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Sup guys! Im working on some pages right now but i thought of making a small post about some stuff i want to try.

So i post alot on tumblr, maybe once or twice per day, and i was thinking that i should do the same for our discord. now the number of members is small but whatever, why not right?

im gonna post some sneaks of the pages on the discord and then once i decide a big update is due, then i´ll post it on patreon.

Just as a small way to engage with you all since it seems that´s what you kids do nowadays (im 25, so old...) , and maybe it´ll be healthy for me to break out of my unsocial shell.... maybe.

anyway, check out our discord if you wanna message me or chat amongst yourselves, or if you wanna see me post random stuff on there too.

discord- https://discord.gg/K8MsmKN


tier 2 and 5 patreons, start sending in your poster requests so i can start scheduling for this months poster pack!!!!

EDIT: i dont know whats up with this janky link but if you right click and choose send to "link" or copy/paste it, it works. if you click it directly it doesnt. strange




that discord invite doesnt work, probably need to upload a nerw one as they do expire after a while


so i dont know what to make of this. If i click directly on the link it appears as expired eventhough the link is set to not expire, but if i copy/paste the link to the search bar it works. you can try that. I have no idea why its like that though


How I send poster request? Patreon's messages dont work.


Damn. Invite expired. RIP