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hello everyone! here´s some new pages for the azula comic. it´s almost complete. all that´s left is some intense sex, and that´ll be that! sorry about the black spots on the first page, by the way, they were raindrops that sprinkled over the page while i was warming up my scanner.

hope you enjoy it! click the the image above to go to the album.

i also want to share february´s posters. it feels like i havent shared a poster pack in a long time, dunno why. so take a look at the album


and download the zip from the attachments below!

i already have enough commissions lined up for march, and ive prepared some lineart for some, that i shared over on twitter. i encourage you to follow me on there or join the discord if you want to keep in contact with me, rather than just waiting for the weekly patreon posts, just saying.

one last thing. i got paid on friday, thank you all for the support. you dont know how much you all help with the pledges and commissions. that´ll be all for today. my eyes hurt a bit from staring at my monitor so i shall take the rest of the night and tomorrow off, since i havent rested this week. gnite!

ps. keep an eye on the ´pledges...........


azula comic

Post with 223 views. Shared by Aarokira. azula comic


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