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So not very many of you are pledging the $30 Tier, but for those of you who are, this is for you.

I've been getting a lot of messages from curious buyers who wanna ask for request of my characters and their own. These requests tend to fall in the area of their male characters being fucked and sucked by my female characters, and they tend to lose interest when I tell them how I prefer not to draw dicks most of the time, and quite frankly I'm not that eager to get their business.

I could be fine with it if it came up every now and then but ... i just .. really don't wanna draw dicks :/

nothing personal, I just really wanna draw tits and ass and hot sexy babes fucking other hot sexy babes with tits and ass.. that's all I wanna do .. you guys understand, right?

So that's the main update to the $30 Tier update, let your friends know, hopefully things don't change that much around here.

Have a good day c: 




It’s fine man, draw what YOU want to draw, we’ll still support you!

Caleb Nelson

That seems like a lot of stuff. Are you sure you’ll be able to keep up with all that?


if they can keep it simple yeah, i dont mind doing a bunch of hot gem selfies if thats what people want