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So I know that I haven't really been posting a lot this month .. and we're still dealing with the whole Suspended Account situation .. but if any of you guys can see this, then you all will be some of the first to see these WIPs of a short lesbian threeway comic I've been working on. For just a dollar a month, all content will remain uncensored for you to see, and you'll also get to see this comic, along with other stuff, totally uncensored!

Also maybe I'll do a thing where purchasing a "coffee" on the Ko-Fi page will get you access to see all the uncensored Patreon stuff, while higher amounts will just equate to something similar to what you guys pledge here on Patreon .. or something like that, I still gotta figure it out. 

Anyway enjoy these WIPs if you can see them :)

Featuring Yuki and Lin who have previously submitted to the blog recently :)



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