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Elizabeth reads the preface of Tyra Banks's 2011 fictional book Modelland to Waleed & Ben. And boy, do they have questions. At one point Ben describes listening to this book is like listening to jazz. What does that mean? You'll have to tune in to find out! 


Bex Hex

I googled Modelland to see the cover of the book and then found out there is a ModelLand theme park???

Bex Hex

My favorite things is the reviews on the website are a mix of doing modeling stuff and that the ice cream was good

Emma Dillemma

Because of this episode, I went and found a podcast where two professional YA authors read Modelland (Bad Author Book Club, HIGHLY recommend). Here are some high (low?) lights: - Tookie's mother is named Creamy. Her entire personality is Mean and Wrinkled (serious ageism in this book.) - Tookie's dad is a failed acrobat who lost an eye because he accidentally ran into a sword. - Tyra Banks has a whipped-cream fetish that I wish I didn't know about, but makes very, very frequent appearances in the book. - The Cat Walk Corridor is a bunch of models who got turned into humanoid cats who like to push drugs and pee on people. It shows up exactly once in the book. - There is a doctor who has roller skates for feet. Not wearing roller skates. She literally says they are grown from her body. - Tookie is so passive, she literally sleep-walks into important scenes. - Absolutely nothing in the plot gets resolved by the end of the book.

Chris Clatterbuck they-them

*whispers* please can it be time for more Modelland, I need to learn more about the Intoxibellas please, are they going to help or hurt Tookie 🥺🙏