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This month was a bit busy with a bunch of things I tried to squeeze into my schedule, between art requests, work, other things and trying to find better work. So next month I won't be taking any normal requests so that I can finish up on the main May photoset and keep up with the blog as well.

This does not mean you guys get no benefits this month! Though there will be no requests based on what your tier allows, I will be taking requests based on the goals reached to the left of the main page. 


$75 a month - Lewd pinups of any gems in the Pebble Rebels story

$125 a month - Requests for anyone who wants to fuse their gems with Apatite or any of the Pebble Rebels (2-gem fusions only)

$200 a month - Fully nude pinups of gems from the Pebble Rebels story OR your own gem (ask ahead of time which gem is ok to ask for)

$250 a month - Customized gem profiles (one of these things) 

$300 a month (hypothetically) - Lewd fusions between Apatite and any gem you suggest 

 -  if we reach this goal, this will be included for May requests too, find a friend and get them to pledge too ;) 

Hope you guys have fun with these when May rolls around, and be sure to have your cards properly loaded up and ready to be charged :D 


Shade Meadows

YAY! ;D COME ON PEOPLE! :D More support!~