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Late night again. The work day is over. All things are done. There was about an hour of free time before bedtime. I can work a little on my future visual novel.

Of course, I've done quite a bit in an hour. I added some new dialogs and the ability to have a talking animation for the small dressed Susan sprite (it turns out this sprite didn't have a talking animation).  I also wanted to add the translation to the another language, but I decided not to do this. I decided not to get distracted by other languages now, but to focus on creating the story. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. This will be the main language of the novel. All dialogue mistakes will be fixed before the release of the game. I also plan to add translations to some other languages ​​before the release.

That's all I had free time for that night. I hope next time I can do more. Links to the build were sent to patrons of the certain level via private messages. If you just joined, you received the links through the welcome note. Links will be duplicated to you within 24 hours in a private message.

And now it's time to sleep.

But first, the standard warning for those who have just joined. English is not my native language and I use Google translator to write English texts. Therefore, mistakes in English texts are possible. Please report any mistakes to me. All mistakes must be fixed before the final version of the game.

The second point concerns the graphic elements of the game. I use 3D models to speed up the development process now. I plan to use the services of artists to redraw all the graphic elements for the final version of the novel in the future.


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