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Edit: it glitched out and repeated a later paragrhaph, love you patreon!

The past 2 months have been the most stressful and tiring physically. i want to specify that it was PHYSICALLY EXHAUSTING, i still love illustration. I had to balance work and school and i prefer trying my best when i work on something.

And, honestly, i feel like i´ve been botching the reward posters. While i was uploading everything up on pixiv, i was looking at what i had done for the past months, and while there was a good quantity of content, the quality, for my standards, was quite subpar. The only poster packs i SORT OF enjoyed were last month´s posters, and it´s only because i was studying color theory and i was playing around with colors. the line art and overall illustrations i did were not good, once again, for my standards. I know i can do better.

I´ve been mulling over how to handle rewards for months. I was aware of how the requests kept on, and still keep on increasing, but as I do, i never asked for any help or suggestions, til recently. I spoke with some other creators and some of the patreons, and in the process i realized that in trying to satisfy as much people as possible, i lost control of my handle on time, and then this semester was surprisingly insane. With a filming class, 3d modelling, photography and a design class that could substitute for a full time job, i was overwhelmed with work, but i wasnt gonna let it get to me, and so i kept working as hard as i could. I think it all hit me, 2 weeks ago when i got a small break from assignments to get ready for exams and final projects. My body shut down and i got extremely sick, i felt like a cliche salary man from a slice of life anime. I was overworking, and not being satisfied with the work i was doing. So im going to fix that.

Starting January 2019, there will no longer be a $5 or $10 tier. Im still contemplating whether the $2 tier will remain as well. There are a couple major reasons im making this change, starting the new year

1. Im probably gonna have to look for a job(im only doing freelance, currently), to prepare for my following semester, which will be working in the field, meaning i will be spending an entire semester working an actuall job....yuck.

2. I love doing comics more than working on posters.

3. I need to learn how to regulate my work.

It boils down to getting more free time, i guess.


I´m still offering posters, but as commissions, that way i can decide on how many i will accept per month, and i also want to offer short comics as commissions as well.

I really enjoy doing the small comics, because sometimes i have so much stories and scenarios in mind, im surprised i havent gone insane. I also want to put out content i can actually be proud of. I want to improve on the poster packs i share every month, and yes, i still plan on making enough posters to be able to share poster packs. But i dont want to have the reward posters, hovering over my head, nudging at me, keeping me from doing short comics or distracting me from other responsibilities i have, like comic commissions, which by the way, is all on me for not knowing how to manage my time, only to deliver on some poorly made rewards.

The other day i saw an artist charging up to 50 bucks for a greyscale bust of 1 character, and i thought to myself "i should also do THAT".

By "that", i mean offering commissions instead of rewards, small poster packs, if you will, or 3 page comics like the one i shared earlier. offer the same reasonable prices like the ones from the tiers, because i honestly dont believe i should charge more than $15 for a sketch of a single character in greyscale, especially now that i dont work for any established firm or am an established artist, per say.

So, that´s what´s gonna happen in 2019, Aarokira will no longer offer reward posters on patreon, but will open up poster or comic commissions. Im still working on the prices and options that i will make available, but i can guarantee that i wont be charging over 15 bucks for a single color poster.

I understand if this will upset some followers in the higher tiers, because i only recently made changes to the reward system, but to me, the money is not important. I absolutely appreciate the $1 tiers because they have no reason to donate but they still do, and the higher tiers are no excpetion either, because ya´ll came to the conclusion that my art was good enough to pay extra for me to draw something for you. IT'S INSANE!

One last thing i wanted to make clear as to why i decided this change, is that patreon was the reason i was able to garner the amount of followers i have right now, but i have to admit that there is a dark cloud looming over my head, everytime i make a post, and while it might not bother some people, it does make me extremely weary of whatever i share or post on this platform.

To end this novel of a post, thank you for all the support, and i hope you all still come back to read the comics i draw. If you want to leave, however, no hard feelings either. and to those who stay and decide to still donate a single dollar, you will have my eternal gratitude, and as long as i can feed myself and live well, my art will remain free for everyone. December is the month of giving, and according to the internet, its also "Destroy Dick Decemeber", so i want to close out the year with the final Reward Poster Pack and a the usual monthly reward comic. Just wanted to let you all know with time, that changes will be made.

that is all for today. Happy sunday.




Your health and future employment is important, take care.


It's weird to say this directly to the guy what makes my favorite incestuous cartoon character sex comics, but please focus on your health, livelihood, and happiness more than drawing random stuff for weirdos. If anything the greater freedom to focus on longer stories will only bring more patrons who appreciate your work?


well this sucks I like seeing the ideas people come up with also you yourself have admitted to not liking to do famous cartoons and hell I think that is what brought alot of us around like your ASH and his mom comic. I will just say this that Its alot easier for people to justify smaller amounts like 2,5,10 then paying XX for a comic or poster.