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UPDATE: The poll is closing in a few hours, so make sure to place or review your votes before that!

Hey friends!

The time has come to pick the next month's project! Keep in mind that, unlike in previous polls, you can vote for multiple options!

The poll will be closed on Dec 25th and we'll begin working on the most-voted character right afterwards.

Bulkamancer Sculpts Team



Such a fun poll this time!!


Damn that Soul Calibur Taki has such an amazing style. Too bad it'll never win :/


Hell yes! Let's go Aigis!


Sorry for not incluiding the numbers into the poll this time. Completely slipped my mind. Sadly, the entries can't be updated once the poll begins. T_T

Kilian Kruse

Well i know what my thirsty Costumers want ^^


Mostly, superpowers. Oh, and the "download results" button that's available for admins. (⌐■_■)


They are going to make Nanamo cry again (Maybe you should try upping the cute level with the tears next time?)


Hey go for mercy, she has everything cute, sexy, much skin, short skirt and beautiful wings… everything what ever you like 😅


The idea is to start as close as possible to finishing the last work so that the artist can see where this is going and have time to collect references for potential winners and think it through before starting the next project. While at the same time allowing any newcomers that join after the last release to place their votes as well. Hence the voting period of 7-10 days.