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1. Bulma´s hope part 2 is top priority.

Im dedicating most of my efforts toward this, hopefully i can finish it by next friday, but i´ll just say it should be done before the end of the month. there will be many changes to the original drafts i originally shared, which is why im estimating more changes than part 1, and an additional 2 pages. so basically, it´ll be a lot of work, but i will try my best to meet ya´ll´s expectations.

2. Another reason it might take longer, im planning on resuming my studies in january. I had taken a semester off(which is why ive been able to complete full comics since july), to just focus on the patreon and take it easy for a while, but its back to school now. that semester involves a full time internship plus the occassional night class, meaning im job searching at the moment. needless to say, this will cut into my time, in terms of work flow. i cant say if there will be a decrease in content output, all i know is that my time will be very valuable to me in the coming weeks. i hate it, it seems incredibly unnecessary at this point, but alas, i need a diploma for "benefits". anyway, i dont wanna go into a tangent here.

That´s basically all that´s planned for november, plus a few commissions here and there and the patreon rewards.

I want to thank you all, veterans and newcomers, for the support in october. as i had mentioned in a previous post, october was my most successful month since i created the patreon. i cant thank you all enough, for giving me the opportunity to be able to live off my art and stories. here´s to the future! there are still many comics and stories i would like to share, so i hope ya´ll are looking forward to it as much as i am.

have a good week! CHEERS!



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