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Hey guys, i'm aware that i haven't been too active the past week, i know i haven't uploaded anything. I've been awfully busy working on some stuff, plus i've been running all over the place, moving some legal documents and stuff. Doing a ton of things so i can finally move somewhere else and stop bothering my granny by sleeping on her couch XD. Hell, I've been so busy i haven't even had any time to work on commissions or doing any practice, hopefully, if everything comes up right, I'll be done with all that in a few days, and will probably move by the end of the week. I'll be getting a small space with less onlookers gawking at the worst moment possible when the big horse pussy is on display, in all it's meaty horse-y glory in the middle of the screen haha. Thank you for being so patient with me, and thank you so much for all the support! C:



Congrats on the new place, mate! If there's anything I can do to help, let me know! <3


Awesome news, hope the move goes well for ya!


Good luck moving in!


i hope everything goes well mate


Thank you! It feels great, knowing that you guys want to help me move nwn. Moving is always a drag, haha. All the support on patreon is already a huge help for me c: