his own fault for remaining in self-isolation for such a long time. He may act tough and cool, and he may have a bunch of cool stolen material possessions, but deep down he just wants to find a way to fill the hole in his heart. 

Legend tells of a man who made a deal with a beast in return for something much greater than riches, a man who made a deal so treacherous that he was cursed to remain a fearful beast that no one would ever feel safe around.  All Bruno wanted was strength and power, and for everyone in the village to see that he could never be messed with again. His large wolf-like appearance sure scared everyone off, and his mighty werewolf strength helped him fight off anyone who sought to take him down. For a while he was unstoppable .. and then after a while everything got too easy, so he just decided to chill and hang out. Nowadays he'll just go wherever he wants and he'll just hang out for as long as he feels like it. If he wants a snack, he'll hunt an ox. If he wants a drink, he'll take the best wine, if he wants a buddy to hang with, he'll walk into your home and sit with you until he gets bored. He doesn't even do it with malicious intent either, life is just so easy for him that he really has no reason to be violent or angry, so everyone in the land has kinda just learned to accept their strange new beast neighbor the way he is. 

Serena adopt design created by @Smokysheep 

The infamous tale of Medusa is a tale known by many far across the globe; all have learned the lesson and many try to distance themselves as much as they can. None try as hard as the descendants of Medusa herself, some of which who have gone so far as to find a new home completely on the opposite side of the world. Serena and her sisters had spent their whole lives studying magic and sorcery, enough that they could protect themselves and do as they please in a fantasy world, but they still faced persecution and violent attacks from humans who labeled them as demons and succubi. The best solution was to go far far away, but no matter how far they went they were always targeted. It got to the point that they had to settle in some ancient Colombian ruins and label it their own, just to have a safe haven of their own to nurture other sorcerers and creatures in need of help. Its a goal of hers, and the goal of Leslie and Bolero as well, to reach a safe land deep under the surface where creatures like themselves can be safe forever, but its up to the brilliant minds of a couple of magicians to figure out how such a feat can be possible. 

Greek culture has always been very open about sexuality and exploration of the body, so when Adonis made a deal with the Devil to become one of his minions, he made an effort to go back home in order to continue spreading his love as much as he could. The Devil only asks for people to surrender their souls and do his bidding in the underworld and up on the surface from time to time, but when Adonis is free from those responsibilities he'll go around making new friends and showing off his new demon skills to anyone who's interested. He was even given the option to customize his new form, as all demons were given, and he chose to be one of the best looking male figures he could imagine, one that would cause him to be appealing to both men and women everywhere, and sometimes to certain Dragon girls as well. Surrendering yourself to the Devil isn't so bad when you make sure you're getting exactly what you want. 

Magnolia is another example of someone who made a deal with the Devil in order to take up a new life as a demon. After having been tormented and pestered by foul spirits her whole life, she decided enough was enough, and that in order to control her fears she must face them head on and become one of them (basically if you can't beat em, join em).  After having performed a ritual in her own home and giving up everything she had left, Magnolia was finally given freedom from her earthly form, and basically became the polar opposite of who she once was in life. Now she is mischievous, energetic, eager to play, and usually a Devil's Advocate (no pun intended) to let things happen whenever it gets boring. The only regret she has is not choosing to be like Adonis who seemingly has everything he could ever ask for as a demon, but she still has some tricks up her loincloth as well. 

Thousands and thousands of years ago a race of humans had been separated from the rest of humanity and was forced to survive deep underground within the mountains for multiple generations. Between the surface of the earth and the underworld beneath them, the Patagons learned to survive in some of the harshest conditions and eventually thrived to become one of the largest types of humans on Earth. Having evolved into gargantuan beings with dense rock-like hyde, Martina and her kind have shown that there are ways to adapt and survive in extreme conditions. There are many beasts beneath the surface that would have finished them all off long ago had it not been for their tenacious need to survive, and the determination to become powerful forces of nature. The Patagons found a way to live their lives perfectly hidden from the surface, though some choose to find a way back and lay waste to the world that left them behind. Martina is guilty for having sneaked out to the world and occasionally playing with small cute things (normal sized things) which have let people know that Giants exist. With the help of Leslie and Bolero they might be able to find a way to bring peace to two different worlds, and prevent a much bigger battle coming their way. 





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