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Hey Frierends,

We are ready to reveal (most of) our December models!

First of all, since the last poll was a tie, we had to place the final vote between Leona and Y'shtola. So, we chose the former. Victoria has already begun working on her, so make sure to check our Discord for WIPs.

Secondly, we have a returning guest artist Rafaela Mello (a.k.a. Nympha 3D), our fellow die-hard fan of Persona 5 who you might remember by her Makoto figure in September. We liked her previous work so much that I immediately offered her another spot in December to make one more P5 model of her own choosing, and now I'm keeping my word. Turns out, our tastes in Persona characters align maybe too well, so when she suggested Tae Takemi, it was settled right at that moment.

Lastly, most of you already know Totenn and his amazing Dame Aylin model, so I'm not quite sure what else to tell you. As a matter of fact, the model is already pretty much finished and awaits cutting, so expect her to drop by December 5th. Oh, and do check our Discord for WIPs just to see how magnificent that figure is!

By now, you might be wondering why there are two guest models and only one by our core team. Well, in case you forgot, Elena is retiring after finishing Kumoko this month and will move on to another role. Milana, on the other hand, is still busy with her Reimu model and isn't ready to pick another project just yet. So we'll have to announce the next model by our dear anime artist separately by the end of November.

Bulkamancer Sculpts team




Really digging this month. Also, ooof, Doc, I'm not feeling so well...


sadge Really liked the idea of y'shtola too but fine


I can't wait to print me the Doc. Now I'm curious sense I'm new here has it been done or suggested to make Kida from Disney's Atlantis.